And the idea
And the idea
Other urls found in this thread:
Is Israel mus be defended at all costs, even American lives.
that Israel shouldn't have a monopoly on american foreskins is absolutely insane
My wife is a doctor so poor people shouldn't have healthcare something something furniture.
That I'm against identity politics but I call "antisemite" anybody who criticises israel makes perfect sense.
that jewish mommy milkers on my sister don't nurture me every day is insane.
that the only true account of a god speaking on a mountain is in the bible (among many claims of different gods speaking on mountains) is clearly obvious.
that the fact that the US seems to do better on a random metric (chances of cancer remission) debunks the well documented fact that the US healthcare system overall sucks compared to other developed nations.
...that the nazis were right-wing is obviously false. They were clearly LEFT-WING.
that climate change is a problem is a librul delusion. The world has not ended yet despite a few fringe scientists predicting that it would, that means we don't have to do anything about climate change.
Judaism is a religion not a political identity.
Well, it's true though. Not that this is a good argument for anything, but nazis were left wing.
National SOCIALISM. They were left-wing.
wtf, I love North Korea now
Imagine unironically believing this.
Back to history class, son. Stop watching PragerU videos.
>Stalin was right-wing because espoused nationalism, militarism, authority, hierarchy.
This guy's a jew so everything he says is immediately false.
>no income tax
>legal weed
>anti-imperialist foreign policy
North Korea confirmed for libertarian utopia.
This wasn't my argument. And I bet you feel really happy that you finally got to use this argument?
What about their idea of hybrid planned economy and nationalization of trust funds? What about their idea of class struggle between german working class and jewish capitalists? What about the NSDAP program including abolition of unearned income and expansion of welfare? What about their idea of expanding government power and its influence on citizen's private life?
What exactly makes the nazis right wing? Hating jews? You know that there is non-marxian socialism even today.
Hitler was right wing because he was against marxism.
(Pic related is you by the way)
Some of the things you listed are not necessarily left-wing (like government power and influence on citizen's private life, which can perfectly be for right-wing causes, like social conservatism). But the point is that for every left-sounding policy or idea, you can find 10 others that are clearly right-wing.
This is literally political science 101. Only morons like Crowder or Shapiro want to call anything on their side they don't like as belonging to the other side.
Based on your own logic, Stalin was right-wing.
See -->
>in b4 snopes is leftist propaganda, even when it just quotes mainstream scholars.
You never took political science 101, so no reason to bring it up. Also, just because you mention Shapiro or Prager, doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.
But okay, nazis had a left-wing economic policy.
No, based on your logic Stalin was right wing, because he had some "right-wing" ideas like nationalism and militarism. Based on my logic nazis were full blown leftists, because they had leftist economic policy
Making threads about cancerous e-celebs of any kind should be a bannable offense.
I am not going to read a snopes article, but some excerpts:
>The National Socialists completely ignored socialisms primary aim
Completely irrelevant when it comes to policy.
> was wholly ignorant of any formal understanding of the principles of economics. For him, as he stated to the industrialists, economics was of secondary importance
Irrelevant when it comes to actual policy.
>The Nazi problem comes down to this: As an ultra-nationalist, socially conservative, anti-egalitarian and fascist ideology, Nazism naturally falls on the extreme far-right end of the political spectrum
This is complete circular logic.
And so on. Also, you can't really ignore the fact that academics had an extreme left wing bias and were concerned with white-washing socialism.
But okay, nazis had a left-wing economic policy.
They didn't.
Literally no serious historian would argue that the nazis were generally left-wing. I repeat, stop watching Crowder or Shapiro.
I don't care about what historians think. nazis had a leftist economic policy.
I repeat stop name dropping neocons as if that were some argument.
>Also, you can't really ignore the fact that academics had an extreme left wing bias and were concerned with white-washing socialism.
Awesome. When the overwhelming majority of scholars contradict what you heard on right-wing talk shows, just say that it's because they are leftists.
Keep listening to PragerU,
>I don't care what the experts on the topic say
Historians are not experts on economics.
Buttblasted lefty keeps using prageru and shapiro thinking these are arguments.
>Buttblasted lefty keeps using prageru and shapiro thinking these are arguments.
They are not arguments, they are the only source for these idiotic ideas.
lmagine being this ignorant.
I bet you listen to Peterson and this Shapiro faggot too
I hate that snarky Jew. I hope the Iranians nuke tel Aviv while is there on vacation.
Free Palestine
you do realized Hitler killed off the left wing strasserites of the nazi party, crushed unions and rose to power due to German industrialists fearing a communist revolution due to the shit state of the Weimar Republic?
Government control is left wing. He just called himself something different and killed his opposition.