I used to think I was decent looking but then I saw myself from the side

I used to think I was decent looking but then I saw myself from the side

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This is a normal profile user, obviously not perfection but really not something to worry about especially after seeings a few slugs

its a stock image you mouthbreather retard

I know but if ops profile is similar to the pic it's not really that bad

>if you simply had had a normal chin you would have had a gf
how do you lads deal with losing the genetic lottery?

Well it's worse 2bh. More like this

Attached: IMG_20180517_162746.jpg (212x279, 18K)

Now imagine what you look like from the back, from the top down or other angles in which people will see you from every day, yeah...

When you think if someone, anyone, do you think only of their profile

I guess I only remember specifically their face and front on profile, but you are most unflattering and unattractive at angles you tend to neglect or ignore or not even think of. Like if you turn away mid conversation or something.

The back is pretty bad. My hair looks like a weird shape clinging to my head. From above is not too bad because it hides my lack of chin. I take videos of myself every day

That looks fine, try having a bent down nose though

Do what I do OP, it requires conscious effort but after a few months you start to get used to it. Always make sure your front teeth and bottom teeth are touching when you're not doing anything with your mouth. If they aren't, correct it. Repeat until it becomes second nature, you will slowly self correct and develop a squarer jaw.

No it's not, you're normalizing an overbite.

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Hahahaha same thing happened to me
Had taken some frontal pictures. Some of them turned out rather nice. Tried a side picture it was fucking hideous.

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You really need to stop complaining some have it far worse

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i know that feel user. i hate how big my belly is. im not grotesque but i wish my gut was smaller.

I didn't realise how forward I have my head while walking or sitting, or how slouched and oddly I used to walk until someone pointed it out to me, and made me really self conscious about walking posture.

I do something like that but it's more like pushing my lower jaw out. Also always done the tongue in roof of mouth thing since I was a kid but somehow developed a shitty profile anyway

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Yeah, I only really became cognoscente of it like two years ago. Doing this helps, but long term it's ideal to get either an in mouth aligner or that jaw surgery.

Thats not an overbite you fucking idiot

>whaaa I don't have a Chad profile
Fuck you some have it 10 times worse

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I am fugly, I am really disgusted of myself.
Just lost the genetic lottery.
I don't have either obvious facial features of my mother and father for some reason.

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I don't check women out on the street anymore, all I do is secretly look at other guy's chins

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>some have it far worse xD stop complaining

Good talk dumbass, come again.

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nigga looks like hes sobbing kek

a friend of mine actually looks like this...
he is albanian

I look 1000 times better from the side. I have a strong jaw and high test neanderthal brow ridge but my face is all sorts of fucked up.

Anyone else look better in the mirror as opposed to a camera shot of them?
Why is this?

Mere exposure effect, cameras have lens distortion, different lighting

So the mirror is more accurate correct?

In most ways yeah, since a photo is a still 2D image, they can often look nothing like how you actually look irl. A mirror is a more accurate overall impression, but mirrored

Eyes have bigger field of view and 3D depth, a camera doesn't have that

Most cameras also make your face look elongated and distorted and different from what it looks like to an eye