Getting Jow Forums was supposed to make my love life better, not ruin it

>get Jow Forums
>girls I usually go for and really like to be around are now too insecure to go out with me even though they are attracted
>girls that are "in my league" or whatever when it comes to looks think I'm too weird or different and I think they are fucking boring
>I would have to sniff glue for at least 5 years before I could get along with them long enough to fuck them

How much do I have to bench so this bullshit will go away?

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boring, next

i started getting more pussy than ever before when i started treating women like overgrown children
be their guide

Post body or descibe what kind of Jow Forums you got?

Whine whine whine, post pics or you're an uppity dyel like everyone else on this board.

Also cultivate a better personality, I'd wager your scaring everyone off with your current boring/entitled one

Dude, you have to own it.
If you know you're about to go see a girl, tell yourself in the mirror -- "Dude, you are the shit. This girl is gonna want me and I'm gonna blow her fucking mind" like you actually mean it. Eye contact, be direct, be confident and never ever think about what she thinks of you. Act like you're talking to your best friend minus all the locker room shit. You are in control and it's you who decides if she wants to be with you.

YOU decide her decision.

Think about that.

lmao fuck is this

unironically yeah
just treat women like their dumb brats
they respond well to is for some reason

>"Can you stop working out so much? It's making me insecure"
It's the female equivalent of a beta who begs for sex

Faggot shit

You're either ugly or they can smell your low self confidence, guarantee they're not intimidated by you lmao


ITT: OP is an incel betacuck dyel, complains about women being the problem. Everyone agrees, begins circlejerking.

Jow Forums

No, I mean they are interested in me right until I ask them out, then they come up with some excuse but still orbit me.

It’s true.
Not even meming most girls like to be told what to do. They like it when you lead them.

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>women are too insecure to go out with me

Surely this is true Opee, surely you don't have a milktoast personality that repels them

Nice buzzwords/projection r*ddit

Yeah, it's your're nice for the attention but just don't have what they're looking for.

Either git gud or look somewhere else.

Stay mad brother

Go on tinder.
Post nice pics that aren't too douchebag
ask a girl out after a few sentences
go out
rinse and repeat bro

Why are these the only kinds of women who like me, bros?

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>be their guide
It is sad, but it's true. You have to be an asshole, not a real asshole but a joker asshole. For some reason, girls like that.

So if you meet a girl in a club, try to make the first things exagerates jokes (and telling a bunch of lies) and be as playful as you can, without being arrogant. It may be a pain in the ass to do, but if you want to get laid it's a good way.

This needs to get a sticky at the front page, even though it's common fucking sense.

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That pic is incredible. Test levels spiked

maybe you act weird bro

because you're unattractive

because statistically people looking for dates online don't go out enough to just trip and fall over dates-which means lots of single parents.

>t-they're just too insecure for me, it couldn't be that I'm still ugly and autistic.

>>girls I usually go for and really like to be around are now too insecure to go out with me even though they are attracted

It's not because they're insecure, it's that you look hot at first and then they realize you're a creepy piece of shit who only wants fug.