Why don't you donate blood user? Give me your reasons why you won't just give up a little blood for the greater good

Why don't you donate blood user? Give me your reasons why you won't just give up a little blood for the greater good.

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I always wanted to do good things but people just keep getting wrong impression off me; they keep reading me wrong and ..how can I do good if I don't like interacting with people anymore? maybe some of it is all in my head but it still makes it all so unpleasant.

I have diabetes type 1; no one wants my blood

Once I get AIDS sure. Id love to kill some normies.

I did it once and I fainted. My blood is the most common one apparently so I don't get priority appointments.


I smoke a shitton of weed every day.

Also I don't really like needles. I'm not scared of them, I just don't want one in me unless it's a matter of life and death.


I'd like to donate, but I lived in Europe in the '90s, so I may carry mad cow disease and/or its affiliate, raging moo syndrome.

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I am taking antipsychotics and I had sex with a guy 6 years ago

I cut myself all the time (not willingly I'm just really clumsy) so I fear giving my blood knowing it can carry a disease.
Also I do drugs

>insinuating that I partake in products manufactured from legumes of the Glycine genus

I use drugs so they won't let me

I dont want to spread leukemia. Been on chemo as long as i remember, im not a viable donor

> Basedboi detected
Says he who has 1488 in his post number

Because I don't want normieshits to benefit from me. Plus you don't get paid here so it's a waste of time and effort.

I get faint at seeing my own blood in a clinical setting. Nosebleeds that go fucking everywhere don't faze me at all though

Sorry to hear that, user. My brother was on chemo for leukemia years ago. I know it's rough.
I actually tried to sell blood before but they said that my heart rate was abnormally high. Th-that's normal, r-right?




i'm a fag and they don't allow it here otherwise i would.

i get common cold every 6 months, doctor prescribes medications
not allowed to donate blood if you were sick in the past 3 months, or 6 since the last medication you took

i head yesterday in the news the my country ran out of blood and must ask the EU for more
desu i'm not surprised we ran out with rules like these, like 98% of the population is bound to be sick like 2 a year

I have type +ab only like 5% of people could revive my blood, them being other +ab's, and we can revive blood of any type so it would be practically pointless.

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I am convinced that blood donating is fake for an international conspiracy of vampires who secretly run the world or have made a pact with world leaders or something.

I was born in the UK in 1990 so I'm not allowed to donate blood here in Australia because of Mad Cows disease or some shit

Yeah I always hear that. "Oh god I'm AB+ it's so rare so I gotta donate".

Just means your kind can receive ANY blood while only the rarest of rares can receive yours

>I was born in the UK in 1990 so I'm not allowed to donate blood here in Australia because of Mad Cows disease or some shit

Really??? That is interesting. I remember that if you were gay you could not donate blood because of HIV; they have changed that now.

I'm fucking terrified of needles man

I used to but since I heard they test your blood for thc I stopped. It was nice, gave 2 bags to people that had emergencies and some more to the banks. You get 25 euros in food stamps if you donate in my country, enough to fill your fridge for some time.

>its pointless to donate rare blood
no its a great thing to donate blood that only a select few can get because that select few may need a transfusion and have no one else but yours

>the virgin blood donor
>the chad plasma seller

I smoke hashish daily, so they wont take my blood.

I donated 4 times. 3 out of 4 times I almost fainted, and on the 4th time I felt like I was dying for the rest of the day and couldn't leave bed.
suffice to say I'm fucking scared to donate blood now. Guess not everybody endures loss of blood well.

I do. Have been for a while - 27 times now, about 12 litres already.

Doesn't plasma donation take like a fucking hour to do? I'd rather pop in and out in 10 min.

>Time is money/anime

why the fuck should i donate blood?
some roastie lying in a hospital bed dying and will only survive if i give her my blood? good, fucking die and rot in hell cunt
where the fuck were you when i needed you? did you ever donate pussy to me? no, so fuck off
normal fags will get not a drop of blood from me

You're probably the same pathetic failed normie I already cringed at a few weeks ago.
Donating your blood is a selfless act I don't think you can understand.
Also you can't know who is going to receive your blood products you cunt.

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I'm AB+ so almost no one needs my blood

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Why should i give anyone my blood? It's not like i'll benefit from it

Going to donate double red blood cells this Thursday
I'm A-, so they keep pestering me to donate
I fucking hate needles, though

You're a universal plasma donor, so you're actually quite useful

>The virgin O- Donor
>The chad AB+ Recipient

I agree with this post.
Why should i give people when they've never given me anything

I signed up to the NHS blood donation service. They sent me a letter in an envelope with my full name in capital letters on the outside.

I visited the hospital and requested that they change it from "MR FULLNAME LASTNAME" to "MR F. LASTNAME" for privacy reasons. I explained that it was unnecessary to put my full name on the outside of an envelope which the postman could see. They said their system had no way of doing that. I promptly unregistered as a blood donor.

If they cannot show me the most basic of courtesy then they do not deserve my blood.

Donating blood is actually good for you since your body has to make fresh blood and use that instead of the blood you have been carrying your whole life

1) I have hard to find veins. Like, I'm not sure why I'm not obese or anything but my veins just don't pop out properly. Thus the fucking """nurses""" sometimes need to stick me like 3-4 times. A fucking anesthesiologist needed to stick me twice when I needed surgery. Thus I dislike the idea, I can handle one needle prick but like 3-4 from a large gauge needle? Nah senpai.

2) It is unpleasant and painful. Why would I go through that sort of pain for no reward other than a pat in the back and a sticker? Like slip me a 5 dollar bill at least or something.

3) It's my fucking blood. I need that shit. I can barely function day to day, constantly tired. So I'm supposed to work 8 hours, workout, eat right, keep myself clean and presentable and keep my apartment and possessions clean and presentable and get a solid 8 hours of sleep? And you want me to do all that down a pint of the literal fluid that keeps me alive? Hard pass.

That's absolutely retarded. Blood cells die quickly and are constantly replaced. Blood is constantly filtered by the kidneys in order to eliminate toxins and wastes.

I have O- and too many white cells. Hospital once called me to donate and i did, but then they said they couldnt use it. Pretty sure someone died because they didnt find a donor.

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i'm an occasional drug user so i shouldn't.
kind of a shame desu, waste of perfectly good virgin blood

Don't they process the blood before transfusion in order to avoid that ? That's what I was taught.
But after all I was also taught proficiency was the most important thing in the workplace.

What do you even mean by "privacy" reasons? Are you hunted by the mafia faggot?

I wouldbt know. It was like urgent. Some patient was in icu and i was a close donor nearby and they called me.

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I was taught blood was centrifuged in order to separate plasma, red cells, platelets and white cells. White cells are removed and other blood products are kept in differents bags. You should try a "casual" blood donation, not some last resort bullshit.

They don't let faggots donate blood in the us.

I donate blood every 3 months, adds years to your lifespan

>literally calling yourself low IQ and overly emotional

because i don't feel like it.
i also read all the ''benefits'' of donating blood and i didn't found any. i prefer to waste my time somewhere else.
type o negative btw

imagine being wrong, the way he explained it was wrong but it does have medical benefits, lower risk of cancer, lower risk of diabetes and lower risk of heart attack

the link contains citations

>implying that's what the term means
you might be the low IQ one fren

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Do they take stoner blood?

I donate plasma twice a week to supplement my income, I literally can't donate blood.

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>imagine being this easily jewed

you're right it means nothing anymore since it was removed in the DSM V, but the distinction is sociopathic means low intelligence and overly emotional, more likely to lash out and with a lack of remorse or empathy, psychopath is the high IQ one and they have a lack of all emotions or at least a dampened emotional response, but edgy teenagers everywhere tell people they're sociopaths or psychopaths even though neither term exists medically anymore and if they were either they'd know the difference :^)

>tons of medical studies from different countries are all lying just to make people donate blood and it's the work of the jews
honestly when was the last time you left your basement or spoke to a girl

I'm not allowed even though I'm o negative because im a gayfag. Have to be abstinent 1 year of gay sex according to Canadian law.

>gays cannot give blood
UKs pretty based

Because I'm homosexual and homosexuals aren't allowed to donate blood.

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I had blood cancer so I nobody wants my blood. But I organize bone marrow donation drives to make up for it.


>believing jewish nonsense written by """therapists"""
you have a point but I don't live in a basement and I'm working on becoming an alpha male

no one pays you for it

I don't know my blood type. Can I still donate blood ?

Lmao retard read that post again

I've donated blood plenty of times. Now the Red Cross calls me 2x per fucking day, and if you answer the call they get very forcefull with you. If you block their number it is only a matter of time until they changed their spoofed number. Also they don't even do much as give t-shirts anymore.

Fuck you Red Cross. Life Share is infinitely better.

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>>believing jewish nonsense written by """therapists"""
so you don't believe in sociopathy or psychopathy or any mental illness then right mate, since all of those terms were made up by therapists
>you have a point but I don't live in a basement and I'm working on becoming an alpha male
how? unironically how are you working on becoming an alpha male?

Holy fucking shit. Blood is constantly filtered AND broken down by the kidneys you retarded faggot, how can you be unironically this fucking retarded?

you can refuse to give your number or opt out of donation calls

>Holy fucking shit. Blood is constantly filtered AND broken down by the kidneys you retarded faggot
when did I say it wasn't? can you even read I literally said he was wrong about that, fucking hell mate I wrote under one paragraph and you couldn't even make sense of it

I feel like shit every day and I've fainted from getting 20mL drawn. I'm pretty sure I'd actually die if I gave 350mL.

Red Cross better start paying if they want my plasma instead of the centers that pay.

>donate my blood
>person who receives my blood becomes a virgin as well

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>since your body has to make fresh blood and use that instead of the blood you have been carrying your whole life
>been carrying your whole life

Yeah if I could do it again I would have not given them my phone number but I did it when I was in HS 12 years ago. Since I'm not a nigger I don't get a new number every month. I'll try to ask them to quit calling me again next time they call.

I never said that and literally said that was wrong
>being an adult who can't read

>I never said that and literally said that was wrong
The fuck is wrong with your brain?


just goes to show no good deed goes unpunished

>so you don't believe in sociopathy or psychopathy or any mental illness then right mate, since all of those terms were made up by therapists

I just believe in being a sick kunt brah

>how? unironically how are you working on becoming an alpha male?

working out, getting my degree, unswallow the blackpill and become a normalfag (but I'll never trust """psychiatrists""" no matter what)

They don't pay because of trash tier IV junkies.

You don't have to know your blood type, they check it for you

Donate ma nigga

Theyre not from the same posters you fucking retard

Yeah i see now, fuck

Then I will never donate my AB+ plasma to them when I can "donate" to companies that will pay me even if it is a paltry sum.

>working out, getting my degree, unswallow the blackpill and become a normalfag (but I'll never trust """psychiatrists""" no matter what)
ok lad if this isn't bait I'm literally schizophrenic and managed to become a normie like a proper normie (had terrible social skills as well school referred me for autism testing several times) if you actually want to be a normie you will have to believe psychiatrists, though don't take meds for mental issues in 99% of cases they're unneeded

because people should pay me if they expect my services

that wasn't me but you've realized that don't worry about it mate happens to me all the time

here in my country they don't pay it for your blood. i won't give it for free.
also, the health benefits isn't enough.

>about 20 minutes of your time every month
>extends your lifespan by years

Pretty sure the Red Cross isn't in the plasma business you poor boy. Just keep going down town to your nearest CSL where you need to avoid the monkeys in the middle of the street.

if you didn't take their drugs then what good did they do to ya? literally the only thing they do is prescribe drugs

no, stop talking about things you know nothing about, they're more than willing to talk about natural treatments and they are literally more qualified than me and than you, you'll never improve if you can't accept people are better than you mate

>extends your lifespan by years
why would i want to live longer?

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because if you actually put effort in you'd start enjoying life, you're only not enjoying it because you're unwilling to try to fix your problems

>if you actually put effort in
kek i would really like to see the effort that people who say this put into their lives. see how hard it really is for them.