So do you need to be in STEM to “make it”?

So do you need to be in STEM to “make it”?

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>getting student loans
This is the first mistake

Choosing a meme major is the real culprit

She makes less than a basic bitch service member in USA. Lol, she literally makes less that my G.I. Bill squandering Neet ass. Thanks OP. This is fake as fuck but you still made my day.
>not fit related

Many people are smart enough to get a stem undergrad degree... But what they don't tell you is most aren't good enough to actually go on and do post grad work.

Just cause you did nifty in your college chemistry class (that bitch only got a 3.4) doesn't mean shit to employers

Undergrad is only the first step that is the big thing make people don't understand.

And if you're smart but don't want to be in school for 8 more years? Do a fucking trade school. Get good at electrical or plumbing or HVAC or something. If you have any sort of intelligence it is easy to work your way up and become a small business, then big business owner.. Not everyone in a trade field is a day obese retard.

It's the fools be who only go half way in their education that get fucked over in this system

>biochem degree
>had to take more biochem classes at a CC
How was she eligible to take lower level classes if she had a 4 year degree? Doesn’t add up

Why the fuck would you study biochem?
Ffs mate she brought that on herself.
Engineering or compsci bros.
Also, dont go into chemical engineering unless you got connections with big oil companies.

She could have been taking them for no credit, or be in a different major program. It's next to impossible to get credits applied to a new program if you already hold a degree.

>studies biochem but not going to law school
>gets a BA instead of BS

so... where is the porn?

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You probably will somewhat "make it" financially as STEM that's not a fucking idiot. The highest earners still might only barely break into the top 10% of US income though. Business is the way to go to really "make it", it's just a lot more risk rather than the sure thing of STEM.
I think she's stating that she got her undergrad at some private school across the country, and then took more classes at the 4+ year where her parents live. Still stupid to take more classes in your major she'd still need to take, unless she was tiptoeing into master's level classes, but even for biomed, I don't know what classes would be super useful to her, other than maybe GC/MS, which I've only really seen at 5-600 level at the lowest.

You don't do biochem unless you are going to continue studies and get a medical degree, a masters to work in a research lab, or a doctorate in your field to run a lab. Biochem by itself is nothing, sadly. If you find work, you'll be a low-level technician in a testing or pathology lab, running machinery.

nothing wrong with student loans moron
just pay off the fucking bill

Most sciences in general, it's stupid to only get a bachelor's level. I've seen a few chem BS's get some low level glass washer kind of job in a lab somewhere maybe making 30-35k.

wheres the porn

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No. Just because you majored in something does not mean you are entitled to a job in it. College is supposed to teach people to be worldly and flexible and capable, not highschool 2.0 with a specific subject.

>You probably will somewhat "make it" financially as STEM that's not a fucking idiot. The highest earners still might only barely break into the top 10% of US income though. Business is the way to go to really "make it", it's just a lot more risk rather than the sure thing of STEM.

With stem you will be working for someone else in a corporate environment with opportunities to advance to management or senior level positions.

Trades people can make just as much but need to start a business in order to earn what top level stem people make.

This makes no sense. If your parents can float you 140k theres no way you're gonna be homeless. Obviously you could get an okay job if you're not a drug addict and a girl especially.

Fake and gay

How do you get into business? Is a business degree useful

>Trades people can make just as much
An average tradesman who just gets experience can make 50+ an hour within years of graduation. That takes a decade for a stemcuck.

Source: I am a stemcuck. Engineering is a joke

Student loans are predatory as fuck, m8. The interest on them is ridiculous since they're given to people with basically no credit, and refinancing is very rare. And given the increasing irrelevance of the 4 Year degree, it's an idiots game to take them out unless you're doing some kind of graduate program.

>Spent $140,000 of parents' money
>3.4 GPA

What an absolute waste, no wonder she didn't get a job in her field.
Keep doing porn ya slag, it's all you're good for.

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> Can't get a job with biochemistry major
> Despite supposedly being intelligent enough to pass that class, still isn't smart enough to branch in entrepreneurship

She could either continue for a Masters, work at a startup, or fill a gap in the market with her degree if she were smart enough to think outside the box. The fact that she's doing porn also shows me that she's not very intelligent. If she ever hopes to get a respectable job and a prestigious company, that shot's gone now.

>business degree useful
It's certainly more useful than not having it. The usefulness of the time and money you have to put into it is debatable though. Plenty of people with business degrees tank venture after venture and people with only a HS education have created empires. You could probably buy a few books (literally starting a business for dummies or some shit), do a little research as needed and if you work hard, and don't make retarded decisions, and the business was a sound idea to begin with, you'll probably be fine.

wow that sucks
who forced her to do all that? they should be the ones responsible here

to answer the question: yes, if it's your goal/dream to land a STEM job.

>I am a stemcuck. Engineering is a joke

Can you use the skills from your engineering degree for small business type stuff?

They didn't force, but they heavily encouraged her when her brain was only just developing.

Other than the fact you probably aren't a retard, not really. You could try to create your own firm, but wouldn't you need a certain level of license or profession level in engineering? I'm not an engineer, but have friends that do it, so I know a little bit. Other than that, you can try to leverage your credentials as an engineer to appease normies. You see shit like that all the time. "I used my extensive education and experience as a medical doctor (pulminologist) to create the perfectly balanced, nutritionally packed smoothie". Even though MD's only have a slightly higher than layperson education of nutrition.

The only STEMs that are worth studying are Compsci, Engineering and Math but even in these fields the competition is hard. Either you're above average and come from a good college or you're storing your foot lettuce next to your framed phd

I'm talking about shit like making modifications to existing equipment.Like trailers, bikes, cars, caravans etc...

You have the skills to make sure everything is safe and legal.

>Compsci, Engineering
Either a boomer or not in any of those fields. Can't speak for pure math, but finding a eng or cs job out of school is retardedly difficult now. It's flooded with H1B visa's willing to work for like 30-40k led by some boomer project lead that won't retire or die.

Implying a bachelor's in biochem requires real intellect.
t.mastersinnanoscience. easy as shit, but still harder than biochem.

>I'm an idiot who thought a college degree would guarantee me a job despite having no actual skills
>I wracked up hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt willingingly and resorted to prostitution
she sounds like an absolute brainlet

If you know a few programming languages, finding a cs job is stupid easy my dude. I know people with no college degree that got a 50k coding job after attending a 6-week code camp.

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Just sounds like a shop to me. Places that do design and fabrication probably have at least one guy with an engineering background, so it's not really special.

Who here /finearts/?

Buddy do whatever the fuck you want, just be good at it and make it marketable. I'm making a living as a writer FFS.

Yeah, learn a language that isn't widely known and in need and you'll probably find work, degree be damned. Coding in common ones, they'll still hire some brown person who barely speaks english to do it for like $15/hr though.

Please don't tell me you or anyone else in this thread actually did that to yourself

Broad spectrum theater education. Come at me

What do you do?

I personally see nothing wrong with that, if either you don't care about being a society leech, or if you come from money. We need artists as a society, just not nearly as many as we currently have.

Should have been smarter and earned a scholarship, or not go to an expensive program like that

Right now my focus is on technical work (lighting, sound, projections), but I've also got experience in the scenic shop working with carpenters and set builders as well as some acting experience.

/Thread can't believe no one responded to this

can someone link her internet porn

>BA in biochemistry
>No BS
>No grad school
>No top 20 chem program

American media, american banks, and american academia.
It all conspires to make you into a college bound retard and future debt slave who'll never pay off their student loan completely unless they are damned lucky.
That's just it.
Everyone can't get those high paying jobs.
Aren't enough of them and college doesn't teach them to most important things.
Like networking, that they aren't part of THAT crowd of people, how to kiss the ass of the professors. Etc etc etc.

Everyone will go to school like they say in those very special eps of those cartoons for children that are MADE to brainwash them into spitting on anyone who isn't a school going slave and lying about how college degree = not having to do the work that needs to be done.
This also, incidentally enough, brainwashes them into thinking that getting paid pennies for those much needed jobs is right becuase they didn't pull themselves up by their boot straps and get that 6 figure job that is just waiting for them at the end of college.
When that media isn't demonizing intellectualism, learning, being heteronormative males and females that is.

> graduate
> expect a free job to be handed to you

I bet her resume and interviews were garbage and she didn’t work or do research or intern while in school.

>>I'm an idiot who thought a college degree would guarantee me a job despite having no actual skills
user, this is LITERALLY the party line.
This is how colleges and banks shill colleges to students and parents.
Oh and sex and parties and bullshit like that.

Why does this roastie have doctor bills?

>We need artists as a society,
Art is dead.
It's just a way for wealthy retards to claim themselves as superior and embezzle funds and a way to manipulate the retarded masses.

>Compsci, Engineering and Math
Go be an assburger somewhere else

>It's just a way for wealthy retards to claim themselves as superior and embezzle funds and a way to manipulate the retarded masses
That's still a market though

Hey well if you're happy with what you do far be it from me to knock you for it

When I was like 17 I told my parents I wanted to go uni to do media studies they told me I wasn't allowed to. I argued with my Dad for ages and he eventually said if I don't want to study maths or economics then I'm not going so i didn't end yo going now i'm happy i didnt desu

>An average tradesman who just gets experience can make 50+ an hour within years of graduation

Blatantly false, don''t fall for this meme

becoming oversaturated, pretty much became the go-to job for this generation
better start your own tech business or enjoy sucking cock at mcdonalds

if you're doing math, go for statistics, of course you can always just ignore my post, and do what any real smart person would do and make connections with your friends, professors, other programs so you can actually find a job thats not >31k a year

Maybe in NYC or something, but it balances out when you have to pay $3000 a month on rent. In most places, as a skilled trade, I'd say the average pay starts at like $15/hr and goes up pretty quickly to $20-25 (after like 3-5 years) you pretty much stay at like $25-30 if you are working for someone else, unless you are doing some crazy specialized work like SCUBA welding. Plumbers and electricians and shit is all I really know.

I actually started in stem, but I did theater in high school and after a big bout of depression I took a couple theater classes again and never looked back. There just tends to be a lot of (understandable) myths about the field that turn people away or invoke ridicule

Why should we respond to it.
It's correct.

No one talks about jobs, job security, basic economics, how to save money, how to make money, any of that.

They just shit out the party line about GO TO COLLEGE AND YOU'LL GET A HIGH PAYING JOB IN A LOT OF STUFF!

No one, NO ONE will ever talk about it.
Job security for teachers and those in the school system. That's why.

>tfw shitty food service job
>no debt
>living in New York
>making ends meet
>fucking 7/10 art hoes
Comfy as fuck

WHERE. IS. THE. PORN?!?!?!?!?

How the fuck do you spend $15,000 on relocation? The biggest Uhaul (which fits a 4 bedroom home) costs $5,000 to go from NYC to LA. Smaller sizes for $2-3k.

A chemical engineering degree can get you into a variety of fields. Oil is definitely the most lucrative, but that doesn't mean the others aren't.

A few industries you can get in:
Consumer products, oil & gas, pharmaceuticals, paper, rubber (polymers), food, etc.

I graduated last year (22 y.o). Got a job with a pharmaceutical consulting company after 3 months. 66k salary and they paid for everything (hotels, flights, food, car, gas). I quit because i was sick of 100% travel.

I joined a new company with a 75k salary and 20 vacation days (really good talker). im fucking 22 years old.

Don't talk down on a great degree because of what you've heard from others. Yes, there are more luctrative fields however some people don't want to sit in a room and code all day. Half my day is desk work the other i get to go into the field.

>complaining about H1b
I can guarantee you work in some dumb shit like IT. The average starting salary of an EECS grad where I'm at is $99k, stop making excuses


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>3.4 GPA
lmao when will gradelets learn?

>top 10% of high school
lmao just lmao, if you weren't top 2% you are retarded
>3.4 gpa college
lmao just lmao, proving a point that you didn't get at least 3 A's per semester
>160k debt
>went to cc after
lmao just lmao, you're supposed to go to cc first and pay only 10k for your first 2 years then go to a cheap 4-year that will only be 3-5k per semester, could have only been 10-20k in debt
>stem degree
lmao just do anything in medical
>does porn
should just keep doing this, it's easy money

anyone who goes to a college that charges a shitload of money is getting scammed/jewed, if you don't start at community college or a free ride at a college you're fucking up

Should've stopped here as LARPs like are now present

Yeah who is she

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i make twice as much as this stupid bitch doing construction with 3 months of tradeschool.

>lmao just lmao, if you weren't top 2% you are retarded
This. High school valedictorian of 400 here, and I slacked off every day. Normies are unironically retarded, and deserve their fate as unaccomplished wagies for life.

I go to a state school and I take $5,000 per semester in loans. My college costs $6800/year. It's a state school though so pretty affordable. I could have been getting paid to go to school if I went to CC. Right now I get a bunch of grants that make it affordable for me.

No joke though, the college graduating classes of 2009 and 2010 are the most fucked in American history.

They entered a horrible job market and had the whole student loan bitch to deal with to boot.

Everyone on Jow Forums got top GPAs at top colleges in engineering/computer shit and make six figures at 22 years old.

>Go into STEM
>Get above a 3.7
>Do whatever the fuck you want

Minimum wage in Canada is $1700usd/month

>having a boss
>making it
kek, wagies are pathetic.

lmao I'm a STEMcel and I'm barely holding a 3.0
Boosted my gpa from 2.8 to 3.3 but fucked up last semester and went down to 3.

The problem with people who go into STEM is that they think that if they pass its an automatic fucking win when that can't be any further from the truth. Currently 4th year Aerospace Engineering. Everyone I know who is well on their way to a job or going to back to school has been working on their own shit on the side. Thinking of stuff outside the school work. That's what employers fucking want.

No one really gives a fuck about your 3.87 GPA so long as you know your shit. From the pool they're hiring from? You're nothing but another number on a bell curve. The people with other side projects are getting noticed because they're actually doing shit.

So if you think you're content with just getting good grades. Either grow the fuck up or become a snarky T.A whos never going to leave the school you low rate pussy.

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I was about to say - homeless for over a year?? I bet she was givin it up back in '09, shit where was she
then she confirmed it cause she does straight up porn now lol.. sooo

who this bitch is?

Pretty sure this bitch is lying to begin with. She'd pretty much have to be making minimum wage to make that little. Among other things that don't add up, the average waitress probably pulls in about $15/hr with tips. Only thing that sucks about those jobs are that benefits are pretty much nonexistent.

>Get a liberal arts degree
>Start a business
>Sell business
>Rinse repeat and laugh at lmao stemcucks

A lot of these people are sheep who have only ever done what is directly asked of them in a school context and don't understand that you need to figure out how to be a marketable asset to an employer, which requires independent thought

No need to laugh at us buddyboy. STEMcucks are already laughing at ourselves more than enough.

I'm doing an internship this summer and also play D1AA rugby. Should I join an engineering club at my school or will that be enough? I have a 3.0 GPA and don't feel like putting more time into a club when my GPA is kind of low

>be me
>graduate high school in top ~25%
>go to community college for 3 years
>tuition covered by financial aid, pirate every textbook when possible
>spend $500 on school textbooks over 3 years
>accepted to 4-year for mechanical engineering
>pay ~$14k/yr for remaining 2 years
>work during 2 years

>tfw mediocre student who is going to graduate with almost no debt and a good degree while having put in minimal effort
Its so easy.

What I said doesn't mean GPA isn't important. Work on that GPA then join the club. I'd say at least a 3.6/7 before you start working on other shit.

>want to become a cop but my city requires a 4 year degree
>currently majoring in history since it’s the easiest degree in my college

will i make it? should i change to something more useful just in case?

what exactly is the point of having circlejerk threads like this on here? we get it. everyone on fit and Jow Forums are very very smart people, majoring in some form of engineering or finance or computer something getting top GPAs with high paying internships while having great social experiences and immediately get very high paying jobs out of school in their respective engineering/computer/investment bank fields

How the fuck do you only make $1500 A MONTH??????

I'm in a similar situation. Chem degree and no job. Graduated with honors and all that shit. At least I wasn't dumb enough to get into debt

Don't think that .6/7 is doable but a .3-.5 is definitely possible in 2 years unless I drop rugby and just read books for 2 years.

Better than “criminal justice” what an absolute meme that is.

I mean, if you are already pretty far in, fuck it. I've known a few people that just got some phone it in BS degree just because they wanted to be a lifetime commissioned officer in the military. Policing sucks, and is only going to get harder as people want to crack down on you know "actually defending yourself against violent coloreds" and all. And history doesn't really lead you to much job wise, or grad school wise to fix your undergrad choice fuck ups.

There are definitely easier degrees than History if you're lazy.

>tfw when Chemistry degree too
>just did an interview for a position that pays $14/hr
>Got an email for an interview that's 2k more a year across the state.
>But it's a state job so less advancement room

I just want to pay off my debt and make gains man.

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So glad I got away from the stem meme, now i'm the only one employed from my friend group. They never really fucking tell you that you need more than a bachelor to be employed.

Waste 100k-150k to get a job making 60-75k. Meanwhile in Business if you are pre-stem hard worker, you can make 60k+ easily with a bachelor. It all about that ROI.

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