INFJ girl here who's getting tired of her boyfriend because he's kind of dumb and insensitive. Any other fembots in unfulfilling relationships?
INFJ girl here who's getting tired of her boyfriend because he's kind of dumb and insensitive...
Not a fembot, but I'd like to tell you that the sun doesn't always rise and the blood in your body will turn to ash like all the memories.
Based Myers-Briggslet
I... don't understand? Could you maybe rephrase that in a less cryptic way? o.o
Why do you stay in the relationship? Sounds like its already dead. Better to look for something real, than to hang on to something dead
I don't want to hurt him. I haven't been in love since... gosh, maybe a year ago, but I have a huge aversion to hurting anyone.
You think its better for him to be with a woman that doesn't love him? Pleasing a woman that doesn't love you is impossible, and hurts even more in the long run than the initial breakup. How can you even be in a relationship with some one whom you don't love. Get a dog instead, it will make 2 lifes better
This has nothing to do with you being scared of hurting him. You're sticking around because you're scared of being alone and are waiting until someone else comes along to leave him.
If you don't love him, break things off, or at least tell him you don't love him, because that's bullshit what you're doing, you dumb fucking roast.
Ugh, no. I wouldn't leave him for someone else. I'm not that much of a slimy bitch.
Not her, but what if you've broken up with someone and they've attempted suicide during the time period you weren't talking?