Wtf is this?

Wtf is this?

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canker sore


Webmd says it's cancer. Sorry bro

Some upside down gook/spic



Don't you mean wtf itthh thitthhh

Have you never gotten a mouth ulcer before? It's a little sore that will go away over time, quicker if you don't touch it. Really annoying. I used to get up to 8 in my mouth at a time before I was 18.

this -- I used to get these real bad until I switched to toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate

Started serious fasting recently and it seems like it's really cleared it up for me, but too soon to tell

my mom used to always make me swish salt water around in my mouth when i got those as a kid. idk if it did anything tho

actually get this very often.. called canker sores, causes are unkown but its genetic i believe. i had one that was so bad i had to go to a dentist and he applied some shit that burned like a motherfucker but it kills the cells and dulls the pain. best of luck OP

Looks like AIDS. Sorry man.

It made it worse. Shits burning =! It will heal faster and kill the bacteria.

Take a wet tea bag and shove that shit in your lip. It will hurt like a bitch for like 10 seconds but then your lip will go numb for a hour or two. Try and keep it in your lip for as long as you can stand it. Also don't lick the sore, your saliva will only make it worse.

If it burns it’s a canker sore, if it doesn’t it’s probably a mucocele. Or its cancer

The Strand of skin? It's your mouth hymen.

Shitty pic but likely a aphthous ulcer, aka canker sore.

Yup canker sore. Shit sucks.

>I used to get up to 8 in my mouth at a time before I was 18.
dude what the fuck that's not normal

canker sore. i get these when im really stressed. try taking B-vitamin complex, helped me a bit. also dont touch them and avoid salty and sour food.

You know what else causes them? Vitamin C.

vibranium tattoo
congrats youre a wakandian