Is there hope for manlets if you get Jow Forums?
Is there hope for manlets if you get Jow Forums?
She has him dressed like some sort of servant/2nd class citizen
Manlet. Bitch is wearing stilettos adding inches to her height.
Not only that, but when white(ish) girls are longer leg proportioned like that, they are usually close to 6 feet or taller. Could always be proven wrong, but that guy could easily be 6'.
>that 6'0" girl who wears heels or boots
They are both 5’10
the average black girls have longer legs than white women and bigger asses tooo
This is one part I hate college. I keep seeing skinny 6 foot above girls wear boots and heels. Whenever i go near them, my manlet ass gets height mogged despite being Jow Forums. it fucking sucks
How tall are you?
Still fairly tall for a girl though, most that list their height on tinder and shit seem to be like 5'4"-5'7". Do girls lie about their height like guys do? Do they try to claim taller or shorter?
I'm 5 8 sadly.
5 9 with shoes.
No worries m8, try some of these stretches out and see if it helps. I hope you can make it to 6'0".
nigger women are superior. perfect for breeding
I'm already 19. thanks for trying to help but my height is set. the only thing i take pride in is my physique and my jaw
I wouldn't really be having problems if every other handsome dude was my height. but theres a lot of good looking 6 foot tall dudes, my competition is fucking insane for even average looking girls. And i'm just really sad.
>tfw 6'1"
>will only exclusively go for girls who are 5'3" and under
>manlet friends getting angry when I keep pulling their only chances away from them
But for real height doesn't matter too much. I have a friend who's 5'7" with a 6' gf. Doesn't bother either of them.
How do you have the confidence go for 6 foot girls
Tall women are freaks that everyone hates. That's why in school the tall girls were always outcasts who's only hope was focusing on studying.
He forgot that 6'1" is technically in the manlet zone. Tough luck litlle guy ;)
He said that she approached him. He said that he's only ever had taller girls approach him.
Tall girls in my school were stacies.
Was this in a bar or club setting?
i like this 5 11 russian girl in my uni dining hall that i see around. cant tell if shes miring but shes always ends up near me for some reason.
Tall girls are either super stacies in the volleyball or basketball or whatever sports team, super nerds, or alt girls
If you're not minimum 190 cm tall, then you're a shortie.
I don't know to be honest. Never asked. But he's not a bar/club guy so I doubt it. I think it was at an anime convention most likely.
>grow grow
Actual stretching, not just trying to reach for the ceiling.
>anime convention
lmaoo, was he cosplaying as manlet jojo or some shit
does this shit actually work? I can't imagine it would add even 1 inch doing these meme stretches
He likes to cosplay Gohan.
It does, t decompresses your spine.
better bodies desu, then again women are getting fatter by the year
grow, grow, grow
Maybe if you get out of your bubble, OP. Stop surrounding yourself with height fetishists.
Stretching decompresses your spine and tightens your muscles.
You don't even need to be fit, just sic.