
So should I be take it everyday without any brraks, unlike how people used to do?

Also how does that overload thing in the start works?

Attached: uBmoLdn.jpg (1080x1350, 123K)

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Take 5 g a day, I usually throw the powder in my shaker cup with protein powder. No need to do a "loading phase" or "overload" the shit, it's a meme.

The loading phase is a meme. Just take 5g a day (1 tsp) and you will be fine

basically it pumps water into your muscles and with water comes sugars etc. so you become stronger faster so you can work more and grow bigger, but your kidneys wont be glad, probably take some kidney tea also you might go bald and you will feel bloated

>but your kidneys wont be glad, probably take some kidney tea also you might go bald and you will feel bloated
are you memeing or actually retarded?

But should I do circles or I just take it forever?

Boi Physical health instructors and doctors have done thousands of studies across the world. There is no short term or long term dangers with creatine.

I cycle when ever I run out because I’m too lazy to go get more.

Ive taken it every day for about a year and a half. No problems at all

whos this godess?


unless you aren't drinking water your kidneys will be fine

is creatine related hair loss a meme? i'm widows peaking already

Unironically does it make you go bald?

>If you're genetically predetermined to go bald it will make you bald faster
I want a real answer

How much time will take for peak saturation, if i started with 5g/day without loading?
How much weight would be expected to gain? (i'm currently 180 at 18%BF)
How do i know i'm sensitive enough to continue with it? What's the telltale sign?

god damn bro just take the shit and find out

You're over complicating it mate

Attached: 1523327484094.jpg (680x680, 198K)

The thinking is that creatine boosts DHT(test) which causes hair loss.
But the idea that DHT causes hairlozs is questionable at best and most likely a fucking meme
Also anyone that wants lower to test prevent hair loss is a faggot anyway. Just transition into a girl then

That is unironically the real answer. Read up on the studies done on it's correlation to balding but that is basically the tl;dr

You may be able to get away with 2.5g/day.

That is the real answer you retarded faggot

Zoey D'Antonio

also increase risk of testicle cancer.

but it's great for women.

1st week completed (7days, including rest days) 5g, creatine monohydrate with dinner, within 60m after workout.
Didn't see any difference, except 1 pound on the scale, but that could be due to a poor compensated cheat meal.
I'm eating 3600kcal and drinking +5l of water daily.

5l of water seems excessive, you must be constantly pissing

I go with like 3 a day, and that's when I'm sedentary

I'm also doing IF. I have to put something on my stomach until my pre workout meal.
I sweat more only when exercising and, yes, piss more but i'm no longer constipated and my urine in much clear and not that foamy. Can live with this.

just watch those sodium levels

Caffeine helps if you aren't already utilizing it.

You mean they're too low?

No caffeine for me, already have sleeping problems.

yup. drinking large amounts of water can cause hyponatraemia (completely clear piss can also be a symptom, you should have at least a little color in the piss). 5l is a larger than average, so take on some salt occasionally

It’s true, remember you need salt and you’re body does much better removing excess then it does when it doesn’t get enough salt

Thank you.

caffeine also reduces the effectiveness of creatine