When you see someone who had all the resources to succeed, and chose to fail

>when you see someone who had all the resources to succeed, and chose to fail

Anybody else know this raging feel?

Attached: chad.jpg (640x640, 32K)

no. that chad is slaying lesbians

>tfw gifted in school
>tfw rich parents
>tfw not unbearably ugly
hikki NEET btw

Looks like emma watson, bad example.

>goes from being chad to stacy
>implying that's a failure

99% of robots would fuck femchad, provided that they didn't know they were a tranny.

If surgery were performed successfully, I might still considering fucking that thing on the right, if not just to dominate a Chad

>chose to fail
I'd fuck her desu

Attached: duc.jpg (235x195, 11K)

>defining life in terms of success or failure

Stop falling for these shit memes, you don't have to decide between being a normalfag or a failed normalfag.

oh god i wish i looked like that (left)

Meh. I don't worry much about how other people choose to live their lives.

You wouldn't even consider taking a shower anytime this month. Stop lying.

He unironically looks like shit. If that's supposed attractive then no wonder I'm considered 9/10.

Your ego is too big for your own good.

No, you're just ugly and can't accept that I look like Chad. I never said that I'm perfect. I have shit personality, I am very aggresive due to high test levels, but I'm very attractive. Like it or not!

"Success" is just materialistic and doesn't make you happy.
If you strive for what you want, you'll be happy, maybe.
Fuck I'm retarded.

Attached: HatobaTsugu32.jpg (595x842, 214K)

It's awesome, he's going to look like a fucked up skinny version of his dad with gyno in 10 years and that's funny as fuck.

tfw get cucked by chad
and then get friendzoned by chadette


Everything is materialistic. You just need to stop believing that this narrows your horizons or invalidates what you know.

Nobody chooses to fail. Obviously that guy was missing something psychologically.

>first post
>incredulous at people calling him attractive
>second post
>proudly proclaiming that he's very attractive
Le vulnerable narcissist faise

>thats chad (on the left)


Would fuck chadcy tbqh

>implying she-chad would give a chum like you a shot
