How do I find inner peace?

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You realise life is suffering

Cut yourself open and look inside yourself

Meditate. Do a hobby. Find a lover. Learn to be thankful for what you have and not spiteful for what you lack.

Meditate or pray. Different for everyone tho for me i get inner peace by going to church and reading the bible. I also get it by meditating

>Find a lover.

This is the ONE thing, the hardest thing, because it's not guaranteed by hard work and willpower.

If you diet carefully, you will lose weight.
If you lift heavy, you will get big.
If you work on a hobby, you will get better at it.
If you meditate, you will find some measure of peace.

But no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you better yourself, you cannot force someone to love you.

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same with your height you fucking manlet

lower standards
find happiness in small things (your cock for example)

easy to find love

Also true

>haha standards!

Yeah mate, that's not it. Women are the ones with absurd standards. I don't think men really ask for much.

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Fucking roasted

Classic nice guy cuck

You realise all you can do is your best and you are grateful for what you Have, once you do this your vibe will increase and you will start attracting people and good things into your life you a good person op with a lot of potential

well he might be an ugly cunt

Phenibut, sun and being with people you love.
Then 3 days later feel slightly depressed and the day after you go again for inner peace.

>nice guy cuck

Not really an argument. In fact, the whole "lower standards" thing is basically you suggesting that shit women should be worshipped. It's total horse shit.

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Isn't that what we all want user? I find that when I'm with other people (friends, family, coworkers, even strangers) I'm at my most chad level, I can hold a discussion, laugh, make people laugh, make them feel things. When I'm alone, I feel like a complete failure, I curse myself for things I remember that hurt, etc. So, in effect, I pose the biggest danger to myself and, therefore, I try to keep myself busy.
>Lift, workout every day
>Read a lot
>Pick some friend to hangout with
>Write a lot, because I love writing (poetry, texts, journals, a small novel, etc)
>Even try to get in contact with some people that can help me get some money out of my hobby
Anything to not think of my failures.

This user feels similar to me. I feel there getting a lover is all about luck. However, when I see my best friend nailing one of the hottest girls I've ever laid eyes on, and he's a complete S O Y B O I (nintendo shit all over his place), I feel like I've missed something, and get even angrier at myself. I've had my share of relationships and ONS, but I still think about the one I had and lost. No other girl I met since has matched her.

>I've had my share of relationships and ONS, but I still think about the one I had and lost.

Same, but to me it just seems like people don't want anything serious these days. It's always a ONS or a "fling" for the summer, or whatever other bullshit like that.

I'm just not interested.

I'm going to keep working on myself and send my prayers to the Lord. Maybe He can help me.

he is suggesting that all woman have high standards only because they don't like him

That's not really how I took it, I thought it was about entitlement caused by things like social media. Could be wrong, desu.

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learn why you hate yourself

We're all going to make it, eventually. Even if I'm not getting a long-term relationship, I have more than enough money to bang prostitutes until my dick is raw and ripped off from all the STDs I can contact. Sex isn't a problem, a fulfilling relationship that's non-existent is.

That's the most insecure way of going about the "significant other" issue.

>We're all going to make it, eventually.

Life is complicated, but that is certainly my belief, too. God bless & good luck.

Holy shit, two dubs in a row.

God bless user

You deserve no sympathy.

you put your head down in your craft and stop looking for it dumbass

Wasn't looking for it, just trying to commiserate.

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>a fulfilling relationship

man, that void which crumbles my chest day to day, gives the rage to work myself tougher to hold on for a little while
I miss the touch of a loving person

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have faith user. we're all gonna make it

I'm trying. I say my prayers, get a good night's rest, and do it all again.

We're all going to make it.

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You will not find inner-peace on the internet

How'd you expect to be happy in a relationship if you yourself can't be happy alone? Noone is attracted to misery or wrath. Keep working, don't let wrath or rage manifest. Those are weak emotions.

Very much this. Get some sun.

Commiserate what? Your """problem""" is entirely caused by you.


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>guiz feel sorry for meee

You could literally take your neetbucks to Brazil and buy a 14 yo braphog. Instead you cry to your internet "friends".

Just go back to Jow Forums

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It isn't magically found, it's cultivated. Inner peace has its roots in acceptance. Accept the things you can't change and evaluate the things you can--just because you can change something doesn't mean you have to. Focus yourself inwards and find the things that mean the most to you.
Try not to buy into the idea of happiness, because happiness is fleeting (this is why so much of advertising leans on the idea of happiness being found in a product; the feeling fades and leaves you wanting more). Instead, try to buy into contentment. Find ways to feel good about what you have, and stop focusing on what you don't. Try not to compare yourself to the world around you (again, this is what media thrives on, after all if you're not keeping up with the Joneses, it generally means you're spending less, and that's a no-no), if you have to compare yourself, compare to the you of yesterday/week/year.

Aim for progression, not perfection. A lot of the world is designed around instant gratification and it can be really easy to feel like a failure because things aren't happening fast enough for you. It's okay to slow down.
Live in the moment. Try to forgive your past, don't let it hang like a cloud over your present, and try not to live in future moments of success--very rarely do things feel the same way in real life than they do in your head. Meditate if you can, it can help you find a way to organize the busy worries or thoughts that pull you into the past or future.

>you can buy hookers it's the same as love lol

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who said anything about buying a hooker?


Not OP but you should consider necking yourself edgemeister. He might be a whiney little bitch but atleast he isn't wasting his life away talking smack to strangers on a vietnamese artwork board

Only with age and cultivating your spirit. Pick a book.

>He quiets the problems isntead of adressing them and / or bringing them before his God
You seem like you do both pray and meditate, tell me, what is meditations scope exactly? When I tried it it always felt like a waste of time and I became impatient.

>wasting life

Nigger, I own multiple properties and have a relatively stable future. And both you and OP can't even get your dicks wet.

Literally force yourself to think positive.

Happiness is a journey, not an end goal.


good post m8

Read ecclesiastes also known as kohelet. Listen to Pink Floyd.

Realize that life is like a music, it's not about waiting it to flow and end, but to enjoy it while is playing.

live in the future, find anxiety
live in the past, find regret
live in the present, find peace

take a breath and enjoy that air bro (inb4 brap), imagine you're steppin out of prison for the first time in decades

Kys faglord

Aww, sorry. Did I disturb your pity-party?

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People see happiness as some sort of a reward for facing life difficulties and overcoming them, as if life's problems ever end, but true happiness tends to come and go, it's a series of moments experienced throughout the life, not a lasting state of an undefined lenght. People say "my 30 years with my wife were happy", but what they really mean is they had lots of moments of happiness, even though the vast majority of their lifes was a more or less satysfying daily routine and periods of despair they'd like to forget.

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Inner peace is a meme. Everything comes back to fucking sluts.

Inner peace is dif for dif people i guess

Nice larp user. Now if you got nothing helpful to say then you can go back to some other thread about knitting

Meditation will help you learn to be more patient. You became impatient because you expected some reward or outcome. It's not about that. It's simply about taking the time to relax the mind, concentrate on the breathe, feel the body and environment, and allow your thoughts to float by like clouds. You cant touch clouds, and similarly you aren't meant to give attention to thoughts during meditation. It's a practice of letting them go and allowing yourself to be still and calm and clear minded. There is no truly tangible goal or reward but it is common to feel more at ease and peaceful when meditating on a daily basis and incorporating the ideals of meditation to the rest of your day to day life.
There's alot of science behind meditation benefits to both brain and body but I'm on mobile so I can't drag them out at the moment. I recommend downloading the app Headspace and doing their free 10 day guided sessions. It teaches you what meditation is and dissuades the illusions that people commonly have about it. I did this and it's what really got me interested in the practice.

Meditate 20 min a day, read books about Eastern spirituality and do what they tell you to.

>you own a home and some rental properties. You must be parking

I've already given op an easy solution since he believes that penetrating a vagina is the only thing in life holding him back.

Not even remotely close to the topic being discussed.

Are you still here? My my.

My GF works a steady job. I work when I reno or when I'm scoping out a place. The rest of that time is spent working out and shitposting

Tisk tisk.

Man, you do NOT know what you're missing if you're not meditating. It has proven mental health benefits, and I can attest to its efficacy:

Standardised Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Healthcare: An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of RCTs
>Results: Compared to wait list control and compared to treatment as usual, MBSR and MBCT significantly improved depressive symptoms, anxiety, stress, quality of life, and physical functioning.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction for healthy individuals: A meta-analysis.
>RESULTS: Results suggested large effects on stress, moderate effects on anxiety, depression, distress, and quality of life, and small effects on burnout.
Critical analysis of the efficacy of meditation therapies for acute and subacute phase treatment of depressive disorders: a systematic review.
>Results: Studies including patients having acute major depressive episodes (n = 10 studies), and those with residual subacute clinical symptoms despite initial treatment (n = 8), demonstrated moderate to large reductions in depression symptoms within the group, and relative to control groups.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as a Stress Management Intervention for Healthy Individuals
>Results: Of these reviewed studies, all interventions were able to find some positive effects in psychological or physiological outcome measures related to stress.

You don't.

Walk a long distance on the country side.
The less cars/people the better, don't bring a phone or any music. Only essentials.

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>But no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you better yourself, you cannot force someone to love you.
Once you accept this truth, you may find what you're looking for, user.

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Find something to strive towards.

That's it. What you lack is a goal, a drive. Something to push you, something to keep you awake at night and something to wake up early in the morning.

What you need, is a purpose.

It begins with the knowledge that you and the "outside world" are one in the same. You were not born into this world, you are this world experiencing itself. True peace can only be achieved through great struggle and sacrifice.

>“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
>Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

Read self-help and philosophy and you will get closer and closer to something resembling "inner peace" with time. I am currently reading the book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and I highly recommend it as a foundational book for your mode of engaging life.

happiness and "inner peace" is defined by you, first give up everything in your life and leave to a new place, start fresh. find something that gives meaning to your lfe, a goal of some sorts. every time you achieve it you will feel more complete, it's all up to you. be a lazy miserable bastard or strive to achive something that will give some pride and satisfaction to your life. myself, i have found happiness in memes

Stop hating women, other people and yourself

>read self help


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Unironically love urself and others will love u

seek God and to learn the truth about what the bible really says

I know that it's the truth, it just makes me sad. Despite having friends and family, I still feel lonely.

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By assfucking an insure wh*Teoid until he cries blood, Inshallah

>I know that it's the truth, it just makes me sad. Despite having friends and family, I still feel lonely.

I know the feeling. I work retail, so I'm surrounded by people all day. Despite that, there are maybe 3-5 people in my life who I can really 'connect' with. 90% of my physical contact with others is when I hand someone their change and our fingers touch for a moment. I've come to the realization that I might be alone forever. That can be a pretty scary notion, but if you accept it, you'll be freed from the shackles of "needing" a gf/wife. Coming to terms with yourself, solitude, and loneliness is the first step to finding peace.

Here's a quote that kinda relates:
>The more a person knows of himself, the more he will hesitate to define his nature and to assert what he must necessarily feel, and the more he will be astounded at his capacity to feel in unsuspected and unpredictable ways. Still more will this be so if he learns to explore, or feel, deeply into, his negative states of feeling—his loneliness, sorrow, grief, depression, or fear—without trying to escape from them.

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Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Read the Gospels. Seek God and you will find Him.

go to ur local mosque and convert to the true religion of peace