Works out daily

>works out daily
>actually takes care of his body and appearance
>put effort into trying to be the best person he could be
Why do you hate chad? He had to put in hard work in order to look good. Every chad is just an average looking guy at first, but when they workout and actually try to better themselves then they become chad.
Just imagine the guy in this picture without muscles, a neckbeard, and long greasy hair. Stop hating chad

Attached: chad.jpg (884x1289, 127K)

Because he was born taller, with a better face, with better hair and eye colors, to rich parents and he is naturally extroverted, things which I apparently didn't try hard enough for.

Because he fucks/fucked the girls that we couldn't, without commitment (marriage)?

someone post the pic of the beta-faced bodybuilders

getting fit will only do so much for an ugly face

>do all three of those things
>still no gf because manlet
Some things can't be improved, and women want perfect everything. Chad was born lucky, unlike my manlet ass.

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I would do all those things as well if I was tall, had a big dick and a nice jawline.

Chads are born, not molded.

Lifting weights and looking good doesn't make you a better person OP.


his shoulders are way too narrow to be a chad. also his traps look like down syndrome

>with better hair and eye colors
What's your hair and eye color then? Chads can vary from dark haired to blonde. It's mostly all about height and facial structure.

Chads are nice people you all are just too retarded to speak to them

No we're not. We like to bully weaker, much inferior males because that's how it's supposed to be. That's the best way to attract Stacy. Her breeding instincts will kick in and she'll be ready for sex any time.

>put effort into trying to be the best person he could be

Don't you mean

>put effort into trying to be the best looking person he could be

Getting fit has absolutely nothing to do with how good a person he is.

Our hatred of them does, you dum dum.

I dont hate chad
Im friends with chads
But i hate the attention chad gets that i dont
I hate how stacy loves chad and scoffs at me
I work out too and im not even ugly but girls wont touch me

I would do it too if I had been born with the test levels required to turn protein into muscle.

A lot of Chads are just naturally like that. The guy in the OP probably isn't but I've known guys that didn't exercise at all and still had muscles and shredded six-pack abs. When you have good genes and good parents with the knowledge and finances to provide a healthy diet and to teach their kids about nutrition it just comes really easy. That's 90% of it, good genes and upbringing.

>Don't you mean
nah, most of y'all are shitty creepy fuckers on the verge of going on shooting sprees. it's not just appearance.

They violate every single deadly sin and are thus demonic heathens who need to be destroyed by me, the sword of God.

>also work out daily
>also take care of your body and appearance
>also put effort into trying to be the best person he could be

Maybe I'm pissed because I do the same but have a fucking ugly face I cannot do anything besides getting surgery, which I'm still hesitant about.

>why do you hate chad?

because he is an obnoxious shithead who only cares about LOOKING like a nice person but is an ugly fucker on the inside.

lol okay whatever brad

Most people don't hate Chad. Not even robots as they are happy that he won the genetic lottery

Why do you guys keep complaining about genetics like the guy in OP pic is any different from you? A lot of you guys aren't even ugly, you just look average. Working out will help you look chad because your jaw line will look better and shit.

Because everything you listed is fake. Just by existing he gets literally everything he wants.
Know who works out daily, actually takes care of his body and appearance, and puts effort into trying to be the best person he could be? Me. And as far as everyone has told me, I have succeeded. Yet I'll never even so much as have a friend while chad gets everything handed to him on a silver platter just for being born.

Know what's even funnier? Normalfags that are literally broke neets living with their parents and literally shower once a week and never brush their teeth, with a beer belly and a history of alcohol abuse, have no issue getting friends or girlfriends.

Thank you, I'm sure you are a nice person too and your man will enjoy the steak you'll be serving him.

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