Is enlisting in the military a good alternative for suicidal people?

Is enlisting in the military a good alternative for suicidal people?

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Yes, and believe it or not that's a lot of the motherfuckers who join. If you decide to enlist don't tell them that you're suicidal and don't give them any reason to think that you're mentally ill at all.

>OP image

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>Is enlisting in the military a good alternative for suicidal people?
No, because it's awful to have suicidal soldiers for an organized military. Especially modern one.

Being in a military you're supposed to do exactly what you are ordered without getting your squad or yourself killed, because you and your equipment cost a fuckton of resources and the price of training, getting you where you are is always pretty high.

Yes. throwing yourself into something like that is a very good impulse. Either that or go teach English in Korea or something equally all-consuming

>Implying half of enlisted-men aren't secretly suicidal
OP, wanting to get killed is unironically why a large number of men enlist, especially for infantry roles.

im suicidal and I joined
I leave in a few weeks and it's only made me more suicidal due to being weak and unmotivated
im gonna get my ass handed to me so hard

There's very few combat jobs in the milktary. Stop talking about shit you dont understand.

There's this guy I know, he pretty much sees no point in living and inlisted in the army, he already once thought in the Caucasus, and this Autumn he's going to Syria, ( he's Russian). He isn't all edgy or sad about it but he unironically hopes he get's shot.

I mean, most of the guys in the military who make it their career are already broken people.
Most guys there don't have anyone and therefore don't give a shit, that's what the army wants.
No army wants someone who thinks about their own safety so you'd fit in well with a deathwish.
The only sad thing is if you go in expecting to die on deployment and you don't, that will break you mentally

So are the people they're fighting desu. A lot of the appeal of suicide bombing is that to observant muslims, you go to hell for committing suicide, but (according to certain pro-jihadi imams anyway) sacrificing yourself in a "martyrdom operation" lets you go to heaven.

Good reaaons to enlist:
>I enjoy hard work
>I need to learn how to take orders
>I want to get free training

Bad reasons to enlist:
>I'm suicidal
>I need to impress someone
>I want to make a lot of money
>I don't have any other opportunities

>>I'm suicidal
uh oh
>>I need to impress someone
doesnt apply to me
>>I want to make a lot of money
uh oh
>>I don't have any other opportunities

well shit

And Emperor Hiro was right; look at the effeminate white american males in this pic. Their grandfathers died killing nips, only to have their only surviving male successors beat off to their cartoons and spend hard-earned neetbux on jap merchandise.

btw it depends what kind of "suicidal person" you are; not all are the same. would need more deets about the sitch before reaching a verdict.

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>>I don't have any other opportunities
this is a good reason to enlist faggot
>>I want to make a lot of money
this is also a good reason, military pays for all your housing and shit

at least they're not disgusting fatties like in OP's pic

>enlisted pay
>a lot of money

>military pays for all your housing and shit
this is not at all equivocal to making a lot of money though, in fact room and board is often subtracted from paychecks. you can pay workers less than minimum wage if you supply room and board. idk the details but i've known a lot of army people who ended up v unhappy and felt lied to by recruiters, especially about college money

i meant to type unequivocal whoops

>that pic
Japan's just shifted into a cultural victory strategy is all

To be fair for AF pay you'll be paid Base Pay (E1, E2, E3...), BAS (food) and BAH (housing)
If you live on-base (dorms) you'll lose your BAS to the DFAC (cafeteria on base/mess hall) and your BAH to the dorm

does that works similarly to the army? (the whole base pay, BAS, and BAH?)

>Joined the air guard because I wanted to die.
Get sent back home safely after training with a 60k job on the base and free college for the next 4 years.
Still want to die.
Don't make my mistake, join the active army or marines.

>op pic
>Boku No Pico

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been thinking about suicide for years and i enlisted at the army. my mbti is istp also.
in less than a month they're going to call me for the medical checkups and see if i'm apt to join.

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for the love of god, if you are a real robot do NOT fucking enlist in the army
please, I made that mistake and I regret it every single day. it is NOT a place for robots. if you want to die now, you have no fucking idea whats coming.

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thats for us officers silly teehee ;)

i know that if i get called, in the first day i'm going to regret being there and my suicidal feelings is going to sky-rocket.
but i don't have anything to lose and nowadays it's pretty hard to find a job if you are a dropout. i left hs in the first year.
>if you are a real robot do not enlist in the army
you really think someone is proud of being a robot? i would give anything to be a brainlet normie.
i will do it user, no matter what.



>tfw not Chinese warlord who would recruit Jow Forums members in the dare to die corps
Why even live lads?

Was looking for this. Japan has more influence in the current world than it ever did when they had full honor policy and all autocracy tenets.

No, get a job, work out, buy a dog, solved

I have no experience but
If you're suicidal depressed, 0% chance you will make it through the hell tier training needed to get to a front line you will actually die in.

IDK but i'm starting a new life in Australia and joining the Army there. Any tips?

People like you are the reason they take away all the stuff you can kill yourself with in boot camp. If you think your life is bad now, just wait until you don't have Jow Forums 24/7. You'll probably blow your head off on the live fire range trip.

LMAO same here, i thought i had made some mistakes in my life, but NOTHING compares to going into the military as an anti social, friendless loser. "biggest mistake of my entire life" doesn't even BEGIN to describe it. It doesn't matter how fit you are. It really doesn't. But if you don't have social skills DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY. JUST DONT. You thought highschool was bad? THEN JUST FUCKING LOL at joining the army. Every night I have these nightmares where I'm up for review, I can't get dressed in time, I can't find any of my shit, and I wake up screaming. The other day my mom found me sleepwalking with my gun. I got out a decade ago and I STILL HAVE THE SAME NIGHTMARES.

ARE YOU STARVING? NO? then stay the fuck out.

>Every night I have these nightmares where I'm up for review, I can't get dressed in time, I can't find any of my shit, and I wake up screaming.
were you in some other thread today? I remember reading something similar to this

Yes I posted in a thread about nightmares

christ dude
what was your MOS?

Depends on where u live.
If u live in a Europe country that doesn't send their military bois into Israel or whatever it won't work.
And u most likely need some experience, sending a newly trained soldier into the battlefield isn't the best idea.

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Im not from the us we don't have Mos. when I was 13 my dad put me into a military school. I got hazed and bullied for years. Imagibe a normal school except Chad can ride you like a horse (I was in a cavalry squadron) while slapping your ass, make you jump into a pool of freezing water, or give you double sentry duty 5 nights in a row, or decide that you don't get to go home on Friday evening. Also they had violent initiation rituals like putting stuff up your ass and dropping a star into a pot of boiling water and making you pull it out.

It's obvious he was referring to a combat job you pedantic fuck.

Stop talking about shit you vaguely know because it makes you feel smart.

Literally 1 out of 10 military members are expected to fight, most jobs are utilitarian.

I don't know whether you are trolling or really are this much of a's fucking Melon Pan, a Swiss youtuber, who is showing the world his weaboo autism.

Great thing about the military is that if you die in combat, you'll go to valhalla.

>Is enlisting in the military a good alternative for suicidal people?

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no, it's not. I joined a relatively normal person, pretty happy with myself for the most part. I'm now more sad and depressed than I have ever been in my life.

>I joined a relatively normal person
That's your exact problem, it's pointless for a normal person to join, you either have to have a real passion for it, be completely helpless (aka nearly homeless) or completely directionless and need something to give you a path forward (like job training that it'll force you to stay with)

Hi. This is the right reason and here's why

Currently serving officer here. If my sailors were suicidal -- I can help you or find you the resources you need there. If my sailors are lacking a purpose and motivation -- I can help find something for them to get invested in. However I see most leadership not incredibly invested in this so take that risk yourself.

It's possible to get stuck in a dead-end position in the bottom of a ship or some shithole across the globe. But if you have any skills in computers or electronics and have a pulse you should score high enough to do something in information or electronics or computers -- putting yourself out of harm's way and also putting yourself in a position to interact with a slightly higher level of person

Not op but as someone who's looking to join up eventually I have a question user, how far can a person with no degree reasonably advance? Would I have any chance of ever becoming an officer or would I level out somewhere before that?

It is only if you don't fight for Israel.

The Navy (where I am) has a lot of opportunity if you can do well on the ASVAB. If you can get into a CT (cryptologic technician) rate there is a lot of really technical training that prepares you to do a very real job and also to move into the civilian world. Similar with IT, ET, and a few other highly technical rates.

You'd only become an officer if you really wanted it. Honestly I'm regretting it a tiny bit because I'm a manager and not putting my technical CompSci degree to good use. But I'm using this as an opportunity to get real job experience and get my grad school paid for.

Enlistees get to do the real hands on work for better or for worse honestly -- so that could be cyber defense or installing antennas but enlisted have a lot less admin and chain of command bullshit and cock measuring contests.

Same guy as before

Getting a degree isn't that bad -- the military will pay for it either when you're still active or when you get out. If you're young (under 23 I think) you have a chance to go to a service academy as well (small but decent)

Isn't the problem while you're still active time though, reasonably it would take way longer while enlisted right? Does it matter where the degree comes from? If I just want to get into the officer path could I enlist, and then do some cheap online meme school like Capella with an easy degree just to tick the box off on having a degree or does it actually matter where it comes from?

We all laughed at the guy who got his degree from Uni of Phoenix but you know what he was getting the same paycheck as I am haha... Actually more because if you're enlisted for --(I think 4+) years-- you get O1E pay which is decently more than normal pay.

So your options are online/night school. Exit the service, use your GI bill fulltime, or get lucky and accepted into one of the many schooling programs the military offers (e.g. service academy or branch program to go to school full time while in the military)

if you're active duty how does getting a degree work?
do you really have enough free time to be studying and taking classes while doing a job?

>service academy
That sounds like an option I feel like online meme degree would work better for me though since I'm dumb as hell, I couldn't keep up with regular college and completely failed out because the combination of it plus the job to pay for it was too much, I'd probably do much better with a online degree that I could just complete whenever while getting enlistment time for the higher pay, thanks for the answer user it's good to have a clearer idea of what to aim for

I mean if you're afloat (in my case) or doing some forward deployed bullshit then good luck but if you're stateside it's an 8 hour day for the most part (or less, I ducked out at 10:30 lul)

No worries. Also the service academies are hard and hard to get into so leaving the service and getting paid (school+housing) to go to school fulltime might be a good option if you struggle in school.

What do knowledgeable robots (haha) think about joining a foreign militia?

I've been thinking about going to Ukraine and fighting in that pointless Slav war. It'd be less strict than the US military, I'd get to finish learning Russian, and if I'm lucky, I'll get my skull split in half by shrapnel. Also something about being a foreign mercenary is appealing as fuck.


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The "golden age" of mercenary work for now is gone, and they're going to be really suspicious on both sides about some random westerner with no prior military or police background wanting to join up.

>they're going to be really suspicious
Yeah, I've read of a few stories about them detaining westerners and interrogating them for days before letting them join. Frankly, I'd rather be in a cold, damp, make-shift, slavic military holding cell than slowly slip towards homelessness here in the US.

Officer guy here

Have you looked at blue collar work? HVAC, plumbing, and electrics are still huge here in the USA and command pretty decent union wages. I convinced my cousin to do a 6 month apprenticeship and he's making way better money than he was at Quik-Trip. Google it for me plz.

Don't throw your life away in some war-torn shithole that you don't care about.

It's only a good alternative if you want to kill yourself on a range or something, though I would suggest waiting until after basic training because the drill sergeants watch you pretty close. It would be very easy to kill yourself once you get to a regular unit because things are far more relaxed. Additionally, you get a lot more leeway purchasing firearms if you're in the military.

Unfortunately if you're hoping for an honorable death or at the very least a death that wouldn't make your family feel responsible or whatever, it's not likely. Deployments are very rare now and among those deployments you're pretty much only ever going to see combat if you're SF. I enlisted with hopes that I would die, now I just grind away in misery like before. At least my parents aren't so disappointed now.

>No tuition
>Heathcare until you die
>Free money every month just because
>Discounts everywhere
>Women love army guys

Seems worth it to me.

Yeah, I was gonna go with CompTIA A+ to get certified in IT bullshit. I figured I'd either get that done before leaving or just keep studying while I'm out there and get certified after I leave. There are testing centers all over the world so it wouldn't be hard for me to find one even if I'm on the opposite side of the world.

Also, I kind of want to die in some shitty, pointless war in a faraway place. I'm not right in the head. I've been suicidal for a long time now, but I'm too much of a coward to actually pull the trigger on myself. I'm getting worse too. The more I hate myself the more I hate the world and have been fantasizing about violence and murder. I almost killed someone a few weeks ago. I feel like I'm a defective person that needs to be put down before I cause trouble for good people in a peaceful society like my own. Might as well go to a war zone where my state of mind could be exploited and channeled into a larger, organized destructive force.

Maybe that's me trying to justify a road to self-destruction, but I really feel like this world would be better off without certain people and that I'm among them.

This is the main reason I'm looking to join
>housing and food basically taken care of for you
>still get a check
>good healthcare and benefits even if eventually leave
>probably the highest job security in the world
sounds 10/10 to me

>not having the tiniest problem that makes you exempt from service
must be nice. now get the fuck off this board normie

and after 20 years you retire with a full pension and can be a neet

>such a normalfag he actually went to psychologists


No. The military will break down your humanity to make you a murderer.
Join DSA instead

The only enjoyment I get out of life is physical training, that sounds like heaven to me, pushing yourself to the limits

oh my sweet summer child...

yeah desu it sucks with a bunch of undedicated sweaty men

can anybody from the military here tell me how good of an idea it would be for a non white (non black also) to join the military?

Military is full of people from all different backgrounds and is 40 something percent minorities since it's a good out for people with no options trapped in a shitty area

nice. im in canada but that still feels good to read

Oh I assumed you were talking about US military, can't say for canada, but I imagine it's the same there though, a good option for people with nothing else who are willing to show up and do what their told and not cause trouble so race wouldn't matter

It'll eother toughen you up or you'll finally off yourself.

>am sad man who joined the muhreen core for muh warrior spirit and will probably just off himself before he picks up lance

>become murderer
>become basedcuck

if youre gonna go left at least join a genuine communist group jfc. ditch that fucking pansy shit, what happened to the glorious USSR and even fuckin Mao and China?

>Is enlisting in the military a good alternative for suicidal people?
Definitely not. Any mental problems you have the military will amplify.
Good soldiers aren't sociopaths or suicidal - good soldiers care about themselves and the dudes around them enough to stay alive and get the mission done.

You can go all the way to warrant officer if you have no degree, *technically,* but realistically getting one while in will open doors. If you go to /meg/ on Jow Forums there's a Chief Warrant Officer 3 who's been in for a while who can answer questions about being in for a long time.

Imagine being this deluded.
The military doesn't produce soulless killers - such people are pretty much useless, because the military functions as a team first. It has no place for edgelords who feel nothing, because to be an effective soldier you have to care a lot about the people you work with and what you're doing. Special Forces, for example, doesn't attract guys who are dead inside and totally apathetic to killing wantonly - it attracts guys who care deeply about their mission and each other.

No but suicide is a great alternative for people enlisting in the military