TFW no submissive boring birthing hips housewife with midwestern farm girl morals

>TFW no submissive boring birthing hips housewife with midwestern farm girl morals

Why continue existing on the planet?

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>midwestern farm girl morals
>dressing and posing like that at 14
lmao @ ur life

Look at this guy who's never been to the midwest.

I live in the midwest you retard

Yeah but she molests cats so w/e

I live in the Midwest where in the Midwest is this beautiful preteen?

stfu you fucking orbiting pedos :^)

There's nothing wrong with wanting to pound her 14 year old ass

I'm pretty sure that this is the whore whore who ignored me

>has no idea what goes on behind his back
>calls me a retard
Listen, kid. I know that your dad probably didn't love you enough, but that's no reason to go pulling your pants down and begging us to fuck your asshole. You are worthy of better interaction than bottom of the barrel. Go to the beach.

Achievement unlocked
Get ignored by brooke

She's 19
You're a fool if you think she's younger

whew lad what even are you on about?

she's 14?!? Holy fuck

the fuck is wrong with you all?

The only thing that matters here is that she ignored me

she will never fuck you kys

There are currently laws against doing so, and many people consider even wanting to a thoughtcrime of the most despicable variety.

Lmaoing at you, moralfag. I could lick the soul out of her pussy and have no remorse afterwards. That's the power of thirst

Yeah its getting spooky if she really is that young

If you care so much about shitty laws you must be a turbo cuck. Anyways, she's colombian and I'm not a burgerstani so I'm fine

And she will ignore you, just like she did with me

it's not about the laws, fuckhead. It's about her being basically a child.

The majority of laws were made for a reason

You prude piece of shit, my thirst is about any kind of moral. And she happens to be so hot

good, you pathetic orbiting faggots deserve to suffer. keep mindlessly laying your eyes on stacy because she will never let any of you faggots to fuck her.


fuck off, that's basic bitch hair
>birthing hips
fuck off even harder, forcing your "reproduction" agenda onto other retards. you don't deserve to live

And fuck her for ignoring me also

Artificial wombs and sexbots will render women obsolete.

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Do you wanna know about that time when brooke ignored me?

Prolly a little too late to start realizing this but am I the only one who realizes each r9k waifu is less than 18? And a good amount of orbiters I've seen are easily into their mid to late 20's hell even 30's.

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This, I'm 20 and she ignored me

Why would you even want to talk to her she wouldn't even give you the time of day, she's an impure whore who would only have sex with Chads, it should be apparent by the amount of makeup she wears and how attractive she is.

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I hate this girl, I messaged her on discord and she had the NERVE to ignore me

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Yeah, I really hate her for ignoring me

>this but am I the only one who realizes each r9k waifu is less than 18?
Because at 15-18 is when they're already developed but still look young.

>It's about her being basically a child.
The thing that makes her desirable is precisely that she looks like an adult despite her age. No one is attracted to her because she's a kid because she doesn't look like one. She's so far avobe other women of her age it's scary.

You can't be a pedophile if you're attracted to an adult looking woman, no matter her age.

someone post invite. i was reluctant to join sine there were over 400 members in there but i may change my mind

Lol nikka she probably gonna ignore you just like she did with me

It doesn't matter what she looks like. She's still a child.

If you had two girls, both 14, one clearly looking young while the other looking much older, would that make one of the instances right if you fucked both of them?

Yep, being attracted to thos because some fag started a rumor she is underage def makes you a pedo.

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There is NOTHING sexually attractive about an undeveloped child like brooke!!!

Me thinks he doth protest too much...

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If you think this is attractive you need to be removed from society, you literal baby rapist!!!

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She is not 19! She never claimed to be 14, her mom said it before she had a chance to mute. She is 13 turning 14.

Surprised nobody created a Brooke imgur.

>there are delusional people on this board who believe a chick this hot can be a virgin
Yall niggas smocking crack.

it will change when she leaves the 9th grade.

there is no way on earth this girl is 14 for fucks sake you retards
if she is 14 then i dont see why anyone is complaining about gmos

I'd pound both of them you moralfaggot

Look up there kids! It's the whore that ignored me

>Implying her mom wouldnt lie to scare away men

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She does not eat GMOs or drink tap water, I have asked.

Her mom said that she could not believe her little baby was turning 14, and the Brooke scrambled to mute and looked really embarrassed on cam, and hung up shortly after.

Oh for fucks sake you goddamn retards. She is 16-17 and that's that. Now everyone stop talking about this mutt, she is literally in this thread lurking right now.

I hope she knows she's a whore for ignoring me

don't even bother dude she barely posts anything and even in voice chat she barely talks she just jumps in from time to time to kept the orbiters on hook.