Can I get this big in 2 years. I will be roiding and i'm rich so I will have an excellent diet...

Can I get this big in 2 years. I will be roiding and i'm rich so I will have an excellent diet. I'm skelly like aushwitz tier right now

Attached: jeff111.jpg (720x960, 114K)

yes now go away

Double that and you have a better estimate

>i'm rich so I will have an excellent diet
Sounds like something a retard who can't figure out nutrition would say

If you're not that big in 6 months, you'll never make it. Most are honestly that big when they begin.

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He can eat eat out everyday without having to worry about anything and it'll still be healthy. Go eat your oats, slave.

an excellent diet is cheap as fuck tho, rice and beans and chicken and oatmeal

hes been lifting since he was 12.

roids give you roid gut and will make you look fat.

so the answer is no

You will never have his inserts.

that's HGH

Yeah absolutely you COULD. He's tiny. You could do that in 6months if you're a psycho. But just asking this here means u wont

His haircut is so bad that it hurts my feelings.

He's like an anime character

This must be the dumbest post that I have seen on Jow Forums

except rice contains arsenic, which is basically death.

lmao all the gear in the world wont change your connections


Fuck off. With roids its definitely possible.

Its called tren mate.

Gentlemen... i suggest you visit /fraud/ if you think roiding for 6 monthd will make yiu look likr that. Therr are guys there roiding for 2+ years go unironically look like they dont go to thr gym.

Baffling how many people here are convinced it only takes months to look like Seid meanwhile the steroid and CBT threads are full of DYEL inbred looking fucks. LMAO.

At least a couple of steroid cycles with good quality gear, good training and good diet, and even then you have to hope you hope top tier genetics. The vast majority of gear users look nothing like this, even experienced ones.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Jow Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

this guy represents everybody in fraud he is the embodiment of the fact that steroids are not magic

if you really were a 4channer that has lurked for more than one day, you would know this

Lmao nice try dyel op

Truth is u probably dont get anywhere close this because u have shit genetics and shit work ethic because u are a spoiled dumb kid

Sure, just avoid saunas. Famous for killing roiders

>2 years
>excellent diet

roid gut is a retarded term
its called HGH gut
its caused by taking HGH/IGF-1 or peptides
not fucking steroids

this lmao and dont give me the hgh is necessary bull

its even weaker than simply using more test

The Jeff Seid Look:

1. Start lean.
2. Eat low calories. 2-2.5k.
3. Take 100-300mg of tren weekly. HGH should be dosed at around 5ui/day.
4. Fuck around in the gym with weights for 3-5 hours per week.
5. Ideally start young. You have no chance of looking like him starting as an untrained 27 year old with a beer gut.

Legit - you may not end up looking as good, but you'll be 80% of the way to his look at the end of three months following the above.

>100-300mg of tren weekly

you do realize that gives the muscle only trt would give?

They're taking the wrong drugs. In particular testosterone. It is not a BBing drug, it's a virilizing compound and is only popular online because people are dumb and the drug is cheap. Want a Seid or zyzz style look? You need tren, which is much more anabolic than test.

KEK nobody big from fraud uses tren

bimbo? 1.5g test was his biggest blast
mast? never touched anything but test mast and orals

i can also confirm that 700mg tren is a meme compared to 750mg test

Troll or no?

If not fuck you’re an idiot

Yes, this is easily attainable in less than 2 years, actually. Drink at least one gallon of whole milk a day. This is known as GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day). You are to drink this milk in addition to eating three high protein meals. Your goal is to take in as many calories as humanly possible. It is literally impossible to overeat when trying to gain muscle. Science has proven that whole milk is even more effective for building muscle than steroids.

Next, buy the book Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe and follow the workout plans religiously. The important thing is to squat every single workout. The stronger your legs are, the stronger your upper body will be. Never neglect this training or do more sets than the book calls for.

Lastly, shun cardio at all costs. You're literally just burning up all your muscle tissue. Cardio is for girls. Men lift weights and drink whole milk. Follow this advice to a T and within 4 months, your physique will be so impressive it will surpass your wildest imagination.

tl;dr: SS + GOMAD

Attached: 12 months of SS+GOMAD.png (477x271, 148K)

You dum, son. The ignorance about steroids on here is astounding, especially when considering that many textbooks can be easily found on libgen.

From the first hit of google:

>As such, we can put Trenbolone’s anabolic and androgenic strength into perspective by comparing it to Testosterone. Testosterone possesses an anabolic and androgenic rating of 100 each, respectively. Trenbolone holds an anabolic and androgenic rating of both 500 each, respectively. The modification responsible for making Trenbolone five times stronger than Testosterone is its two double bonds at carbons 19 and 11. Furthermore, for better understanding and perspective, every potential Trenbolone user must realize that in order to achieve the equivalent strength of 200mg of Trenbolone, one would have to administer 1,000mg of Testosterone. In order for an individual to achieve the strength of 500mg of Trenbolone, the equivalent of 2,500mg of Testosterone would be required.

Tren is a much more powerful hormone than test and will have dramatic changes on an individual's body vs a 100-250mg/week trt dose.

Tren is what those with a physique like Seid or zyzz take, so one is advised to use it if one wants to look like them.

What these numbers specify is the measured ratio of growth in rats of the levator ani muscle versus the prostate.

The levator ani is not a skeletal muscle, but is analogous to the human PCG muscle. It really is not a good assay for effect on skeletal muscle.

And prostate growth is of course a measurement only of that particular possible side effect. In rats.

So perhaps the reason that "anabolic/androgenic ratios" are useless in bb'ing is because they are derived from measurements which aren't useful: that is to say, they aren't good predictors.

anabolic/androgenic rating is hardly accurate asides from determining prostate growth

and yes undeniably it will give you the zyzz or jeff seid look but thats only if you lift enough or do bulk cycles to get the amount of muscle they have

1. If you've taken 700mg/week tren and been unimpressed (it should change your body [and mind] before your very eyes) you're getting the wrong tren and have very likely been sold a bad batch. Invest in a better company.
2. Anyone doing 1.5g/test does not know what they're doing.
3. You shouldn't guage what's 'good' from 4shit. Tren has been the drug of BBing for years now and was/is the compound zyzz/jeff rely on.


You copy and pasted that from a forum, son. Learn to think for yourself.

That said, I do agree with the point about it being vague but when you try the compounds you do notice the differences. The likes of anavar and TBOL (very low androgenic) are basically side-effect free (blood pressure, hair loss, reddening of skin etc etc) for men while still providing great muscle building properties even at low doses. You may also find that a Deca or a DBOL provides increased muscle gain and less sides than a test, which backs up the ana/andro report.

look at crusader, living proof that tren isn't all that it seems to be. would rather have prim than tren any day.

Does prostate growth make anal feel better? Is that why there are so many steroid muscle bottoms?

yea the idea holds true tho, i just wanted to copy exactly what bill roberts said

And yeah dude the anabolic/androgenic ratio holds true when comparing sides to gains but it doesnt hold true in comparing strength, i mean itd be crazy if winny gave 3x the gains mg for mg of test

anecdote usually supports that tren is probably double the strength of test mg for mg but in my case i hate it because it makes me lose water and i can feel myself floating in my shirts

Unless you're very brushed up on roiding you're 100% going to regret it when you fuck yourself up. Honestly, think twice. It's really not a decision to be taken light.

>roid gut

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Maybe if you hire a bodybuilding guru that provides diet, training and hormones. Also you will need a very good trainer to learn you everything when it comes to lifting and form.

>it's healthy because it's expensive
You know the tiny, expensive meal portions are memes, right? Try not being the slave you're calling others, some time.

More like
3k calories minimum
250 test, 1000 primobolan 300 tren with 2-4 iu pharma growthhormone.

Test still makes people explode though, that's undeniable. Don't you think someone running just test could look similar to Seid or Zyzz if they were lean enough? I met a two guys at a rave last friday, one was blasting and cruising tren and the other guy was on test only but still shredded, obviously not as inhuman looking, but still pretty damn close.

Yawn it must suck being a slave. Enjoy your rice gruel I guess.