let the other thread die ty
My very own vocaroo thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Can an user/femanon tell me something like "We are alike and we'll meet soon. Hang in there, user."? Thanks in advance!
sorry for the pause, i forgot what to say
Thanks user, appreciate it very originally!
I'm just here trying to trick my body into not being that depressed so no gay shit from me :D
Maybe I will, but for now I'm not alone and don't really want to record my voice.
Wow I dont even need to listen I just know who it is
that was kinda cute, i would have sex.
m8 wat
that was really cute actually
idk how you can get to just noises
just noises? you mean my air conditioner?
also story time
You have the gayest voice I have ever heard holy fuck OP?
I'm the transgirl that still sounds like a dude. A very gay, feminine dude. We usually talk to different people and not to each other but I still see you a lot.
Your thread sucks you stupid fag, even that other guys was better.
I hope you suicide soon
Are you the trap from Netherlands? You sound like her, how is your day senpai?
No bully. OP is nice
Nope, I'm on the road of self-care and bettering myself.
i mean just sounds, no visual aid
i too have a story
cause i revived it ;^)
No OP is a massive faggot who is addicted to benzos and is a attention whore like you, you should both meetup and jump off a roof
Just the truth, user. OP is too nice.
Umm no 99% of these threads you make die the other 1% start out with dick pictures and gay request that you encourage and hell no one can even understand what you are saying with that queer ass lisp
Tbh I got confused and thought
was OP...
Can you say "Daddy fuck my wet bussy hard"
That made me laugh but I suppose that's true. Even though I feel I'm what people would call a white knight, I'm still pretty fucked up. Thanks for the recording femanon!
i got u brah
Slap your dick on the keyboard and scream at the top of your lungs you little fag
Thanks user, I'm happy so many responded to my plea for help.
Any females (males) vocaroo shlicking their boiclit?
Not him but idk why I listened to that it was creepy
i like how you remember the 1%
I forgot to ask a few days ago how many months have you been on HRT? You also have a very nice ass!
I'm guessing your not the trap from Netherlands she was nice enough to reply and was fun to talk to
Do you have fucking down syndrome? You need to work on how you talk and do something with your voice.
that was my original intention originally
Glad I could make you laugh a bit at least!
You said it yourself; "its not that bad". I know damn well being bored is a killer, but it could be worse. You could be so busy you're overwhelmed and dont know where to begin to do things. My strongest advice is to keep doing what you're doing, but try to bring things that YOU enjoy to work with you physically or mentally. If you've got a hobby and you've got free time at work, go about your hobby on the job. If nobody cares then theres no problem, yeah?
Maybe some people here aren't that terrible after all? :P
I'm a big guy
it gets lonely
its okay humans are meant to be miserable.
I just carry my pills with me, no hobbies here
to whom it may concern
just a last ditch attempt on my part
I want to watch someone fuck your ass and I'm not even gay the way you talk is fucking weird I bet you would moan faggy and weird too
Any gaybots here post so we can jerk off together I'm horny and bored
I like how you are such a massive faggot go suck a dick
Well well the trap from /soc/ man dont you get enough attention already? How many orbiters are you trying to collect and also your still a man and a faggot
i would post but i'm not home alone :(
100% disgusting r9k is nothing but fags and shemales now
Not him but post anyway I'm sure they wont mind
Rate my shit fellas. That red blob is most likely blood, so don't worry.
Eh 3/10 got anymore to compare?
I would put money that within 1 year you will be on HRT and letting robot virgins top you
that one is a girl (female)
I really need a better mic :/ here's me practicing guitar
its good
but ty tho
but accents are lovely
>accents are lovely
maybe other people's accents, but I hate mine kek
Jesus you sound like a transexual too wtf is up with this thread
That's a very cute voice, fuck what others say.
Being rude is gay, at least this dude has enough balls to post his voice on the internet.
He is still a faggot why don't you hop on his dick?
I'm sure you know by now that you sound like a drunk transexual right?
I hope you are a female (female) way to many homosexuals on Jow Forums. There is an entire board waiting for this faggotry /lgbt/
Not him but thats pretty rude sounding when they are sticking up for you
Slap your dick and scream at the top of your lungs you stupid fag
off yourself, just because you have anonimity on this website doesnt mean you should act like a fucking neanderthal.
How does it feel being bullied by robots lol it is pretty sad OP on a board filled with nerds, weebs, neets and virgins you are even below them on the pecking order
Cute OP has a faggot defending him
i really dont care lol
Fuck off to reddit or /lgbt/ you fag
>sister started playing reggaeton
>dogs barking outside
sorry user I gotta go, also I love that image and ur voice ok bye
I'm the one that stood up for him. I didn't think his response was rude; it's just unfortunate that he's grown used to such negativity, yet keeps coming to this board.
But then again, I keep going here as well even though it makes me depressed, so I'm not one to talk.
can anybody ITT tell me how much of a real thug nigga they are, or what kinda real nigga they is
Dif user here I think at this point he likes the abuse
Makes me wonder if he was bullied in school he gets shit on here 24/7 and doesnt even care
I did some guitar stuff, for some reason it felt like i wasn't keeping time.
thx for this fren
Are you the guy who plucked his guitar with his dick yesterday? Or he slapped the strings with it I cant remember.
you're welcome fren
i kinda flopped it on the strings but it wasn't very loud.
do you do any other kind of instrumentation besides guitar fren