That guy who lifts over 30+ with no wife, no career, no responsibilities

>that guy who lifts over 30+ with no wife, no career, no responsibilities

Even though being aesthetic sounds awesome, it'll definitely take a back seat over a wife, kids, careers

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It's not a binary choice you retard. If you're unable to secure a wife or career, it isn't lifting holding you back.

>lifts over 30+
30+ wat

I was feeling quite happy the other day while driving. Then I stopped at a pedestrian crossing and a guy and his average looking wife and 2 kids walked across. Felt sad immediately

30+ niggers to bring to his nigger farm to tend to his other niggers that farm niggers in order to sell them to niggers.
Kys nigger lover.

I think he means kilograms, not sure for which lift though.

>still thinking the 1950s american dream is a recipe for happiness anno 2018

enjoy paying alimony and having your kids lied to in order to make them hate you while having your job automated away

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>no wife, no career, no responsibilities

I've lived like this for years and it's awesome

until you start thinking about self-fulfillment.

talk to your average middle age family lad about how fulfilled he is

You must be 18 and think having a family is lame.

That guy is my coach. Saved my life.
Because of 30+ no career stoner user.
I'm now together with a fit down to earth girl.
I'm fit and better mentally.

He's one of my best mates now.
I'll support him on his way back to work and out of drugs.

Best lifting buddy. Best buddy

>tfw 25 year old boomer neet

You're just a pathetic beta who failed at life.

I'm 31, married to a hot wife, we have 2 kids. I have a great job that pays well, and I still lift 3 times a week.

he hates his wife but is proud of at least 1 of his kids

thanks user

Lmao ok cuck, I know two lawyers and doctor bringing home more than 600k a year and because of his wife+kids he drives a BMW 4 series and the lawyers both drive mazdas. With the extra time and money they could be fit and driving ferraris. You're either in a relationship or already have a family. I have NEVER met a man married more than 10 years who has recommended I get married.

>Still have potentially 50+ years
>Never able to have a relationship or hot sex with another women again
>Never able to travel alone again

Lmao yea buddy have fun. I'm 25 now and know that's an awful decision.

>. I have NEVER met a man married more than 10 years who has recommended I get married.

Time for you to meet better friends

Well I didn't say marriage fulfills you. Marriage in 2018 is a joke in my eyes. The career and responsibilities part makes you more of a man, that is what is fulfilling.

Maybe blacks have the right idea

Attached: women once you go black.jpg (889x374, 37K)

Yea some are friends but a lot are just acquaintances, neighbors, etc. It's not like they say they're unhappy it's just that when you get married it closes so 95% of the doors in your life.

Not as bad as you would think.
I hustle with my crap job and side jobs while studying for another job.
I keep a married fuckbuddy who, for some odd reason, does the wifey and hubby thing with me while her husband is deployed.
I bang my next door neighbors highschool aged daughter and we have a whole father/daughter thing going