AIDS killed the free love of the 60s and 70s and turned sexuality back into the Victorian era

AIDS killed the free love of the 60s and 70s and turned sexuality back into the Victorian era.

If we find a cure for AIDS, could we experience a second sexual revolution?

Could a cure for AIDS also be a cure for incels?

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Most people biologically do not enjoy being cucked.

Even without the monkey disease, free love is still hippy bullshit that gets old very quickly

thank the boomers for starting the DUDE WEED LMAO gen and fucking everything up

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AIDS isn't the only STD
Even with condoms being used as commonly as they are now, 79 million people in the US alone have HPV
You'd have to cure all STDs and significantly change the dominant cultural idea of monogamy for that to happen

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Are you dense? People are having more sex now than ever before.

Aids is god's punishment for this degeneracy. If it's cured probably we gonna have super aids later on.

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more people are having no sex than ever before

>AIDS killed the free love of the 60s and 70s
Are you a fucking retard? AIDS was discovered in the 80s

We need a new AIDs to stop the current sexual revolution. Periods of sexual liberalism lead to sexual inequity and social instability.

The idea that we are in a period of sexual conservatism is laughable. OP could not be more full of shit. AIDs is more or less fully treatable at this point anyway.

Wrong actually. Young people these days are losing their virginity later and having MUCH less sex than previous generations.

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Fewer people are having more sex.
This in turn leads to a class of people who have no sex at all. Jow Forums doesn't admit that this affects a subset of women having no sex as well, but of course it affects men in larger numbers and to greater detriment to mental health.

Nah it is actually declining interestingly.
A lot of people put it down to the fact that young people spend way more time socialising on the Internet instead of going out and meeting people.

Is this why we are getting more people posting on this thread?

Or are we just to hideous to face society head-on?

>Are you a fucking retard? AIDS was discovered in the 80s
Yes... obviously... that is what he said. The 60s and 70s saw the rise of free love; the celebration of free love declined due to the discovery of aids in the 80s. This was his point.

It appears your reading comprehension is poor and you are in fact the retard.

>Jow Forums doesn't admit that this affects a subset of women having no sex as well
I don't know. I think there's a lot fewer women than we're lead to believe.

My son, 80/20.

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> I think there's a lot fewer women than we're lead to believe.
Do you think there are fewer female virgins than we are led to believe or just females in existence in general than we are led to believe?

PreP already exists, but God will always invent a better STD:

80/20 exists in spirit, but the real ratio isn't as severe. I'm not saying that large numbers of women don't go for smaller numbers of men, effectively recreating the harems of ancient times. Feminists in particular of guilty of this, which is some malicious irony. It's just that this period sexual regression DOES create women who reject it or can't be part of it like men do. Not nearly as many, but they exist.

I agree with the Jow Forums worldview more or less, but it's an extremist reaction to reality. The people here want to swing the pendulum back the other way. I support that for the most part.

Now if only God would make an AIDs for "lesbians." Maybe that's what toxoplasmosis is.

Still, no girl would like my sorry ass

>a second sexual revolution
>not anything but an absolute disaster

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>Free love
>No deeper personal connection
>No commitment
Free love is not love at all, it is simple hedonism and is selfish where love is selfless.

free love is degeneracy