Femcels do not ex—

>mentally ill
>publicly despised
Look her in the goddam face and say she is not a femcel

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Other urls found in this thread:


>And openly posts a 13 minutes video of herself talking

Yeah, she can fuck off.

>face brings suffering
Yeah, women cannot understand what it is like to be ugly, right?

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She admits herself that guys have it harder you fucking moron.

Kill yourself. This bait was never funny, the cutoff shit meme should die and so should you.

She came here for solidarity, and you virgins treated her the same way Stacy and Chad treated her. Shame on you!

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Guys having it harder in terms of obtaining relationships does not mean that femcels do not also exist

She can genuinely fuck off, I literally don't care. What makes her so special that she feels she needs to whiny such publicly? She can suffer in quiet here with us.

What's her youtube channel again? I remember she had a comfy video of making pancakes

>is a misogynist
Color me shocked

it means they're a joke, because they could just date the more plentiful real incels. there is no way to argue this isn't just an attention whoring volcel at best.

>makes videos
>not just ANY videos but of herself
>not just of HERSELF but talking about personal stuff
>actually can look at them and post them on youtube
>clearly can be very talkative and create advanced sentences, something a true incel with depression who is publically despised would never be able to do

SHE IS NOT A GOD-FUCKING-DAMN FEMCEL. If anything she must be VOLCEL and only thinks she has real reasons to be a incel because Chad #653 in HS wouldn't fuck her.

>has 100 orbiters
>I'm loooooooonellly and sad! Nobody will EVER like me!

Bruh get real thoty

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She deletes everything every time she has a breakdown. Now she just has a video saying she lost her Trip. It is Tea And Talk, though

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>like an objective 3/10
I lol'd
qt is obviously a 6/10

>Look, it's another "this persona is real !" episode

But she's actually cute and the reality is that she probably has friends off camera and only pulls this shit for sympathy and attention. Fuck off

>It's another "girl with crocodile tears" episode

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>Look her in the goddam face and say she is not a femcel

Ok. I looked her in the face. she is at least 5/10. Not an incel.

>is an objective 3/10
>lol durr, she is 5/10 not an incel
You clearly did not look her in the face

is that the bitch who called herself a 3/10? She only made that video to fish for compliments, and build an army of beta orbiters. Move along.

Dude there are videos online of her making out with black guys

Sorry you don't know how to rate objectively. 3s do not get orbiter armys.

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Ummm...source? Because I do not believe you

That chart seems to have a pretty sharp line between 4 and 3. 4s are otherwise pretty girls with ugly mouths. 3 suddenly becomes fatass freaks.

What is hard to believe about it?

B-because she told me g-guys found her repulsive. Why would they kiss her? And why would she lie?

She's a woman she's lieing for attention. You should confront her about how she isn't a virgin

She is pretty cute. What is her story? Cute retard?

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And you faggots wonder why you're single, buncha fuckin supreme gentlemen in this thread. I have a sister with bipolar disorder type 1, she's good looking but guys stay the fuck away. Legitimate mental illness can turn an otherwise attractive person unattractive in a heartbeat. Of course you'd know this if you perma-virgins looked at women as anything more than glorified fleshlights.

I don't even care about the chick in the videos, this isn't about that. This is about you band of wizards in training thinking literally only physical characteristics make someone attractive. This is exactly why plenty of you are probably 6-7/10s without realizing it but don't get laid because chicks are repulsed by your shit fucking personalities.

Neck yourselves.

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Those women with mental illnesses get laid all the time, cheat on their boyfriends. It's the most common meme that crazy women are great at sex.

She's very pretty. She may be cel, but definitely not incel. Volcel if anything.
There's tons of dudes who would smash that despite all the mental issues she might have.

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Finally someone gets it. Even if she can get laid, no one wants to stick around and deal with her shit. Sometimes people want the satisfaction of a stable relationship and knowing someone cares about you more than they want constant orgasms, and it must be tough knowing that you are repulsive as soon as you open your mouth.

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This has got to be bait

verified original

>Even if she can get laid
If she can get laid she isn't an incel and her problems are completely different.

And what type of gamer might you be, good sir?

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Relationship with a normie girl is boring. All robots want a mentally ill gf it makes her more attractive

Maybe we need a new term, but seems like she could be inemocel (involuntarily emotionally celibate) , where maybe she can get laid, but no one cares about her or can handle her in a relationship

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Hundreds possibly thousands of people care about her, she just wants a Chad to care though.

>women who can't find anyone are mentally ill victims
>men who can't find anyone have shitty personalities

Nice double standard bruv

This, originally. If you have the confidence to talk about this shit publicly then you aren't a robot.

i just want something you privileged roasties.
I love how this is the default to justify females are lonely too arguments.

I'd love a stable relationship, but im also so starved of any sort of affection i'd be happy with casual sex. I just want to feel an intimate connection.
Fucking roastie loneliness is an absolute fucking meme.
The male incels really have nothing.
It's like i may as well not exist.

How in the fuck am i supposed to sympathize with a girl who gets sexual attention but can't have the corny relationship she wants because she's not enough of a likeable person for Chad to stay.

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the first time i saw her videos i thought she was kinda cute and i genuinely felt bad for her. but then i noticed she was defending guy maimon in the comment section, the same cringy kike that tried to date ciara. absolutely disgusting desu
i would not be suprised at all if this was just an act to scam orbiters like every other r9k girl. they all seem to know each other anyway

>buncha fuckin supreme gentlemen
I fucking love being called a supreme gentleman. This shit is royalty.

Hol up! This (((incel))) bitch is running in the same discord servers as Ciara and her beta bitches?

i wouldn't know about that, i just meant to say i found it very off putting she chose to befriend some cringy sperg that had a part in alot of ciara drama on here. there's no way she wouldn't have known who he was if she visits r9k

What this shit is this bait OP? Are you even fucking trying?
She looks fine. She's nowhere near ugly. Average at worst.
Seriously, are you ok man? Take a break, drink some water, this bait is so low quality that is worry about your health. Do you even understand how bad it has to be that I think you're unwell?

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She hot enough that she could fuck Chad, get the fuck out of here with this dumb roastie

If Ellen Page and Kristen Stewart are a 5 I don't need to go higher.

I know some fuck has to archive this shit, I wanna see the pancake vid. also the one where she hits herself lmaooo.

She's a cutie, there most be tons of dudes in the comments section worshipping her

she has orbiters, guaranteed

Orbiters aren't human, they are background objects. They don't count as potential sexual partners.

I might not have good taste but pics relayed seem decent to me
But I can understand that fembot exist, I knew some poor nerdy girl back in high school that wasn't much of a cunt but was bragging about her book culture; poor girl just tried to fit in with what she knew and we gave her shit

People like OP need to understand that weakness and lack of confidence are only defective to men because unlike women they are supposed to be independent and protective