Ask a girl anything

Please do as the subject says.

For some background:
>I'm Middle Eastern (Dark skinned and all that)
>All my ancestors were academics from both sides
>My IQ is 145 as confirmed by an actual test
>Although it's a subjective matter I'm actually very attractive
>I'm not socially retarded at all, I can easily handle social situations but I choose not to get involved with people at all, here's why: 1. Having friends always seemed like a tedious affair and 2. I don't want to deal with people for them to feel like I owe them any sexual benefits

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Tits or gtfo

What do you think of European men who like brown women?

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Considering that we live in the current year, I don't find it as disturbing as the internet does, in the age of fast technology and countries no longer being exclusively inhabited by their own race it's only natural that people of different ethnicities start mixing up.

>46531722 (You)
What's it like to be exceptionally gifted and still come to this cesspit to be an underage attention seeker.

I don't see why not, I've got some free time and I'm bored. Also I'm not underage.

You know the rules, tits and timestamp or get out.

How many languages can you speak or understand?

Are you a NEET? Student? Work?

prove you're attractive

we will be the judges, not you

What do you think about bisexual? Would you ever date one?

>Ask a girl anything
>I'm actually very attractive

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I can speak 3 languages (Arabic, German and English) and I study Chinese because that's our future.
I'm going to be a student soon.
/soc/ already rated me as a genuine 9/10

Without friends to verify you, how can you be sure you are very attractive?

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link thread or lie

ebic bait im copying the style a month from now

can you link the /soc/ thread? (If it's still up)

>smelly shitskin moor

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What are you doing with your life and why are you here?

do you by any chance resemble a fat big worm?

inb4 bait

It's been like a month since then.
I'm going to study biochemistry in the university soon, I'm here because it's low-cost low-effort socializing and time passing.

do you like video games and/or anime??

Are you thicc and with big tits? Do you have a bf?

archives exist you know. you cant tease like this and not show your face

neckbeard until proven otherwise

just post a picture of your face at least for fuck sake

would you ride this BWC?

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it's not that big you know

I play some comfy video games occasionally (Stardew Valley is my favorite) but I don't let it take over too much of my time.
I'm pretty slim in general, don't have a boyfriend though.
I can post a picture on soc if you want.

yes please


Here you go, then.

user-kun, here's a tip. Maybe if you weren't such a based brainlet you'd have friends and a Gf.

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Do you ever get the urge to go out and get fucked by random guys in an alley or something despite having no formal social connections

thank you


learn to greentext you cunt


You probably actually are, but just the way you speak has some air of superiority around it. Loosen up a bit and you might relate more to people.

soc always rates females higher because they're all desperate and I see they did it with you

I'm fapping to this, sorry.

Couldn't have said it better myself user-kun.

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Why were you asking?
I know, I'm a major narcissist and I have a huge god complex
Too much info

you could help me out by posting your tits

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


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nothing is funnier than this user topkek!!! lmfaooooo

Lmfao user. This has topped my keks

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>not that big

kys retard

Pfff 9/10, you're barely average where I'm from. Americans need to up their standards Jesus fucking Christ

maybe you have big hands

pfff 7/10 maybe, but I bet it's less without the slutty clothes and FGAS, post a straight picture of your face.
Camera phones have timers you know, and this is 2018, your phone isn't that low quality, like your bait is, drop the filter.

no uggo, qt3.14 yeah sure

but 9/10? nahhhh

hiding face partially, no special outstanding features, pretty average girl-next-door type

7/10 depending on the taste of the person rating you it may be higher or lower



go jerk off to her

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Always rich to discard arguments by calling people samefags. Believe what you want faggot, she's not really attractive, what do you think why she comes here.

Huebsch, wo hast du deutsch gelernt?

no, hivemind faggot

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Actually born in Germany that's how

Ofcourse you were you bitch. Your kind will be swept out swiftly once the teuton blood stirs again.
Get fucked

I'm not dismissing anything idiot

Then what exactly were you doing you waste of space? Perhaps it's time to stop posting if you lack even that purpose. Maybe it's time to start necking yourself

I am very sorry for the rude behavior of my brethrens. They are a roudy bunch, but their heart is in the right place. May I invite you for a stimulating beheverage, my lady?

>tfw no biochem gf partner to investigate cool stuff in our personal lab and fuck while we wait for the autoclave to finish

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haven't you learned anything from SMT and GMT?!?!?
just had a fucking exam on lab shit and now all i think of is stupid cells

Tits or gtfo. Also, why the fuck are you even here? You're a literal stacy norm

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and you aren't? fucking pathetic

Do you have discord or an email? Would like to chat with you more outside of r9k if possible.

>and you aren't?
>implying I am a woman or a norm
Good orbiter, defend your queen!

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thanks love

Oh come on, we both know Mid Eastern girls do not do white guys. You culture won't allow it even if, and that a big IF, you wanted to.

Mean IQ has been shifting up since the dawn of time, it's more useful as an indicator of child (but not infant, these are typically corrected based off of the respective scales, generally Stafford-Binet) "intelligence" since it only measures the most basic of pattern recognition. It hasn't been revised since 2003.

I am skeptical about people who think they are so smart and haven't even started working a respectable career yet; it feels as though without those tangible achievements they parade around their "IQ" and their family's achievements as if they hold merit to themselves. In the academia (where I work) and in industry aforementioned factors are meaningless, though nepotism certainly exists still.

>p l e a s e b e i n p r a g u e

>stupid cells
cells are amazing fuck you, much better than boring chemicals

>pushing your 3dpd shit here

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that's a nice cock my dude
would suck
no homo

sure, but when youve poured agar plate after agar plate it gets kinda tedious. also im now pavloved that agar smell means food ??
i mean i like my study, but its the end of the year and im just glad its almost over.

You should totally post your discord qt. OwOrigibal

Excuse me, could you please post your discord qt? I will sing you a song!
Maybe I'm Amazed at the way you love me all the time!
Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you
Maybe I'm Amazed at the way you pulled me out of time
And hung me on the line
Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

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>it gets kinda tedious
eveything gets tedious eventually, at least making agar plates is easy as fuck, the smell sucks yeah but you get used to it

yeah as i said i now get hungry of the smell of agar. im probably just pissed off because i want the year to be over

>actually believes that IQ means anything at all

Let me guess you live in Dearborn

Post Discords I'll add you

How much sex do you have. That's the only question we actually care about here.

ah there it is
and no one is surprised

Because my girlfriend por favor. What do I need to do to make that happen?

It says here you're a jewish slav who's been in the army. Also you speak hebrew. Care to explain yourself?

what's a good way of handling object vector functions in a way that i can pass vectors of individual elements of the objects to them during runtime without accidentally fucking the values up? for reference: yes, i am dumb as shit

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Not posting my discord here but my email is [email protected], Ill send you my discord there