How do I make onIine friends?

How do I make onIine friends?

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Don't try to find any here

You keep posting delicious brown anime girls.

Play any games OP? Got any notable hobbies?

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w-who do I listen to??

It's a bad idea friend, just stick to anonymous posting. Don't have any social media and haven't even used a registered forum account since 2006. 0 friends on Steam etc. Having no contacts either online or in the real world is the best, you're all like NPCs to me.

Do not befriend anyone here, because they will either ghost you or not have any interest in you at all.

Both. If you have a discord I'll add ya my dude.

Speak for yourself user, not all of us are total spergs. I mostly post on this board to help out salvageable robots.

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Play tf2 and avoid gay (or not)

Out of probably dozens of people I've added, I'm still friends with 5 of them. 3 of them I'm not really that close to, and two of them I met then under different circumstances, but they're still from this board.

Tell me bout yourself,

I work for a hotel, am going back to University, play vidya occasionally? Not really sure what you want to know. Not exactly going to post my life's story to r9k, but if you want someone to talk to I don't mind.

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send out many job applications

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Just one question, are you a sperg?

I have friends, a job, career goals, hobbies, and an active sex life so I don't think so?
>inb4 normie reeee
I'm a semi reformed robot, still a tad autistic.

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>Anime poster
Nope. This is already a bad sign.

>Having Chinese cartoon reaction images on a Sri Lankan claysculpting forum
So user, how's summer? Excited for the 9th grade?

>That passive agressiveness
Dodged a redflag.

Eh sure why the hell not

Okay user, you're the one who was looking for friends, not me. Good luck my dude.

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Has anybody actually met a regular acquaintance on this board before? I once spoke to someone from here for a little while and he was okay, but I can't imagine maintaining contact. I am user.

I briefly dated a girl from /b/. She's actually the one that got away, surprisingly well put together mentally and physically.

only /v/ and /jp/

Jow Forums people don't make for good friends

as in messages online which grew into some kind of rapport or you actually had some kind of physical proximity?

As in we went to Warped Tour together, went on a few dates, and fucked. It only lasted 3-4 months and I regret letting her slip through my fingers, it was my fault because I was 21 and a full on fucking autist at the time.

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What's it like to fuck a cute girl? Please be detailed.

It's work mostly, at least for me. I have low libido and low sensitivity. It's mostly an ego thing for me, I literally sleep with tinder girls just to remind myself people find me attractive and I'm desirable. If I just want pleasure I'll jerk off or get a blowjob. I vastly prefer head to regular sex because there's so much more a girl can do with her tongue.

I don't even know how I manage to get laid. I'm like a 7/10 on a good day and slightly chubby, my texting game is shit too.

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>Speak for yourself user, not all of us are total spergs. I mostly post on this board to help out salvageable robots.
>anime girl picture
oh god please don't tell me you're that one cringey shitposter from the shy girl chad thread

The what? This is the only thread I'm currently active in on this board aside from the 25+ general.

Are you cut? Having a warm, gentle tongue massaging your foreskin sounds like heaven. What's your favorite part of blowjob?

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I met someone here who I've been speaking with daily for more than half a year now, so it can happen.

Doesn't sound like much of a relationship. You'll find other girls you can extract utility/pleasure from.

Yep, being circumcised sucks. That being said head still feels nice. And you're asking me to really analyze the fuck out of something that can't be analyzed much to enjoy it. That being said, having her suck a ball into her mouth/work the lower shaft with her tongue? Good stuff.

Going to be seeing a friend in Chicago over the 4th, (we're both active in the bdsm scene and met at a club). She's got thing bead tongue piercing? Dude... It's phenomenal. I don't even find her particularly attractive but I mess around with her purely for that reason.

You're right, it wasn't much of a relationship. And again it's my fault. I don't want to get into too much detail but I royally fucked things up, on the bright side I learned a few valuable lessons.

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You sound disgusting, stop this

I was asked a question and I gave an honest answer. Fucking bite me user.

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Important enough for you to attach a gif in addition to filling out the capcha. Your honest answer disgusts me. Stop using people and allowing yourself to be used in ways we don't consider it decent to use animals

I attach images to almost all my responses, it's an image board user. And no, life's short and the void creeps ever closer. Try new shit and have fun.

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Fun is for degenerates who love Earth more than our shared higher purpose and the void is a lie.

There might be something waiting for us, at the end, there might not be. But to pretend you know with any degree of certainty is just a joke user, none of us know.

Hell if there is a creator their senses of "morality" and "intelligence" may be so utterly advanced and alien to us we couldn't even comprehend it. Accept what you are, a speck, and enjoy your fleeting time here.

I say this as someone who leans right, was raised Catholic, and would happily chuck Commies out of helicopters desu.

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>none of us know
Aquinas was pretty fucking sure after spending an entire lifetime conducting the most autistic study of philosophy in human history. As was Leibniz, one of the smartest bastards that ever lived. Aristotle, the greatest pre-Christian thinker, was quite sure that there was a God despite not believing in an afterlife.

If there is a creator their conception of morality is the only one, and our varying ideas on the subject are just a result of faulty perception. We likely couldn't understand it, that's the whole point of the Book of Job (which is a philosophical work, not a historical one).
>leans right
>raised Catholic
not Catholic enough clearly
>would happily chuck commies out of helicopters
I unironically hate capitalists slightly more.

Aristotle wasn't right about everything. He was wrong about a lot of stuff actually.

I've read Aristotle, I'm more of a Machiavelli guy. user I made a deliberate choice years ago to stop my philosophical whinging. The reason being that at the end of the day, it's nothing but questions without answers. Endless theorizations that will never be confirmed or denied, and they stack on top of on another. You will die still wondering.

So why not accept that you don't know, will never know, and place your faith in the hope of a merciful creator? I may be a degenerate but at least I'm honest about it and try to help those around me.

>not Catholic enough clearly
Francis is shit.

>I unironically hate capitalists slightly more.
Who said I was a capitalist? That being said, Communism is fucking cancer and has repeatedly ruined tens of millions of lives in the span of mere decades. Communist agitators are traitors and deserve to be treated as such.

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He was quite a strong thinker though. His addressing the presuppositions which others build their ideas on and handling every issue from the bottom up was vital for the development of good theology after him.

>it's nothing but questions without answers
maybe if you're a fucking casual
>You will die still wondering.
Hope and faith are vital Christian virtues for a reason.
>Francis is sh*t
Francis is the Pope and should be respected regardless of his weak or questionable stances on certain key issues. He legally occupies the office and that's to be respected. Regardless of who's in charge now the foundations of the Church are perfect. If your faith depends on secular results rather than foundational principles you don't really have faith.
>Commies, capitalists, etc
Anybody who views human relationships in such uncharitable terms as economic exchanges, productivity and efficiency is going to hurt us all if they get into a position of influence.

Regardless of where you stand on God I think that sexual ethics are an easy issue. Even that autist Kant agreed with 99% of Church teachings on the subject. All sane attempts at assessing personal human relationships pretty much settle on casual sexual relationships being hideously uncharitable and undesirable. I personally go further and view 99% of human interactions as mutually exploitative due to being based in utility/pleasure rather than working towards a shared conception of ultimate good but my Priest tells me I need to take it easy before I go mad.

Since you're persisting with the images I'll find one too. Here's a goofy shot from one of my favourite movies.

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Dude was practical, what can I say? I admire pragmatism.

>maybe if you're a fucking casual
Last I checked full time armchair philosopher wasn't an occupation that paid anywhere outside of the ivory tower of Academia.

>Hope and faith are vital Christian virtues for a reason
That doesn't validate Christianity or mean they're sound virtues.

>Anybody who views human relationships in such uncharitable terms as economic exchanges, productivity and efficiency is going to hurt us all if they get into a position of influence.
In times of need the Church would call defenders of the faith to arms. This meant literally killing adherents to hostile ideologies and creeds. Don't provide moral lectures if you aren't willing to defend those morals with force if necessary. My reasons for despising Communism are practical and well grounded in reality. I don't adhere to hatred on an individual level.

>Regardless of where you stand on God I think that sexual ethics are an easy issue
You're correct actually, I detest one night stands. I don't have sex with people I haven't already formed some sort of relationship with be it a friendship or romantic.

That being said I'm not going to live like some Puritan because of Biblical scripture. What's the point of existence if it's nothing but self repression and deliberate boredom? I don't want to spend my fleeting existence in a state of constant rigidity and self deprivation for a supposed pay-off that likely isn't even there.

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only if the ends he was working towards were valid. You can't quantify good without defining it. And you can't define good without telos.
Good point but there's no reason to ever give up searching entirely. I personally hate people who study philosophy within academia but consider pursuing it independently admirable.
>hope and faith
Fair point, but they aren't meant to validate it. They're sound if the rest is.
>This meant literally killing adherents to hostile ideologies and creeds
If you're a sincere Christian these people being fought are objectively wrong and interfering in some drastic way with ultimate good. It's a sensible way to go in that case. I'd be willing to defend my morals with force *if* I could be convinced it were necessary. The modern world is extremely intricate and interconnected now so it's hard to say what will do what now, but it's still an option.

You know Paul explicitly wrote that God hates 'such friendships' when referring to fornication in Romans if I remember right. Basing a friendship on such actions is a disgusting thing. I love my friends, sodomizing them would do nothing to enrich our relationship. Because of this I don't. I also find sodomy disgusting but even if I believed it would bring us all unbelievable pleasure it wouldn't make it okay. Expending energy towards such unwholesome and fruitless ends is an evil thing, not even getting into the subtleties of how it traumatises people and cripples their ability to form lasting and healthy relationships in the future.

>What's the point of existence if it's nothing but self repression and deliberate boredom?
Self-repression is only a problem if your self is demanding awful things. Kill your desire to do bad and it'll become quite easy. It only takes a couple of weeks or so to stop missing porn. And as for boredom, there's more joy in giving than receiving. Live for others.

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play games that either have active communities or encourage interaction as part of gameplay
most of the online friends i still have are from when i played shoddy/netbattle, ss13, tf2, etc

>It's work mostly, at least for me. I have low libido and low sensitivity. It's mostly an ego thing for me, I literally sleep with tinder girls just to remind myself people find me attractive and I'm desirable.
Jesus Christ, this is 1:1 identical to myself. I don't even really enjoy sex, I don't feel much, it always ends up being sweaty and gross. I just crave the attention of women and the validation that I feel when I know a woman is attracted to me.

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We are kindred spirits user.

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Anyone wanna be my friend? I like memes games and anime, not too into vc unless we close

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