Why do normies always suggest antidepressants and therapy as solutions?
Why do normies always suggest antidepressants and therapy as solutions?
It makes it easier to turn you into a mindless drone that'll continue to feed money to the gov.
Because antidepressants and therapy work for a lot of depressed people.
Cause they won't have to interact with you anymore then
Oh come on. People suggest therapy and antidepressant because it has been proven that it can help reduce or heal depression.
>inb4 personal anecdotes about therapy being useless
This is objectively wrong.
>le antidepressants and therapy never work
Good thing I don't even have to tell you to kys
You know if I was taking anti-depressants I'd have a better chance of killing myself
People on Jow Forums are not mentally ill. Actually really mentally ill people are a very small percent of the population and therapy is for them. Not people who hate life because life sucks
Emotions are chemical reactions in the brain, stop being a whiny faggot and accept it
Why don't they sell chemical emotions is a bottle then?
It depends imo. There is a difference between meme "depression" and actual chemical imbalances that numb everything.
so is everything else. why dont you go rape a little kid and kill your mother then? its all just chemical bro,fuck it
Because they work for the majority of people, so it's worth a shot.
What else are you gonna do, kill yourself?
That's cracking a walnut with a sledgehammer
Is wager 99% of people who claim or think they feel depression are just meme depression. Everyone wants an excuse for how much of a shitty pathetic worthless human they are and mental illness fits perfectly
why do normies always suggest water as a solution to my thirst
Proof is my life
They have fake depression, depression stimulated from a break in normal behaviors. Whereas I feel robots are more likely to have clinical depression, being the literal chemical imbalance that creep its way into physical damage (eg, I sleep for 14 hours a day and vomit a lot due to anxiety and sadness). Since their conditions are easily treated they assume others have the same.
Just like these two people I know with cancer. One has skin cancer and simply uses treatments and surgeries to get by and one with stomach cancer. The one with the skin cancer criticizes the other for not being as active as her despite his condition being a lot more debilitating.
>only robots have real depression
you best leave that shit to people who know what the fuck they're talking about, you silly faggot
Nobody has real depression. Mental illness is over exaggerated and over diagnosed. Most people are just lazy, good for nothing and selfish.
>robots are more likely to have clinical depression, being the literal chemical imbalance
Aka what antidepressants are most effective on.
Only like 1 in 100 robots probably have clinical depression.
There is literally nothing wrong with therapy.
Oh user you card you
>anecdotal evidence is worth more than randomized clinical trials
What is wrong with therapy? The worst that could happen is leaving you the same.
Antidepressants treat symptoms of depression, so if you've got a chemical imbalance holding you back then it's a valid solution. What it can't treat is the cause of depression, such as having a dead-end job, no romantic prospects, and general lack of human interaction - those things are not normie problems, so normie cures don't work.
Therapy again is suited principally to dealing with normie issues, especially since therapists are normies themselves. If you're feeling down because of some childhood hangup a therapist will help. If your life is utterly hopeless and miserable and has been since you entered highschool a therapist is unlikely to understand the extent of your suffering, and is probably incapable of providing any meaningful solutions.
Therapy is expensive. Worst that could happen is you leaving worse too. I bet having a roastie therapist laughing at you would make most robots worse off.
>therapist laughing at you
things that never happened
Real answer, they say that because that is what doctors recommend to people
Why assume this? I have gone catatonic for a few days at a time for years at thins point and I'm sure other robots have clinical depression as well. If it really is a chemical imbalance in clinical depression then their chemicals have probably been imbalanced for all their lives.
In their mind. They won't do it out loud, but once you tell her your robot problems she'll have to gossip with other women about how gross you are
Because normalfags don't know anything about mental illness or how utterly ineffective psychiatry currently is. They actually think that the biggest hurdle mentally ill people face is finding the "bravery" to seek out help. Anyone who has bothered to do rudimentary research on the effectiveness of antidepressants knows they are fucking garbage.
You can chop down the tree and the stump but if you dont get to the roots it could potentially grow back.
I actually heard therapists tell funny anecdotes about patients. Shit like using hair spray to scare ghosts away and trying to suicide by hiting their head with a flute. But it's always anonymous.
Not even the guy you're replying to but the last therapist I've tried has been the worst of all so far. He belittled my problems, blamed my parents problems/divorce on me (I don't really give a shit about this part but he tried to make me feel bad about it?), and told me that if I was really depressed like I said I was I should give him a reason to believe me before coming back (did he want me to self harm/suicide attempt? wtf?).
I got depressed when I realized that I'd never get what I wanted out of life. No, I don't mean a gf. I always wanted to explore the universe and look at nebulas and shit up close. That's not even really actual depression, just chronic disappointment at being born to such an under-performing species. Of course a gf would be nice, but it wouldn't magically make me not depressed about not getting to travel to other worlds. Would meds help? Probably make me feel less shit, but I don't see the point because I never wanted to contribute to this society. The only people who even try towards a goal of space travel are considered the enemies of society.
>told me that if I was really depressed like I said I was I should give him a reason to believe me before coming back
Kill yourself and leave a note saying what he said and claim that drove you over the edge. 1 for 1 kda ain't bad.
Doesn't matter if it's anonymous. Knowing they mock means I know what they're really thinking when they lie to your face during therapy. Therapists are still humans and therefore are still evil.
They are in their right to laugh in private as long as they don't reveal your identity.
That's besides the point you retard. The point is it's fucked how they find suffering funny at all.
Not in the right to lie to your face about "understanding" or what ever else bullshit they'll spew.
Yeah, and I have a right to hate their guts for it and not give them my money or receive their shitty services. I also have a right to criticize them for it, something that people now seem to forget is a very important part of human interaction and growth. Criticism is not obstruction.
You can understand someone and yet find it funny at the same time.
Understand that they're nothing, but a joke
Having close friends who are social workers who deal with people who are in worse situations than the average robot, I would say that, at some point, it's the only sensible solution you can encourage someone who deals with mental illness or depression. One of my friends is schizophrenic and she works with mentally ill people. She would be the first to say that therapy is not a miracle cure and doesn't work most of tge time and that pills can end up fucking you up more than you already are, but, at this point for many people in depression, it's either therapy or stay as you are and rot until you reach kys point. There will never be a miracle cure that will cure you magically in one day.
Now if you ask my personal opinion as someone who struggle with depression and is still waiting on a therapy list, I don't expect it to be my saving grace, but I don't fucking want to stay like that and I need something or someone to help me, so I decided to try. As for most people on r9k, it's a very touchy subject. Most people here scream all day about how unfair life is, about how nobody want to understand and how they want out, but no matter what you offer as a solution or a starting point, they are extremelly resistant and that's what's pissing me off most of the time. I know depression is a hell of a drug and a vicious perpetual circle that actually blocks you from accepting any help, but so long as you block yourself off from anyone trying to help you because of trust issues or anything else, your situation will not change ever and you'll keep begging the heavens for release that will never come. As I said, a miracle cure does not exist and it's likely that recovery will take you years of slow progress where you will stay depressed until you manage to chip at it long enough to overcome it, but I would say accepting help that is not likely to cure you is far better than doing nothing. A 5% success rate is still better than 0%.
because a lot of 'depressed' people are just normals that are sad and need someone unbiased to talk to and and they perceive therapists as a socially acceptable form of emotional prostitution
People on Jow Forums like me aren't depressed we're just whiny faggots that know we can't be helped
I like how mentally ill people complain that therapy/pills don't work and then don't suggest anything that will help them.
I know FOR A FACT that just talking to someone who isn't a therapist will not help you if you have depression or psychosis. You people don't want to help yourselves.
WE aren't mentally ill
here is pic related, scum