Why exactly are you faggots worshipping that dumb thot brooke? are you seriously that much of a fucking loser?

why exactly are you faggots worshipping that dumb thot brooke? are you seriously that much of a fucking loser?

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Anyone have her discord invite?

Who tf is Brooke

I don't worship that whore who ignored me

Still don't understand who Brooke is

A whore who ignored me, that's simple

Why did she ignore you

>why exactly are you faggots worshipping that dumb thot brooke?
because they're animals and she looks good

Idon'treallyknowm8 :(

Pic related, literal female perfection. The queen of Odessa Texas if she ever sees some sense and moves out here with me

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Lol she's probably gonna ignore you just like she did with me

Pedo. She is literally 14.

She's not lol. Probably 17-20

Brooke is going on a date with a guy from the discord tonight.

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Hopefully the guy is a hero and kidnaps and rapes her and spreads the nudes

If she gets a boyfriend ill fucking kill myself

Can you imagine that pretty mocha skin covered in cum? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck

Protip: she already has one she hides from you dumb cucks

I think this was the entire point of the discord server. To gather hundreds of beta (and higher) orbiters she can chose a boyfriend from.

Now that she found a guy she wants to delete the server.

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Im starting a fucking suicide pact

brooks if youre lurking this isnt funny a lot of us have put our hopes and dreams i to you. I could have given you everything in Odessa, money fame and freedom

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And motherfucking sinker
Dumb cuck.

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>no boobs
get the fuck outta here !


I remember being in junior high

>mfw we all ignored now
Lol share the feeling

I don't ever remember being so cucked I fell for the first female that used me as an emotional tampon, but I guess we all have unique character flaws.

I dont have a boyfriend I am deleting the server because some r9k people make it an unhealthy environment.

Deserve it for ignoring me

>implying r9k is supposed to be a healthy place