Does r9k want a daughter? If so what kind of daughter would she be?
Does r9k want a daughter? If so what kind of daughter would she be?
>*hits blunt*
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Yes i do
Honestly i will support her with whatever she wants to be
But if i could choose i would make her a weeb girl and dress her up in cute anime clothes, then be a dick with whatever Chad that wants to get anywhere near her
Oh i feel sorry for you user... But, don't you enjoy fucking and having fun with her mother?
no. no woman deserves to have a daughter with my genius iq.
that would give them a huge boost in their gender war against men.
If I were to have a child, I'd want to have a daughter so I could raise her right.
Pic related
Of course. I w8ll raise her to be a very traditionalist woman and to avoid degeneracy. I will tell her that she needs to go to college, not dress like a whore, always be wary of the company of men. They all want one thing. And of course I would teach her how to fight, shoot, and computer program so she doesn't have to marry a man. She is growing up Christian though, no question about it.
The perfect little lady will act like Shinku in public but will dress like Anna Oonishi around the house just for daddy.
>have shit garbage genes
>pretend to be smart on r9k because thats the running meme
>women suddenly want me to breed them because they believe i have some rare high iq genes
>tfw they were tricked
who /devilish/?
>Pic related
Nah, it's solid logic m8, you literally can't refute a single word lmao
I'd love to have a daughter. I'd try my best to raise her according to my own morals to be respectful, kind, to act like a lady and not a whore, not to fall for the charms of Chad like all the other girls.
I'd use our time together to teach her about stuff, but make it a fun father-daughter bonding time thing, like cooking, exercise, /out/ stuff, technology, sewing, how to repair things, how to build things, we could even write stories together or play instruments, I'd give her a lot of variety. Honestly it's mostly stuff I wish I'd learned from my parents growing up, they only relied on schooling so I've learned nothing from them other than how to live frugally using them as an example of the opposite.
>tfw three daughters
>all different race
I fucked up brehs
Did you get your wife the Bulls of The World cuckoldry starter pack or something?
Nah I'm a single dad, all different moms. Really stupid and unlucky on my part where after the first one, they each dumped the baby on me to raise.
pulling out isn't that difficult desu
I don't particularly care about son or daughter but if I got in a relationship with a woman who already has a kid, I would prefer a daughter. Studies show boys can actually do worse with a step dad.
My problem is that I trust too much.
>2 people responding seriously to this classic pasta
lurk moar fags
>deciding what kind of daughter your daughter will be
that's up to her, OP. All I can do is make sure she socializes enough as a baby, provide her a stable home environment, and make sure she starts earning her own money as soon as she is old enough to build her independence and work ethic.
A cute and feminine daughter (son).
Damn man, how are you doing with all that responsibility? Are they babbies are old enough to somewhat take care of themselves a bit?
I'm barely keeping it together, if I didn't have help from my parents I'd be fucked. They aren't baby babies now but the youngest is still a toddler so they're not self reliant.
>I would teach her that make up is only for people that hate how they look naturally
>I would teach her that there are no morals in this world, only the passions of people control the land and that she should learn focus her rage, happiness and sadness into something that will motivate her forward instead of allowing her to become like so many others that allow their raw emotions to throw them into stupid and useless outbursts
>I would teach her the importance of manipulating others and how it should be used for the benefit of the only thing that matters to us pack animals, our family
>I would teach her that the natural human body is a truly amazing thing and that loving oneself requires one to strive for peak fitness, which of course is a must if she wants to be part of my family
>I would teach her that the death of a mind begins when she stops wondering about the world and that the only way to counter the death of her mind is to constantly challenge herself mentally with a variety of subjects spanning from language and philosophy to science and engineering
>I would teach her that the only time she would be considered a failure in my eyes is when she stops trying
Are you Diversity and Comics?
What is that, some webcomic?
Well you have my respect for doing what you can for the girls. Isn't there any way you can get back those roasties using the legal system? usually they take the kid with them desu.
I've considered getting child support but then I think they would demand visitation rights or maybe even custody if it meant having to pay. Each of the moms dumped the girl on me and that's how it's been, if they don't want to be around then I'd rather they weren't.
I'll take 10 daughters and 2 sons. for fun
Does anyone else imagine some specific number of children that deviates from most people
Most people imagine 1 boy and 1 girl, but I like to imagine having 2 boys and 1 girl, but she has most of the features that come from my side (not that she looks like a man I mean hair/eye color and other things
You gotta be careful though
You force it too much on her she becomes the opposite to spite you
A certain daughter of the Cosmos.
Just get some sort of legal protection. These moms can come back years later and demand their kid back and you'd might be powerless.
Yeah I've definitely considered that.
Can't wait to have smart kids who are valuable members of society. By which I mean, whoever ends up using my sperm donations.
She will be a hapa
If i had a daughter. shhe would be an outdoorsy girl, who is very good shot with a traditional bow,, Who is good with Javelin throwing, And can cook delicious meals like me and her mother.
Also i wont give her a phone, or a Tv, or any Disney/ Jew AKA MEDIA stuff. She can socialize when i take her to the local swimming pool/ Park where all the othher home schooling parents are with their kids.
I'm 21 now but I'd like to have kids at 28. I have always wanted a daughter over a son. I don't want a wife or a girlfriend though because they'd encourage her to be a whore.
My hypothetical daughter who be raised traditional and Christian. She'd go to a private school because public school is for degenerate. She would not be allowed to date. She will recite the bible every night. If she betrays my trust, I will kick her out and cut her off financially. None of this "what would Jesus do" stuff. My house, my rules. Kids need discipline now more than every in this degenerate society. The world needs Christ.
A very underrated post. Didn't think I'd find a Bloodborne reference
If I have a daughter i'd honestly let her learn as much as possible from her mum but try to give her a little tomboy edge so that she isn't a naive vapid bitch that'll do porn as soon as some ugly fucker tricks her to suck his dick in highschool but i won't build her into a dyke either
Single Dad with a 19 month old daughter. I just want her to be an independent person who tackles things on her own and asks for help when she cant solve a problem. She is going to end up being an outdoorsy tomboy considering I always take her hiking and have her help me work on my motorcycles and truck