Why are guys so obsessed with kids...

Why are guys so obsessed with kids? I just want a straight laced breadwinner bf that likes sex but doesn't wanna knock me up.

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That works for me, let's elope.

I like kids but for the wrong reasons desu :)

Only larping, I just like lolis lol.

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I dont want kids either, giving someone 18 yrs of my time & spending money on him doesnt sound fun

>breadwinner bf
>doesn't wanna knock me up

"I want to receive sex and food but provide literally nothing"

Well, I want to win bread for a pretty lady who I get to impregnate.


>Only larping
Lame. Pedo bf who will describe how he will fuck cute little ones when

tfw breeders. tfw not antinatalist

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If you don't breed nonwhites win, you dumb, useless whore

>Why are guys so obsessed with kids
Well for me it's mostly because my race is slowly dying out and I don't want to aid that.

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Getting sex is still a great deal, assuming the woman is attractive.

The weak should perish.

She's not, in this case.

Funny how nobody who believes that ever believes that they could possibly be the weak.

If someone stronger than you came along and whooped your ass, you'd probably abandon that "le survival of le fittest XD" horseshit in a nanosecond and start begging for mercy.

>just want a straight laced breadwinner bf that likes sex but doesn't wanna knock me up
most of my life i would have jumped at this. its what i looked for. now that age is creeping up on me, im starting to seriously want to make a family. having said that, if you made me choose between a qt who let me rail her every day for the rest of my life, and a qt who gave me kids then stole those kids away from me, i would choose the girl who stayed. i would rather have the companionship but i would try really hard to knock her up

unless youre OP, how would you know?

Everyone is as weak as the other. The continued breeding of the human race has already created massive problems that are entirely unsolvable without the killing of a mass of people.

Think about literally every environmental issue. Every single one of those would be helped by cutting down the population. Fact of the matter is; having kids in this day and age is irresponsible, absurdly costly, and you're only making our extinction come faster.

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If I had a cute wife I'd like to knock her up at least 3 times. if you don't provide me with kids you're just a fucking freeloader.

Thanks for your input Jamal.

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I already know what OP looks like just by seeing her post an anime reaction image in a pointless attempt at baiting male attention, and it's not feminine beauty. If you want to know how I came to that conclusion, I am not in the mood to help you, since there's already a simple logic thread. Maybe another user can help you figure this puzzle out?

its a fair assumption that shes not a perfect 10. but really, if shes trying to accomplish what the OP says and not spit out any kids, then she needs to be hawt

Fuck the environment, fuck society, and most of all fuck your high morals. I want kids so my kids can kill you and your family once I'm old and senile. Nothing pulls harder than blood.

You know the only people who can see and even contemplate following that advice are Asians and whites who are already in population decline right? You know who doesn't see that advice? Pajeet and Bontutu shitting out their 8th kid into the slums of India and Nigeria.

Antinatalism is the ideology of the comfortable and the sheltered. You build nothing, you destroy what took millennia to create. Fucking neck yourself, no one's going to miss some angsty teen or failed neckbeard who considers themselves enlightened while doing fuck all.

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>Antinatalism is the ideology of the comfortable and the sheltered
>You build nothing, you destroy what took millennia to create
So being poor and overpopulating = contributing to society? Just because something took a long time to build, doesn't mean it's good or useful. I'm going to go ahead and assume you'd be okay with killing off about half the population of asia/asiaminor in order to save the planet yeah?
inb4 your argument makes no sense
I'm not good at stringing points together.

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yeah, have fun wiping your kid's ass and burning the planet to death user.

You will never get to be old and senile, because your kids will use up all the food and resources, starting significant wars and eventually leading to a global collapse, in which you will most probably die.

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This is how the majority of blacks and muslims feel and why you're being bred out of existance.

t.guy who's never had sex

yeah, but are you hot?

>So being poor and overpopulating = contributing to society?
As I stated, your issue is with Sub Saharan Africa and Central Asia, not developed countries.

>Just because something took a long time to build, doesn't mean it's good or useful.
I don't know dude, modern medicine, abundant food, modern transport, and the fucking computer you're using right now are all pretty goddamn cool.

>I'm going to go ahead and assume you'd be okay with killing off about half the population of asia/asiaminor in order to save the planet yeah?
No, I'm not cool with genocide under any circumstances because I'm not a goddamn sociopath. The universe is huge, why spend time and resources killing people that could be spent instead building up off world colonies and orbital infrastructure?

I'm the oldest of 5, I come from a large Catholic family and have had to take care of many little kids. They can be tough at times but if you actually spent time around children you'd know what joy they can offer.

A new life, new insights, a unique personality. Certainly preferable than some bitter fucking loser who failed at life and feels it's utterly pointless for everyone just because he can't get his own shit together.

Fix yourself before you start prescribing ways to fix the world.

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I love how you assumed I'm a stormtard

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What that dude said is exactly what whites should be doing. Not talking about how great it is to live in a dying society being overrun by double digit muds on a Vietnamese basketweaving forum.

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What? All I'm telling you is that whites are getting bred out even if some robots can impregenate a woman. America has always been a nonwhite shithole and Europe is catching up.
Should but won't. Hence why you're putting on Jow Forums instead of breeding. The white race just has too much stuff they'd rather do than be responsible and raise children.

>The continued breeding of the human race has already created massive problems that are entirely unsolvable without the killing of a mass of people.

So would you volunteer yourself to be sacrificed for "the greater good"?

>Implying I can't post on the Chans and be sexually active
I literally come on Jow Forums specifically to do one of two things. Help robots who want to be helped, and mock the ones beyond saving.

You're right, it's probably a lost cause for nation states, but that shouldn't be the goal. All we have to do is preserve enough of our kind to reach a point where genetic mapping becomes a true reality. When designer babies are an option all of this shit becomes irrelevant. Robotics are rapidly rendering the imported slave classes from the third world irrelevant.

Gotta be able to think about these things truly long term user.

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>be sexually active
So? You're not breeding. While primitive brown men keep knocking up women without thinking about the long term, your govt will take care of the spawns.

Yes, very easily, I actually have very little care for my life and am able to keep in perspective that I don't matter in any capacity. Though the human race is still a speck in the constant of the universe I am a speck in the speck and if I could ensure the survival of our planet and our race by doing something as insignificant as dying, then I see no way in which I can loose.
>inb4 why haven't you necked yourself then?
I have a few times, and used to fervently want to, but I'm beginning to think that if I necked myself now I would cause no impact because I would be one person attempting to perform a task that requires billions of people being willing and able.

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You're thinking idealistic, by the time it goes extinct no one will remember your noble contributions. It's better to increase your direct profit by taking care of yourself.

Its the male ego nothing more. They think as long as they have passed on their genes that there was meaning in their existence.

I dont really want kids because I'm scared of bringing someone else into the world and failing them. It actually pisses me off how welfare rats and lazy sacks of shit think nothing of having a kids, to not be able to provide the best for them, to be able to raise them right.
I could have kids but I dont really want them. I'd rather have a nice relationship.
But I'm not sexually active and I'm practically friendless (they all moved away) so this is just me getting anxious about something that won't happen anyways. Women dont want me. You dont want me either. I'm not chad.

>not wanting to fulfill your genetic and biological destiny of having children
>not wanting to feel a hot load fill up your womb
It's like you are not even a woman

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^^ this oregona

The only purpose of sex is to have children. If you have no desire to have children at some point, your sexual orientation is as twisted as homosexuality is

I would be glad to be with a girl like that.

But chances are
A: You will be going apeshit about breeding yourself, once your biology starts ticking and you see your all bff starting to post pics of their crotchspawn
B: you may only ask for bread now, but once you get bored with good things the demands for caviar will come instead

Exactly. When we don't need sex to make babies, we will eventually lose the desire to have sex or even be in an intimate relationship alltogether, because the only purpose of those is to make babies

Stop calling r9k weirdos "guys". They're only male by technicality.

why would i ever have a gf if i wasn't planning to have kids? I'd just fuck sexy hookers and keep fwb and keep my time to myself if I wasn't committed to the idea of raising a family.

The sex drive is the reproductive drive, the two things are inexorably intertwined. You can rationalize as to why kids would be a bad idea but you can't do away with the urge.

The word you are missing is 'White'

are you young? if youre young and healthy, we wanna knock ya up.

when you get old its a complete turn.

exactly this. OP is a piece of shit. guys are happy to have casual sex. What OP wants is to be able to live off a guy, mooch off of him, be a lazy piece of shit that does nothing and expects a guy to provide her every need. I mean, who wouldn't want that? Wow, imagine if the tables were reversed? Imagine if it were normal for you to move in with a good looking woman and sit at home and play vidya all day while she's at work. Then she comes home and gives you pussy, you have dinner, and she goes to bed early for work and you stay up and play more vidya.

You're argument is retarded. What about the value of the woman herself? Sex, companionship, house work, potentially some income support for the guy ( as long as the guys making significantly more why not).

She doesn't need to be your fucking baby factory, crippling herself for a year and the putting herself onto a 18+ year commitment just to satisfy your stupid primal urges. We have more than enough humans.

same OP
i never really liked kids, not even when i was one myself ironically enough. but if people want them or like them i then i have no problem with that. i laugh at people who get overly offended when they see others choosing no kids tho

you fucking snow apes are delusional

You're an idiot. What about the value of the woman herself you chimp? Sex, companionship, house work, potentially some income support for the guy ( as long as the guys making significantly more why not).

She doesn't need to be your fucking baby factory, crippling herself for a year and the putting herself onto a 18+ year commitment just to satisfy your stupid urge to pass on your likely inferior genes. We have more than enough humans. Only the top specimens should be reproducing at this point.

I want to live on a homestead
But turns out most guys into that want kids as well.

because I can get all of those things without a live-in girlfriend. If I'm going to marry someone it's going to be someone who actually wants to build a future with me, and that means having a family.

You must be a boomer. Only boomers think a childless future is a possibility. Growing old and watching your family die and watching your friends die and having no family of your own is a fucking nightmare scenario. Fuck off, boomer.

why/how did you delete and reword your post?

You're pathetic. Unless you win the genetic lottery you shouldn't feel entitled to be able to pass on your genes. End of story.

So why do you even exist then? Are you just a wet hole?

shes a mooch then. all those things are great, but having extra money Trumps them.

well I already did pass on my genes, and the second passing of them is on her way. Stay mad, faggot.

And they will both be subhuman you selfish retard. Great job bringing mediocrity into the world.

Doesn't matter, the future belongs to those who show up. You sure seem to care a whole lot about this for being a nihilist antinatalist. Just kill yourself, nothing matters, why are you even posting or caring? Or maybe you do care a whole lot

Go take care of your ugly kids grandpa. Maybe your daughter will make up for your mistakes and get some chad dna

mediocrity, eh? By who's standards, yours? And what makes you a pillar of human excellence? You know nothing about me

who are you even replying to? That wasn't me, the guy with the daughter on the way. Do you even understand how Jow Forums works? Wew, lad

riddle me this Jow Forums, why do you keep on giving shit towards women who don't want kids, when you can support those who actually do? they're aren't that many women who don't want kids as what you claim anyway, and you do yourself and the world a favor by helping out your pregnant sister or gf or acquaintance or whatever instead of wasting time being all negative towards people you hate


I know this is a bait thread, but I'm an antinatalist. I wouldn't want to marry simply because women have no value beyond sex. I could simply hire hookers and use onaholes if I wanted. I never had any "deep connection" or had a "deep discussion" about life and society with a female. Almost all childfree women care about is traveling to 3rd world countries and showing off their status to others. They post it on social media to brag about it to their friends and family to show how "cultured" they are for traveling and "unique" for living a childfree life.

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that is a terrible investment. that is like buying a stock at the top and watching it go to shit over the years. no thanks.

exactly. Women are a bore when not sitting on my dick.

OR, we could just want to be a father and have children, you fucking moron.

You're a fucking cuck if you're a male, and a moron if you're a female.

>What about the value of the woman herself
She doesn't have any, you just put up with her bullshit to have access to her holes. They are by nature resource extracting vampires so you should never look for anything in a woman besides her sexual value.

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Why does the guy have to be making significantly more if they aren't having children? The point of males being the breadwinner is because the female needs to take time out to raise offspring. If she's not doing that, there is no point for the guy to make more or take care of her. They should just be equals or she should make more.
your whole thing about 'inferior genes' also shows you have no understanding of how it works.

>She doesn't need to be your fucking baby factory,
Yeah she does, if not she can find someone else to pay for her shit.

>Only the top specimens should be reproducing at this point.

Yea well they're not. The top specimens are dying out while the third world inherits the Earth. The future of humanity NEEDS white children or we'll die on this planet.

bingo origami

(why the fuck is Jow Forums such a fucking cunt?? wow. Why the fuck would saying "bingo" be not allowed? hurr because it isn't original... so?? WTF this fucking site is cancer

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Fuck off degenerate whore. It's a sin to use God's gift of sexuality for any other reason than to make babies. Hope you enjoy hell.

Hi newfaggot. Please be sure to go back to that place called reddit asap.

That would be me. Want to be my gf?

funny, I've been using reddit for a year now. I finally decided to check it out after hearing everyone complain about it here for the last 10 years. Yeah, I've been here for 10 years and the muting bullshit has gotten 100000x worse lately.

No one cares, faggot, go be a retard that doesn't know how the robot works on Facebook or reddit or Instagram.

Could pay a hooker
A dog would be a better option
>House work
Expecting a woman to even clean after herself is sexist.
>Income support
Her money is for getting her lattes and other dumb things, not for you.

nah, I like triggering autistic faggots like you, and you're here. Stay mad

>reply an hour later
>"I was just pretending to be retarded"
you got wrecked, redditor

>reply an hour later

is this supposed to make me look bad? The fact that I'm doing something and not giving you all of my attention? Wow, you must be a woman.