>old one at 300 replies
I'm gonna be working 3 times a week and don't feel like eating lunch. What little snack would you recommend that I can eat during the day. Doesn't have to be low-cal. Just has to be dry so my hands don't get dirty and beneficial.
Other urls found in this thread:
A little bag of cashews are always my go to. High in both natural fats and proteins leaving you with a sensation of being full
whats the age bracket for jr powerlifting (18-23) like? im turning 23 on the december 31st does that mean i get to compete on jr til next year december or do i got to go to open class by jan 1st??
I keep a container of peanuts in me desk at work.
Also if you need high Cal Scoobies homemade bulking bars are actually pretty good
5'10" 140lbs 17bf%(according to US navy formula) manlet here, started as skinny fat as fuck, now approaching skellymode, planning to lean bulk when I hit about 12bf% and go full ottermode. With current stats my TDEE is at about 1800kcal so I cut at 1300, and I try to throw in cardio at least every other day. How do I not fucking kill myself eating this little, and also how to fit in 140g of protein in there?
Can i bulk with pic related?
and with white bread?
memes say no?
Have had tendinitis or tennis elbow for the last week, is pretty much all clear today but it’s not perfect.
Dying to go gym since have only gone for legs in the last week and a half, is it worth the risk to go do chest today?
Anyone on no shampoo here? Im like 2 months in and my hair is still oily. I have a slight amount of dandruff too, but it only takes s few minutes to brush out the flakes. I use ACV once a week on my hair. When does it get less oily and should I stick with it?
Peanut butter pretzel bites are pretty good. Maybe try humus and crackers too.
can you go above your requirement for calories and protein using it? if yes then you can bulk with it.
Should I lift today if I know that I won’t be sleeping tonight and tomorrow?
The DOMS have subsided, so it's time to add in cardio. I'm stuck between swimming and running though. I can run for longer than I can swim, but I know that's a matter of training.
Is one better than the other for strict cardiovascular improvement, or do I just need to make a choice and stick with it?
Ty but what about the bread and cereal is bad for bulk meme? I can go +400 tdee extremelly easy that is not a problem for me
I can't feel my hamstrings on the deadlift unless my back is horizontal, if I drop my hips just a bit then I lose tightness. What am I doing wrong?
Swimming is easier on the joints
>masterbation feels so good
>masterbate 2-5 times a day until my meat can’t take it
>start lifting again seriously after a period of being a lazy piece of shy that beats off constantly
>suddenly drive to choke the chicken dies.
>didn’t even feel like slapping my meat around two nights ago
>forced myself to make the bald man cry last night despite low libido
Is lifting and eating much better causing me to no longer have whims to fap. Is this test related or am I just too tired since beginning my lifting again and started my new job which involves a lot of mental capacity. Or is it more related to myself finding fulfillment in other places and no longer looking to my dick to feel better about myself. I’ve also lost my drive to drink and I used to kill 6 beers a night easily now when I drink two beers I don’t feel good and I only drink two days a week very minimally.
Going to start GSLP soon, does it matter whether I squat low bar or high bar
Sumo or traditional? I pull sumo because I'm pretty tall and I fixed this a few months ago by adjusting my foot placement/orientation. Could also be caused by pelvic tilt. Can you engage the hamstrings on lighter deadlifts?
No, only your progression matters
If I'm running, it won't be on paved surfaces, so joint issues should be minimized
Conventional. I do have a slight pelvic tilt, and my glutes and hamstrings never get sore. Do I just have weak stretched out hamstrings? What to do about this?
How do i know which program i need? I've been doing whole body workouts for now i'm 6'2 137lbs
>inb4 SS+GOMAD
>inb4 bulk you faggot
yes i'm working on it
Upper/Lower or PPL depending on hoe many days per week you wanna work out
How often do you rinse your hair?
Do you eat alot of junkfood?
How many hours a day do you spend outdoors?
I havent used shampoo in almost 2 months myself and my hair is actually cleaner feeling and looking than it was when i was using shampoo. Before i quit completely i was only using shampoo about once ever week or two.
Try cleaning up your diet and lose some weight if youre a fatty. Cut out junkfood. Also spend more time outside in the sun, let the wind flow through your hair. Rinse your head and hair thoroughly twice a day. More cardio will also probably help you too. And of course, get plenty of sleep
Oh and i forgot to mention, when you taje showers and rinse your heaf make sure the water is either room-temperature or cold, thatll help with the dandruff
Am I still skinnyfat or is it just skinny now? I should just start bulking right?
is it possible to have a cardiac problem with normal ECG, blood pressure 120/80, and normal auscultation finding of the lungs. I had chest pain for 20-30 min, followed by a feeling of a weight(3-5kg) at the bottom of my sternum. Doctor said it was probably neuropathy because everything is normal. (as a result of sudden movement, stress or other idiopathic shit)
>Lose two pounds of water weight
you look like a curlbro
I’m doing the warrior body from from Kinobody after six months on SS, and it seems way too easy but I’m seeing results. Would I get even better results if I upped the volume a little?
You should try lifting
6’0” 180lbs
Week 2 of GSLP, swapped to that after 2 weeks of SL 5x5 because I like squatting last.
Is there any danger of hurting my back with high bar back squats if the weight is only 115 right now? I’ve never trained squats and working up from 60lbs to 115 in 4 weeks feels like good progress, I’ve started feeling it less in my glutes and hamstrings and my quads are seeing some decent doms now. However in my lower back it hurts just a little bit. Is this an indicator of form error or normal?
Get on a better routine
I’m all ears...
What's the goal(s)
You better be using extremely heavy weights (85-90% of 1RM)
If you do more sets, it’s not that program anymore.
Just use a better program like Madcow or Texas method
Once this morning.
Triangle upper body without chicken legs. I went from 140 to 165 over winter doing SS and I’ve gotten bigger, but it’s even all over. I still want to grow my legs but focus more now and broadening my shoulders and pumping my chest and arms up.
Jow Forums I have increased my protein intake which has increased my bowel movements does your body get used to this or will I shit in to eternity?
You should be lifting and doing cardio every day and eating a little more.
I would lean bulk @15% cuz if you actually squat and deadlift, the extra growth hormone will lean you right out if you’re eating
Turn your toes out and squeeze your glutes
Eat more
You’re probably at a caloric deficit
Low bar is better if you figure out how to activate your quads properly
If you want strength, go SS at a 1000 calorie surplus with daily cardio. At that height, you’re want to be 235+
Try baby shampoo. My grandfather used it till he died and had a thick mop
You need to eat
Could be a lot of things. Make sure to do dynamic stretching before in case your erectors are tite and static stretching after.
Your lumbar should be NEUTRAL. Not hyper extended, not rounded out, neutral.
Push your abs out to make a shelf for your rib cage to rest on during the movement and use your glutes to get out of the hole. DO NOTNFLEX YOUR ERECTORS. They act as cables, so you shouldn’t allow any slack in your back, but there should be no movement disc to disc throughout the movement
depends. Eat more fiber if they’re greasy, less if they’re lean proteins
One of my shoulders is more forward than the other. When my arms hang down one arm is always much more forward than the other.
How do I fix this?
i got this from pc gaming for a long time.i just consciously pull it back and do rows to get more back strength to keep it back
can i just swap out barbell OHP for dumbbell OHP? my core gives out before my shoulders and i can lift more with dumbbells (130x5 barbell vs. 65 3x10 dumbbell)
IF your “core” is giving out, it’s clear you should keep doing barbell.
The body is a machine, no reason to neglect certain parts because you want to ego lift
Cut or bulk
5,7 160 18 years old
hey Jow Forums, i've been working out just over a month now. lifting about 40kg max, tryna work it up. i have an issue though, in the last couple of weeks i've been working out my heart rate has been elevated and I've been finding myself
short of breath. I can still breath fine and everything, i just have to take 5 mins out before I can catch it again. I smoke and I've wanted to stop for a while, but idk what's going on. Am I going to die?
Right now I'm basically doing full body, body weight workouts. I'm cutting to lose the bf at the moment. Basically what I'm asking is when I do my three sets of let's say push us. Is it better to go to failure each set or should I still do 3x12 or whatever? I'm just trying to maximize the potential until I can buy some weights. And my goal is to build strength along with aesthetics.
K what lifts are best for wrestling or mma
I want to start doing some cardio after lifting for 2 years and almost gaining 25kg (55lbs). Would HIIT sprinting be a good start for me? I'm a little afraid that my joints etc might not be used to my new weight yet when doing something heavy like sprinting. Other option I was considering is C25K but HIIT seems more fun.
i fucked up my leg and dont have my car right now
should i take the long ass walk/uber to my gym or are pushups and dips good enough
Tore my lower back muscle while ab rolling yesterday, it feels hard as fuck but I can move around relatively normal and even bend down, spine isn't affected. Doctor gave me painkillers and the hot water bottle helps a lot.
Of course I already miss gym. Should I go today and do some barbell stuff for my arma? What are the best isolation exercises which do not work the lower back muscle?
Can't do much wrong with only bodyweight. You won't see much happening either. I'd say almost always go full failure.
Do you want to live with a whale pod? Then bulk.
If your leg is "fucked up", I would spend the gym time rehabilitating the leg injury.
>Am I going to die?
No. You are out of breath because you are out of shape. Stop smoking and do some cardio.
How do I do keto? Just ignore carbs except from whey and fiber?
HIIT can be hard on the body. Start with a more moderate cardio program (jogging, biking, jumping) to train your body. When you feel comfortable with it, work your way up to something more intense.
OP's pic is foshposh on IG, if anyone was interested.
I'm not expecting much either. I was thinking about getting a pull up bar so I could do pull up obviously but also for core workouts. I have one 30 lb weight and I'll probably upgrade to a couple 45s or 50s. I guess another question would be what is a good powder on a budget and something that's not too high in calories or sugars? I'm always scrambling to get some protein in after I work out.
Im stalling hard on chin ups, for a couple of months most i can get is 7 and a half (an eight rep with shitty form) then 3 more sets but with 4 reps.
Besides keep trying and losing weight, what can i do to improve my chin ups? My goal is to do 10
hey i am a very big 250 pounds at 5'11. What sort of weight regimine should i follow to build a body like this? I want to be like him
Yo how do i fix my fucked up chin and jaw
Is it better to do run on my off days? Or is it better to run after lifting?
How do I get over the fact that lifting won't bring her back
get big pecs 8% body fat and fuck a hot girl with big tits. Works every time
braces will change your face shape
lift and eat a lot. but dat chest hair is genetics
should i train hypertrophy for abs if i want them visible?
i need to lose like 100 pounds i cant eat a lot. I was asking what sort of weight lifting routine i would need to follow to get a bod like this
What if she was the hot girl with big tits who loved me for who i was.
it depends on what do you mean by "bod like this"
what specific features do you like about that body? some things are genetics . Theg uy in that pic is already kinda fat and you can tell that hes flexing like hell, if youre much fatter than that youre gonna need to first lose all the weight, you absolutely SHOULD lift while you lose the weight but what program doesnt matter much since you wont eb building a lot of muscle, once you get to a level of body fat considerably below what you see in the pic you can lean bulk by lifting a lot and getting into that mode.
did you read the sticky?
Been doin Invisalign for around 3 months and just stopped mouthbreathing
>What if she was the hot girl with big tits
not likely, probably its just an average girl who youre idealizing. If not then it shoudlnt be hard for you to get another one.
Life only moves foward user, the past is a dead place i strongly recommend you that you do not linger there.
that monkey like snout does not go away with anything else than braces. Go see an orthodoncist, its extremely expensive, uncool time consuming and uncomfortable but its the only real way to get the job done. Good news is theres almost no age limit, i think you can do by age 35 if you want to
I messed up my neck while sleeping a few weeks ago. It was getting better, probably 90% until I aggravated a few days ago while doing a pull up (added too much weight). From what I've researched, it's a strained neck muscle. It's a 6-7 in the pain scale when I try to move my head from side to side and up and down.
I thought I couldn't lift at all, but I tried a workout while really keeping an eye on my form and turns out I can lift with minimal to no neck pain. So I've been continuing to lift but my neck pain seems to be getting worse. I really don't want to stop lifting and considering the fact that the lifting itself is not causing any discomfort to that area, I think I'm going to continue unless any medical professionals can convince me otherwise...
of course if your concern is girls i guarantee you that confidence is 100% more important than anything else. Fitness is just a goal into confidence but whichever other method you use, confidence will get you a girl, mark my words
pls respond
How can i stop being immature, I have jealousy and stupid thoughts about 1 of my gfs ex, they didnt date they just hooked up, the thing is that guy used to be my friend, and I know he is a piece of shit. How can I grow up and just dont care about it anymore? (apart from that dude shes only had sex with 2 other guys, both during relationships, so Idc about that) shes 18, im 19, ive only had sex with 2 women prior to her.
1)force yourself to stop thinking useless shit
2) get a life thats worth living
3)desire to think useless shit is gone since you now worry about your worthy life
I'm 22 and headed back to school in August. I don't care enough to lift and I'm not looking to get swole but I want to have more muscle definition and improve my strength a bit more. I'm an avid rock climber and climb 6 or 7 days out of the week while I'm at school. What foods should I have in my diet to get healthier? I'm 5'11", 130lbs, and I cook a lot so suggest anything. First time on Jow Forums btw
Praise the dubs, since i cant schedule my clases until 2nd semester and i still have no money for a car, im pretty much fucked and cant go to the gym, and im double fucked cuz im an ectomorph, a week without eating or lifting and i lose all my gains.
user, food might help keep you lean, but only resistance training and constant effort could get you muscle definition. Rock climbing already gives you strength, but the "toned" look comes from training and proper diet.
>Count macros
>Eat less sugar, salt and oil
How wide/narrow should grip be when benching? I've never really paid attention and did what felt most comfortable.
read the fucking sticky, you have no fucking idea how your body works.
Definition literally does not exist, there are only 2 factors(that you can influence), muscle size and fat amount. Definition a relation between those two, but unless youre really muscular what you want is really low body fat. But since youre a cardio bunny your fat is probably low enough already but you have too little muscle, the problem is to gain muscle youll have to gain fat first, this is a long term challenge, are you up for it?
yes, with that shitty attitude youre truly fucked. These are your mistakes:
1) the idea that you cant get money for a gym pass if you really want to
2) The idea that you cant get fit without a gym if you really want to
3) the idea that getting fit is all you can do to improve your life
thats basically simple and easy to see it took me no effort, you need to work on your attitude, if you fail to see such simple truths about your life its likely youre missing out on huge things, but dont linger on that. just IMPROVE
No. There's no need to be in a hurry unless you're competing or something. Losing a couple more weeks worth of training is nothing if you're lifting for the long term. If you end up hurting yourself even more, it can cause more problems down the road and it's not worth it, especially with recurring pains like tennis elbow and the like.
also chill the fuck off, youre obviously very young (under 30) get your act together and youll be fine
Is 1/2/3/4 achievable in a year?
Ok niggers, Im on mobile and the links dont fucking work. And , no fucking shit I dont know how my body works, why do you think I'm on here asking?
Yo ik I’m gonna get bant for this shit, but I’m actually 16 , how fucked am I
Oh boy. Seriously though, go to a doctor. You can't fix this shit on your own
Thanks m8, here’s to getting b& xdddd
Can I squat and Clean and Jerk on the same day?
Nigger niggger nigggggggger nigggggerr nigggeer faggot kike nigger
>27, 5/10", 210lbs, 30ish %BF
I started at 222lbs, I've been intermittent fasting, dieting, lifting for a couple months and doing well.
The only problem is that my lifts have been static almost since the beginning (115/185/225/315).
Should I still be getting stronger as I'm losing weight, or is it fine to just try to maintain these lifts until I've lost sufficient weight?
I'm only asking because a friend of mine has lost over 70lbs after a few years of lifting and can somehow deadlift close to 500lbs now.
Thanks a bunch for that link. Exactly what I've found from my research on whether or not I'm doing harm by continuing to lift with this pain.
1-2 years on average depending on athletic base/genetics before you started serious lifting.
Grip such that you can have your elbows at a comfortable 45 degree angle from your arm pits, thumb in line with the bar, bar resting against pad of thumb and across forearm, wrap fingers around bar, secure thumb, imagine you are bending the bar like a strongman.
To get visible abs you need to do weighted exercise like any other muscle group. Diet afterwards is what causes them to be more visible. Weight = ridges, diet = easily visible.
Hiit after lifting for epoc and V02 training, liss after work to prevent re-esterification if you lift with low rest times between hard sets, liss/miss on off days fasted for fat/weight loss active recovery (increasing blood flow to aid in recovery), or miss on off days nonfasted for active recovery and conditioning.
Unironically slowly increase weight by doing weighted chin ups and working back up to 5 reps with weight. Then try again unweighted after you progress to 5 reps with 45 lbs at a minimum. You will see a huge increase in work capacity for your chinups.
Don't chance it, just do some walking at the most and eat at a maintenance level so you neither lose muscle or gain fat. Better to recover than become injured again and delay the process.