MBTI THREAD: "its bullshit but i believe it" edition

MBTI THREAD: "its bullshit but i believe it" edition
>your type
>what makes you keep going ahead when you fuck up

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>distracting myself and trying not to think about it

fuck off nigger, sage.

mbti is a measurement of TENDENCIES.
its not meant to identify with.
you assholes have turned it into astrology.

my mbti is gemini and my preferred partner would be libra

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>nothing, i'm just used to it

>God and extraterrastials

>there's always things to enjoy

>knowing I can kill myself whenever is comforting

>knowing that i will suceed if i work for what i want

The dread of leaving the legacy of disappointment is one of the only reasons I'm alive

>tfw ENTP
>tfw you can't post about characters you relate to/who are literally you because everyone thinks you're just being a faggot
>tfw you actually are a faggot and all these characters are also faggots and that's why you relate to their faggotry

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>I just don't really care enough to stop, plus I crave approval/praise so I'm basically driven to complete any task for the promise of it

>Not thinking about it, playing vidya or daydreaming for unhealthy amounts of time
Asuka is ExTJ
Bender is ESTP incarnate
Clay from Moral Orel also seems more like a ExTJ
Deadpool is debatable, I've seen some people type him as ENFP but I haven't really read that much of the comics so i dunno.
But I guess you don't necessarily need to be the exact same type as someone to relate to them. Pretty sure I'm INTP but I can relate to (some) ENTPs, INFPs or ISTPs.

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I'd argue Asuka is more of an ESTP. Would defo agree that Bender and Clay are the types you've mentioned, but I'd fight to the death for Deadpool being an ENTP. He's basically the first character who ever gave me "literally me" feels.

You're right though, they aren't all ENTPs, a lot of them are ESTPs and other types who I just feel a commonality with.

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>I usually stop after fucking up.

Bender seems like an ENTP to me, not that I've watched Futurama in years but he leads with his imagination first as I remember

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>Dr. Cox
Nice try, you fucking faggot.

There are multiple reasons why I cannot die yet but this is partly the reason. The biggest reason would be is that I have to keep living until I succeed my goals and if I fail to have at least one male heir to carry on my dreams should I fail. I live for other people, to offer them the correct path to live and if they reject it than that is their own fault and if they crucify me that is their own fault. I will be the hero they need but not the one they deserve. But that is their choice

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>Always sarcastic and rude
>Never shuts up when he gets going
>Zero emotional maturity
>Can't open up to people at all
>When he does it all comes pouring out
>Narcissist who hates and loves himself
>Mood swings out the fucking ass
Dr. Cox was kind of a faggot in the same way that most ENTPs are faggots.

ENTP guy here, I'd say Bender is definitely too hedonistic and focused on the here and now to be an ESTP. He does what he does very naturally and rarely pays a thought to anything outside of his current purview. Also he's not particularly introspective or inclined towards Philosophy 101 level discussions/ideas. The guy's ESTP all the way through

>mood swings
>being sarcastic and rude is bad
>you should only say only 1 bad thing at time
>hating and loving yourself is bad
My fucking god, you are a faggot. I've pulled ENTP on MBTI and i'm not even close to being a whinny bitch like you. Are you a gentle princess irl too?

Since it's the memeology thread I'll post my stuff
>drop phone on railroad as I'm about to board the train
>jump in to pick it up because it might derail the train or my boss might get mad at me for not answering
>get a fine
>police inspector asks why the fuck I didn't ask a policeman to pick it up for me
>blank stare
>the fine is twice the cost of the fucking phone
Anyway I get over it by getting rally fucking depressed and going into robot mode until my nerves can't take it anymore and I get a headache or fall asleep. Videogames and smoking help too. It's gonna be a long day

INTJ/INTP depending on mood when I do it
When I have a problem I usually give up or just have a mad rage fit

Nah, I just have a level of self-awareness to understand that these qualities have drawbacks as well as advantages.

>implying you can trick me with your "hurr big bad ENTP don't have feelings or care about nuffin" routine when I'm also an ENTP

As i stated, dear, i'm also an ENTP, i'm not trying to bit you, i'm just surprised someone like me could be so whinny and soooooo whinny.
We do have feelings, but being rational and being just is way more important than being an over emotional faggot, a.k.a. being "self-aware", and calling everyone that share some personality traits with you faggots.

For someone who thinks himself to be rational, you sure are taking a huge amount of personal offense to someone on the internet referring to your special letters as being "faggotty"

We ENTPs are kind of faggotty, user. We know it, other types know it, the important thing is that we own it.

I'm discussing about someone being a self entiteled faggot and naming everyone that share our "meme letters" faggots.
We can be bitchy? Yes, but not faggots, because we own whichever thign we said/made. You fucking faggot.

>dissociating, "forgetting" that the fuck-up happened only to let the memory of it haunt me later on

Most people don't pay enough attention to their mistakes, but the INxxs ruminate over their mistakes for way too long.

People who share our meme letters are faggots, you stupid faggot. The sheer fact that we're having this argument over nothing like a couple of ENTP faggots just for the sake of being right only proves that we're every bit the small, childish faggots that people assume we are.

>discussing is for faggots
Said the faggot. Bitchy? Yes, just like how we are showing now, but faggot? Nah, unlike you i don't suck dicks.

You'd suck my dick if I shoved it down that flapping mouth of yours, you tremendous bitchy faggot.

>realizing that even if I fuck up enormously it won't change anything on a bigger scale, nothing I do will matter in 100 years so I can fuck up as much as I want for now but still learn from my mistakes so life isn't completely unbearable

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No, i wouldn't, because unlike you, dear, i'm not into men, you filthy bitchy faggot.

>Reminding myself that I can end it all anytime I want. I can stab myself with this pencil and be dead in 30 minutes. I can wait until I get home and shoot myself. Doesn't matter how or why, all that matters is that I can.

You're so deep in the closet that you can suck all those big, veiny dicks you're so into from the gloryhole in its back wall.

You're trying way to hard, I heard those before, and i'm not the one self entiteled faggot here, am i?
Also, stop projecting, you can open up to your parents whenever, dude, i'm sure your dad would love a good suckle from his favorite bitchy faggot "son".

what website do I go to to learn my personality astrology?
>remembering that everything ends, even me being buttmad

There you go.

Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience, Rent Boy. How about you take that money you were saving for the gender change surgery and book a therapist?

Nothing keeps me going anymore

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>I don't fuck up
Seriously. I don't do things that I think I will fail at unless I don't care about the result.
Even if something goes "wrong" in my life, I'd recover by either altering the goal or deciding if what I'm doing is really worth it.

Just my instincts, but my instincts keep telling me to lie in bed all day.

I'm not the one projecting it's on faggotry on other, pal, you are, so no experience on faggotry here, sorry, "boy". The thoughts of being a mental ill freak doesn't appeal to me either, but it seems that have crossed your mind now and then, but since you are a faggot i'm not even surprised. And by the way, "son", don't worry about my money, i'm good enough about that, but if you ever need some "hand me outs" just make a thread with the sayings "lonely self entiteled faggot here, please need money", i'm sure someone will toss you something.

>I don't fuck up

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I'm actually kind of having fun right now

Me too, pal, me too. You still are a huge faggot, but a cool faggot, like Fred Mercury, but still a huge faggot.

am I fucked lads?

Stereotypically you are stone fucking cold


There are things I'm working towards, and there is someone that needs me, that I take care of.

badass, guess I'm good then

Holy shit did you read my mind?

> tfw INTP-A instead of INTP-T

> what makes you keep going ahead when you fuck up
We all fuck up sometimes. You have then just to learn from your mistake and keep living your life bro.

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That ain't just a stereotype son still a bit inaccurate though

>found a way to reach ascension

>metabolic processes i guess

have a picture i took a couple months back

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I don't really know. I guess i would say the hope of a better tomorrow but I've been telling myself this lie since 2015

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knowing i have other options, i did not fuck up THAT much

>I don't have to wage slave yet

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Our civilization will collapse within this century, I want to watch how it plays out. Maybe I'll survive and regale primitives with stories of the before times. Besides that there's just too much interesting shit to learn about for me to off myself.

>rocks piled up over a river
this triggers /out faggots

Just like your father.

Every philosophy professor that I've met so far had some form of xNTP autism. They're soulless, but goofy at the same time. In a "lol, nothing matters, bro!" way. They're also either cheerful all the time for no reason, or depressed.

I stopped giving a fuck at some point. Life goes on and you just have to buckle up and deal with shit.
Only one thing has really gotten to me in the last couple years, and I've had some pretty major fuck ups.

That doesn't really sound like an xNTP to me user. Almost every INTP I've talked with has had to some extent an interest in philosophy, but most would consider a career as a philosophy professor to be far too impractical.

This. Philosophy professor sounds more like an INTJ trying to show everyone how smart he is again

INTP is literally the absent-minded professor stereotype. A lot of them go into teaching because they care more about their passions than money, and I'd say they're more likely than any other type to like philosophy.

INTJs could also be professors but they're a lot less detached, and generally have a different vibe.

>a lot less detached
Demonstrably wrong but ok
>different vibe in general
Explain then please?


I may fuck something up but that doesnt mean inshould
LEft it uncared for

>Repeating " thinking about anything other than making the future better is wasting time" in my head till I believe it

You know the future never arrives right?

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Yeah but dealing with the present moment is for the emotional reactive brain. The rational brains scope includes planning ahead and justifying yourself. Using rational analysis to repeatedly go over mistakes is self abuse and misuse of resources that's all I'm reminding myself

Huh? Tearing yourself up over mistakes is focusing on the past not the present, and I thought needing to justify yourself was an emotional reactive thing. In a purely rational sense you have no reason to justify yourself to anything or anyone, you just do it out of irrational fear. What's wrong with using rational analysis in a positive way anyway? I wouldn't call appreciating the beauty of a particularly attractive cup was the purely emotional reactive brain at work

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>The tact that I have no reason to live motivated me to fuck around until I discover a reason

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>locking myself in fantaisies and daydreaming

Yeah I agree with the first thing you said just now. We humans tend to act without conscious input and then use our rational minds to create a post hoc rational defense for those actions I'm only bringing this up to point out the futility of focusing your conscious mind on moment to moment developments. Effectively the closest you can come to consciously making a decision in the moment is to train yourself to react in the desired way beforehand. From my perspective the most positive use of my conscious minds time is to plan for better outcomes. As for the cup thing I don't think any of the aesthetic appreciation comes from a conscious line of thinking and that's the distinction I'm making.

I want to fuck hot girls on the side and dispose of them while I make tonnes of money.

>implying I go somewhere at all

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>I know i will eventually succeed at something

why do INTPs say that every bad INTP stereotype is actually INTJ


how does emotion have anything to do with living in the moment

>I didn't deal with all the bullshit in my life up till this point to give up yet.
>Confident things will improve as long as I continue moving forward.

I can speak dark skin! "ook ook ah ah! ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah! ooky ooky ha ah!"

INTJ here. I had to go to some group neet meeting today. After it I had to sleep for 10 hours. Anyone else here get totally fucking drained from being around people.

INTJs are attached to their ideas because they care about the impact. But when xNTPs teach, they're not trying to sway anyone's actions that much.

>different vibe
It's hard to put into words. They're both physically rigid, but xNTPs look softer and less self-conscious. INTPs take a lot of pauses when speaking to find the right word. INTJs' eyes are more focused and intense, whereas xNTPs sort of look around at random objects while they're talking. INTJs are actually more like ENTPs than INTPs, talking in a long stream of consciousness, whereas INTP thought is careful, sequential and precise.

go more in depth if desu

>there's something interesting to analyse elsewhere, if I'm not meme-ing too hard.

It's just a blip in my long, shitty existence. Past, present, future. Doesn't matter which is bad really.

>Physically and mentally beating the shit out of myself

I don't agree with any type for myself or on tests, I can switch between each function easily and adapt the right function to any corresponding situation and believe each function is important to exercise.

INTPs have a very inward-focused energy. Sometimes they smile without it totally reaching the eyes, like the emotion is half-blocked from taking over. ENTPs grin a lot for no apparent reason. INTJs are harder to read, quicker to react to things than INTPs, and sometimes they have fleeting expressions. INTJ men seem slightly possessed to me when they're monologuing. They can look straight through you while they're explaining something, whereas INTPs always look away from you. Also, INTPs use a lot of uncertain language and qualifiers, like "sometimes," "maybe," "probably," "I guess," and "I think," but it's because they're sure of what they know and don't know.

You do you.