Women don't like memes

"I see meme as lazy humor, so if you like meme, probably I don't find you funny"

now what, robots?

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If you haven't gone MGTOW yet, you are legitimately fucking retarded.

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>posts single woman's opinion

What's actually the point of okcupid? Get daily matches, but as soon as i chat with the matching girls, no responds...

Pic literally me.

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Originally of origins, where the fuck do you think you originally are?

I find it the easiest way to get pussy, desu. I don't like online dating and prefer to meet girls out in the real world, like in the gym or rock climbing or at the park, but sometimes I'm horny and just want a fuck. I have more success on OKC than anywhere else, including Tinder. Just my experience, idk why.

she has a point though. If you use memes you're unoriginal and just repeating the same tired joke.

>roastieroo originally detected

Who cares what this granny thinks?

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she's right, i hate memes too