/creative robots bread/

I always enjoy seeing what you guys get up to with your neetbucks and free time. If you are creative in any shape or form please post your work in this thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Posting again to get us started--I just recently began putting my music on youtube and soundcloud. It sort-of helps with the terminal frown, I suppose. Maybe some of you boys will enjoy the beats and feels

Youtube lank:
Soundcloud lank:

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Bumping with original text so the robot doesn't arrest me. Show me whatever is you like to create lads

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I posted the beginning of this song a while ago but I'm finished now

good shit. i think the kick is too punchy though.

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More cozy artwork for bumps :^(

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very nice. chill af lad
wish i could create stuff. i like to fanny about on my pioneer wego playing with music. shit tier mixing if you will.
i like to... to say draw is overselling it. i've tried to do some stuff but lose interest. got a tablet to play with but just end up doing pic related, spoilered for the threads benefit i reckon.
i'll fire my old laptop up and find 1 i actually put effort in to. all done on ms paint though, too thick to pirate photoshop, but have gimp which i enjoy. but not really drawn on that just fannied about with some images

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I really like your track user. Super bright and groovy. Thanks for the feedback; do you mean on both tracks? I've been worried about mastering the kicks and shit too poorly :\ any tips?

I posted the dumb comedy skit that turns into the rap song in yesterday's thread. Don't know if I want to do it again; people started commenting things like "I see you post this on r9k constantly, so here's your thumbs up," and I realize I've become a horrible shill.

photoshop animu into STALKER

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Nah dude post your shit. This is the thread for it and I wanna see it anyway senpai

Started drawing because of a draw thread on Jow Forums years ago, now working on a comic.



only on the youtube one. maybe try turning up the attack on it a bit? you could also try just turning it down a little, i don't think it's necessary to keep the kick that loud.

anyway, here's a cool infographic about EQ.

Attached: EQ 2.png (1920x1080, 821K)

i drew this a week ago, i really like dr gf. i don't normally draw in this style but i thought it suited her

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Woah sick thanks user. I'll rework it

thicc, my man. like your style

ty ty i've been drawing her a lot since season 7 venture bros was announced
she's my top girl

Digging up interesting videos is kind of a long process.
With enough luk I'll pload a third video by the end of the month.

>with this fine device Incan hack into anything I want
Top kek. Keep drawing; only constructive I can offer is maybe think about hammering your expository tone out a little more?

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So good it gave me a boner. Hearing this reminds me a bit of the whole deep internet thing. Maybe you should try doing that.

I post my stuff every chance I get on /tv/. Shilling yourself isnt bad if its asked for, just dont go overboard.

Heres a couple I shilled for a long-ass time on /tv/ before trying to make anything new. I still post new shit whenever I make it (I did the dogsitting sneeze short) but its nice to see the classics.

Fucking subbed

I will try to improve as producing the comic goes on but I can't make it too complex with all kinds of shading and stuff because making pages just takes too long. Thanks for the feedback.

Good shit man, don't stop drawing

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You both sincerely made my week!
Thank you very much.

Just posted this song I made


Would love feedback, idk how to improve

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I'll bump it now standby friendo

Kudos on that ruby sound, I love it.
The video deserves a lot more effort than that, it barely does justice to the soundtrack.

Hey thanks lad. I can't edit video for shit and am busting to learn music software as it is :^( one day. Figured a gif would at least be better than static art but maybe that's trite too I dunno.

What sort of video do you think it needs?

Reminder that I am still a Sitting Duck until the 18th for my videos to be available.
They're currently universally blocked.

Both of them are anime reviews.

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I'll try my best to give you decent thoughts but I'm really not very good at music production myself--I'm the OP. Anyhow, I think maybe the entire track is a bit heavy on the reverb. If you want that watery sound maybe consider turning the reverb down and adding another layer or two with some soft synths or spacey sounds to fill the track in a bit more, instead of jacking the reverb up on everything to make it sound ambient. In other words, add ambience instead of trying to make one thing extra ambient. Hopefully that makes sense. I like your vocals though; was unsure about the whole sound until your vocals came in. Definitely ties it together in a strange way that works. Just fill the track out with less echoey noise IMO.

What do you think?

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I like GIMP a whole lot and it's free
It's like a fisher-price version of photoshop

While I still wait for maybe I can work on another video.
Should I do a new anime review?
What kind of YouTube videos are cool now with teens?
I'm going to be 26 soon so I guess I'm just an old Boomer who doesn't get it.

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Feel free to stick with cosy anime scenes.

What I usually do is picking up 3 long scenes and splice them in order to make a continuous story.
If character A opens his garage door, I cut to character B starting up his bike then insert character C riding into sunset.
It also depends on the song structure, use loops to your avantage when necessary by interverting clips' position for exemple.
At the first occurrence you'd have scenes A-B-C then scenes A-C-B then B-A-C.
Reversing shots sometimes works wonders depending on what you're after.

i made this video meme a few months back I think its funny as shit , it got no hits though. nbd though.


I'm gonna ruin the joke here, but if u can't understand what shes saying, shes saying "giant vagina"

Solid advice bro thanks. I've been using Hitfilm because it's free as fuck, what do you use?
[s]also post one of your videos senpai[/s]

yeah i think it's good for what you pay. did this with it. and like the tutorials on youtube got some good links for brushes and stuff

forgot pic like a plonker didn't i

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I torrented Movavi Video Editor 14 and I find it quite reliable.

I posted an example here: Since the track was rather choppy I didn't bother too much with continuity.

On the next one I tried to rely on continuity a lot more:
youtube.com /watch?v=8SDpmlmGCws

I mean idk, I obviously have that reverb effect there on purpose, but I'm not sure how to get that cloud rap production-wise without reverb, even though there are like 15 other different plugins on the vocals lol. This is the type of vibe I'm going for youtube.com/watch?v=5YdyEjC_FIU

Also is you? If so I really dig the song, although I would advise you change up the percussion a little with open hats or tambourines or something, but that's just nitpicking, it still sounds really good.

i drew some bitch from a terrible game

Attached: mei.png (820x1452, 1.19M)

So im only 15 so probably shouldn't be on r9k, but here's a cringey/ slightly funny parody of romeo and juliet I did for high school homework.
enjoy and obviously don't take it seriously

Hold on, hold on.

Calling for a robot who was in the creative thread yesterday. You were the first person to post something, I think. You posted a song called "Useyourheart".

If you're here, I have an important question to ask you.

You should ask for commissions if the idea never crossed your mind.

I'd rather have this on replay than the lastest joint from Bladee.

I'm trying to learn how to draw, can't seem to crack imagination yet so i just copy photos like a xerox.
Drew this spider today as an experiment with this weird gouache thing people do but i don't think it turned out well.

Attached: spider2.png (1723x1216, 601K)

>user has been banned for this post
why would you even post this here

i literally dont have a following anywhere. id rather just focus on getting good for now

sikk man

original song I've been working on, would appreciate some feedback

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I'll shill a video I spent some time making. It was supposed to be reminiscent of the fun days I had playing league, which are now gone. It barely got any views.


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that bladee album sucked bad

Thanks user, yeah that's my shit. Honestly, the type of music you're going for isn't something Ive listened to before so I'm probably not the best person to be making suggestions for you. Lemmie check out the track you posted and see if I can figure out what they're doing and if its different from whats going on in your track to my ear...

It'd be a shame to let this one die.

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Any robots stream on Twitch or something?

I'd like to add you if you want to share your channel.

I may even stream myself tonight if I gather the emotional energy tonight, I used to all the time but the stress in my life has been preventing me from wanting to.
I used to do song request and just let it be a free for all.

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Any 40k boys here?
Made this in Gmod

Attached: Ambush 2.jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

I agree.

Therefore: Bump.

Pic unrelated.

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made it with a car leaf spring

Attached: knife 2.jpg (2592x1936, 948K)

Upload it on Pixiv or Tumblr, if it's porn people will find it.

Are you from Finland by any chance?

>meet uncle's friend\
>he says I look like a league of legends guy
>have no idea what it is at the time
>go home and look it up
was he insulting me? this happened like 3 years ago

Do you have any more of those?

rate my awful ytp channel

Of course, i make a few when im inspired, though it can be seriously time consuming. Here is another one.

Attached: Ultra Marines 4.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

This is art.
>post serial number 78937445

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I made this song like a year ago if anyones interested in hearing it :)


Really nice man, the falsetto part works really well especially

I enjoy it even though I'm not into 40K.
How long would it take to animate a scene?

sorry late response. No

Too bad it's so short, I'm definitely getting into it.

No harm done, my good lad.

dude what the fuck this is actually good,
in future, maybe just add a more smoother/longer fade in and fade out for the voices so the background noise doesnt just pop in and out, otherwise its really nice. (talking about the first few voice samples on "Sweet Scent"). I like it!

i thought of uploading my lo-fi songs too but theyre just way too plain and have little instruments in them.
gotta do some finishing touches and i guess ill upload them on YT

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It all depends on how many models, lights, props etc. you want to place. It can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours for me. But i think it pays off.

Hey thanks you guys, i appreciate it.

thanks bro I'm glad you enjoyed it! I know what you mean, I've been having trouble sample things that have ambient noise in the background--haven't found a decent method for noise reduction and it can be jarring :^(
You could always post your stuff anyway; i'd be happy to listen to it and try to give you feedback

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Try using Audacity's noise reduction on the raw sample file, then insert it into the project. It always worked out for me perfectly and its easy as heck.


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enjoy some crappy christian rock

I really really want to make music for video games. Here is a collab I did with a cool guy the other day. I hope you like it.


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Made this on a thread a few weeks back

Attached: IMG_2534.jpg (536x319, 60K)

I'm not a big fan of the vocals but the instrumental is Uemastuesque.

here's some rushed shit I drew a while back

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Thanks! I mainly did the instrumentation while I asked my bro to do vocals since i wanted a airy feel to it. Hopefully I collab with more people soon.

I'll take a drawing request if anyone's interested

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Uh, draw you drawing a anime girl

fuck, that was fucking funny, thanks

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this is really different my man, great job. I dont hate the vocals, theyre just not as polished as your instrumental. great work

>mfw the soundtrack
>mfw the robot english accent
>mfw the little hearts
>mfw this whole video

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Thanks! I wanna keep expirmenting with different styles and give them my own take on it. I feel that to get good, you must constantly evolve and try different things and instruments..

Though I'm not doing post modern.
That's silly.

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this gave me a wild laugh, i'm loving this.
please do more of this.

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hello fellow creative robots! I'm back with my industrial garbage.

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yeah steer clear of /mu/ or those boys will have you sampling lawn mowers and yelling about being avant-garde before the year is out. I like your off-beat electronic style. would definitely like to hear more my dude

i fucking love you you talented legend keep posting subbed

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here is e skeetch

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Ok, have a goodie that's not a oldie.


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Good job I love u

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pretty fire
very very nice
ayyy that's the kind of stuff I would expect to hear on the radio if I drove through the States.

link for this archived thread (for science)

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Ever since i finished highschool ive had literally zero hobbies or talents so very recently i took up sketching to pass the time and its really fun. Drew this yesterday but i basically copied it from an image i found online just to practice so pls no bully im not that good yet.

Also any advice on learning how to improve drawing skills would be nice

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draw from life if you're serious about it

Where are all the anime tiddies?

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is it good practice to draw from real life even if im only interested in drawing anime kind of stuff
>inb4 gtfo stupid weeb

Ok I've added most of you /mu/sicians to my radio station. If you wanna have a listen

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I just looked at my sketchbook I have not touched in few months and it is full of stupid stuff I probably would not post