It isn't weird to wet the bed as a legal adult, right?
It isn't weird to wet the bed as a legal adult, right?
It's cute and lewd, user! CUTE AND LEWD!
Depends. Are you an alcoholic?
Totally fine
The white capes are coming.
It means you should probably wear diapers to bed, user.
I legit shit myself all the time, I don't know why. I have to keep a spare pair of underwear pretty much wherever I go.
this and not in a sexual way, it seems to be the practical solution
My parents never potty trained me
did you potty train yourself?
what's the white capes?
If you're a girl that's fucking hot
if you're a guy you should kys
if you're a trap you should still kys
>if you're a guy you should kys
would you potty train a fembot, Jow Forums?
I think it's kinda cute actually.
>tfw incon
>Depends. Are you an alcoholic?
not OP, as an Alcoholic legal adult it has happened to me twice over the past 4 years and both of those days have literally been the closest to actually committing suicide, and once I have mentally decided to actually do it, I will
and the last time was less than a month ago
>not in a sexual way
but that's boring...
I dunno. I had a dream where I was peeing a week or two ago, I was half asleep. The warmth down there woke me up and I realized I'd wet the bet for the first time in several years. Finished my business in the toilet and changed sheets.
I'm almost fucking 20, is this bad?
Maybe you should wear a diaper to bed or not drink anything before sleeping.
Exact same situation happened to me user, first time I ever wet the bed since I was a child
Been about two years and hasnt happened again though
It's a more common problem than people know about. My 6'4 fit friend with a big dick takes pills every day so he doesn't wet the bed. Doesn't change how I think about him, just a medical problem, we will all be incontinent one day.
It you're a trap you should've kys long time ago, user
I used to have problems with that up until I was like 10 or 11
Maybe you should talk to a doctor or something
Not weird but not healthy.
Not if you're too drunk to control bodily functions
Must be hard to control his giant urethra. Piss streams must be very powerful