Why don't you just date a fucking fat fatty bitch?
Why don't you just date a fucking fat fatty bitch?
i did once, and only once. the disgust shame and regret was unbearable. will never do again
I'm not gonna reward them for being fat
They are ugly, lazy, usually unhygienic, mouth breathers. They cry about doing physical activity and throw temper tantrums about walking even from the middle of the parking lot. You need more reasons?
I did, and I couldn't take them ANYWHERE it was awful. the worst part is, I have a thing for fat girls, but I hate dating them because you cannot do anything with them because they either can't walk at my speed, or just don't ever want to leave the house.
I went on a date with one. Smell disgusting a yard away.
Fuck, I couldn't even breathe through my nose.
my hand >>>>>>>>>> fat bitch
Seriously. I'd rather die a virgin then waste a dime/ten seconds of my time on some fat cunt.
dang are they really that awful? I have a fetish for the bodytype but I only jerk off to drawings and I'm a permavirgin
I'm pathetic but not that pathetic. Legit would choose an aspie over a fat fuck. At least retards can't do anything about their undesirable status.
user i had a one night stand with her, and i literally didnt know i was inside her vagoo, the crease in front of it was so big. it was the worst sexual experience of my life. i would rather fuck the bearded girl again
Have her top next time very easy to get in deep.
I married a fat ugly bitch and it sucks bro. I don't even want to fuck her. I hide and best my meat like I did when I was living in mum's basement.
I do, not full bbw territory but pretty damn chubby. Sex is amazing, bad smell is a meme unless in super hot weather (but then again who doesn't fuckin sweat and smell in super hot weather). Downside is, fat girls aren't conventionally attractive. Like, I rarely look at my gf and say "damn, she's smoking hot" - sure, she makes my dick diamonds in bed, but that's it.
why tf would you marry a fat ugly bitch if you didnt even enjoy fucking her
>next time
fucking kek. no. hell no. would rather spend the rest of my life alone than be intimate with another fatty
I am dating a fucking fat fatty bitch
If anyone wants to know anything, I'll be on r9k for another 30 minutes
It must be nice to be Chad dude. Loneliness for 30 years will break a man.
Tbh I don't blame incels for turning down hamplanets... I know I would never date a fat dude bc the inability to take care of your body is usually reflective of some mental/emotional deficiency.
Every other whale chaser gave basic details without needing to be asked you lazy cunt.
are you hamplanet femanon? or are you skinny?
Lets see some nudes
>implying i am chad
>implying i have dick
if you despise the time you spend with her then loneliness sounds better. at least you make it sound that way by saying youre literally hiding
hmmm, well, my aunt's pretty obese and she's one of the coolest people I know, but how common is that nowadays, aren't all fat women tumblrites now?
I thought this would change my life for the better. Like I would become a man and shit. But no it just gets worse every Damn day. No other women show interest in me so fuck it I went with it. Fucking tranny bitch fuck you
She's pretty cute, very sweet, average intelligence, hard-working, and I fully believe that she'll eventually conquer her weight problem
For the record, I'm not a whale chaser, she got a lot fatter ever since we started dating, and I hate how large she has become (280 lbs)
When you get old, son
well if you ain't fucking her, someone else is. looks like we found a cuck
I have to get along with her first. Must be introverted, into nerdy shit, is a virgin. I tried to get with one who weighs 280 lbs. But it didn't work out.
>Fucking tranny bitch fuck you
dont be so angery
im genuinely concerned, it sounds like this only makes your life worse. why not divorce her and go beat your meat in silence without a fugly bitch hanging around. sounds like the best option to me, its basically the same situation: no fucking, no love, but then minus her and all her shit
this is the size and shape of girl that turned my life around. these posts are me
Agreed. Incels are allowed to have standards, just be aware that other people are allowed to have them too.
You are probably right and it will end up in divorce but I'm too lazy to deal with that bull shit. I have hidden all of my items of value just in case she divorces me though. I will probably just buy a sex doll after this is all over.
How turned your life around?
hespect the belly
that sucks user
i hope you divorce her anyway and turn your life into something better (or at least less horrible)
do you have any hobbies you can pour your soul into?
inb4 softfag
swore of fatties and the pendulum swung to the polar opposite. my eyes were fully opened to what i was and was not attracted to. i am mostly interested in anorexics now. a 5'4" girl who weighs 140 is about the biggest i can tolerate, but i have to be desperate to consider her. it severely limits my options tho. i come here and announce that i like anorexics, but i think most anons think im shitposting when im being completely serious
Fatties are cute though, they are perfect examples of what the entire sex should be, soft pampered baby factories that depend on strong, independent providers. If you disagree you are a mentally ill swine who probably thinks women should have dicks too.
Nope. I'm already getting up there, turning 26 very shortly and I will never stoop as low to fucking with a landwhale. Fat women are the absolute worst thing that has ever happened to the west, I value fucking cats more than I do fat human females. What's worse is you beta fucks that date and breed with these fat women, basically telling them it's ok to be fat and enabling them. I fucking hate you types of "men" more than I do the fucking fat landwhales. God I hate my country.
>muh west
>muh cuntree
go back to Jow Forums
collectivism is a loser's game
meditate on these words and what they mean in the context of the sexual market
What groups do you think I'm comparing? Fat people vs healthy, non-obese fucks? If yes, you seriously think I'd value both groups equally? You're fucking retarded, trying to be an intellectual with your words but you're stupid as fuck and haven't changed my opinion in the slightest.
Unlike you mindless idiots, I will continue to do my job here and post women I believe our beautiful and continue to shun uggos, fat fucks in the hopes that more women will awake and become more like the types of women I post here everyday.
Enjoy your loneliness and suicide.
How long have you been together? Has she changed your life for the better?
I'm 5'4" and 110lbs. Lol if I were fat that would be pretty hypocritical of me.
read up on this: en.wikipedia.org
and this:
your input on the political process has 0.0000001% chance of making any difference at all.
it's better to "defect" so to speak and just do whatever is more convenient to you at the time rather than caring about big pictures, long term trends that you have practically 0 input on individually
Enjoy your fat piece of lard I guess? Dude, I'd take suicide before I associate myself with some disgusting, smelly, glutton landwhale.
Collectivism is about caring more about the group than the individual, not about comparing multiple groups. He means you use the "group" that women belong to to determine their societal value rather than looking at the individual. Like you're overvaluing umbrella traits that can apply to lots of women. I think, I dunno, man.
that's fine, but do it for yourself not to influence society
no it isn't that I'm talking about the voter's paradox (condorcet paradox)
Spotted the roastie, fatass fembots bois.
not a woman lol. try to understand what I'm saying. I just don't think political action in general is rational from the POV of the individual
You may as well kill yourself now
Why wouldn't you value what that user is doing though? He's trying to raise the bar in women's beauty standards mainly by harassing and stating how fat women aren't worth a dime. I don't see anything wrong with that and really don't see how anyone else here could argue with that either unless they're a fat fuck themselves or for some weird, unknown reasons gets off to fat chicks.
It's weird to call yourself involuntarily celibate in the first place when you're capable of having sex and even weirder to call it involuntary when you're capable of having sex and simply refuse to have sex with hookers and regular people who are fat.
I used to be on the incel side since I'm also a khhv but it seems like we're just average guys complaining about not being able to get the preferred girl. That actually really sucks but it makes the incel title misleading at best and the whole ethos of the group impure, compromising and dishonest otherwise. Don't know how people can fuck with it, especially now that normalfags have taken it over anyways. I've personally just gone back to calling myself a virgin, no reason to start from premises that don't actually apply just because you'd be able to be part of a group.
It's sad reading comments like this. Right here is either an obese fembot, or some really depressing user that has stooped as low to actually develop feelings/attraction towards fat chicks.
Really both scenarios are sad, hitler should've won.
user have you ever seen a 5 4 140 girl before
im that same height and before i started losing weight i was 140 and i was no where near an anorexic body type
>raise the bar in women's beauty standards
Why the fuck do you care? Just approach women who look fine to you and leave the rest alone
because as ridiculous as it sounds I value the average robot more than 99% of society, and I know that it's not good for him to literally try to change the world at personal cost. if you try to be moral in an inmoral society you get fuckkkd in the ass
You mean that the socially accepted "beautiful archtype" will only actually perfectly appeal to 1/3 of the population? Or that he can't sway public opinion by representing part of the dissatisfied 2/3?
I don't feel like it's that hard of a fetish to get honestly.
Isn't it obvious you dumb fuck? I care because clearly the more women that actually work towards bettering themselves physically, which is really only not being a fat fuck, which I don't think is asking for much, then there'll be more women that find attractive. More women that I find attractive equals a higher chance I'll finally be able to find a gf I'm satisfied with.
>you're capable of having sex
By that I mean your penis actually works, you're not in a wheel chair, you have a penis to begin with, etc. Those kinda disabled people are the real incels.
Seems kinda selfish to try and warp an entire gender to fit your own personal standards of beauty.
>You mean that the socially accepted "beautiful archtype" will only actually perfectly appeal to 1/3 of the population? Or that he can't sway public opinion by representing part of the dissatisfied 2/3?
the paradox is that voting makes no sense because you spend a couple hours, transportation, time for research etc. for having a probability of 0.0000001% of changing the outcome of the elections. same thing with fatties. him spending time and effort shaming fatties isn't going to change the millions of fatties that there are. he might at best convince one or two. it's not worth it for him, because there still will be a 199999998 instead of 200000000
>More women that I find attractive equals a higher chance I'll finally be able to find a gf I'm satisfied with.
or you could, you know, better your chances by bettering yourself
I'm doing this too, but why not do both to further increase my odds? Brainlets, all of you.
I don't that's supposed to be the take away from that paradox, that voting is pointless.
>flat thin hair
>nose almost as wide as her whole mouth
>photo filter
Yeah you're really encouraging beauty, user
well enjoy going against 90% of society that doesn't give a fuck and will fuck anything
honestly if i were a woman i'd get fat just so you don't come near me
If this type of girl replaced all the obese girls in my state, I'd be in heaven bro.
actually I linked the wrong article sorry
also called Downs paradox
At least obesity can be staved off by the individual affected by it, that nose and lifeless hair is gonna get branded into the gene pool if that happened.
That makes more sense.
looks like the fucking bouncing belly from that nikes commercical
How is that a belly? what's the line down it? Is that supposed to be a belly button?
If you think fat women are a western invention you're truly retarded lol
>Even all the fatties and uglies at work are all taken
Every day I feel more and more like a non-autistic CWC, I haven't met a boyfriend-free girl in fuking ages
A little over 2 years
You would be the first to go to the gas chambers if Hitler won. God you poltards need to look in a mirror once in a while.
they also don't want me faggot.
user, to me now, a 5'4" 140lbs girl is fat. why do you think i said id have to be desperate. if i could change this about myself i would. my options would skyrocket, being so many chubby girls in burgerland. but you would have better luck convincing a pedo to stop being attracted to children than convincing me not to be attracted to anorexic girls.
I did, met a fat vietnamese girl in college and we clicked on every level, took her on hikes and she exercised and dieted a lot better since it's hard for some people to do it by themselves.
Why do vanilla guys hate fatties and chubby chasers so much? You don't see people get outraged over other niche body types or fetishes. Not personally gonna argue one is better than the other (one is obviously healthier but that's irrelevant to everyone but moralfags) just curious to see what people in this thread think.
user im not outraged by it at all. i dont hate. its just not for me, and i personally am disgusted by it.
Why not go into brap threads or black gf threads and express your disgust with them?
He may not but I do. I want these people to know they're not normal. It's okay to have it, but it's delusional to think it's normal. We all deal with our demons so they should as well, self-restraint and discipline are the virtues of God.
i dont normally go into any threads like these, but the OP invited opinions by phrasing his post the way he did, so i gave my opinion
The Jewish God?
No. Yakub.
I would have to become a priest if I was only supposed/allowed to have sex with 'normal' women I literally can't get it up to skinny chicks. I've never deluded myself to think I'm normal but at least I'm not a pedophile I guess.
You have a good point there, only fatty threads are always phrased like "why don't robots just settle"
>I literally can't get it up to skinny chicks
i have the exact opposite problem, user. i have trouble getting it up unless she's skinny, too skinny.
Yeah, I mean that's probably healthier than the girl than being like three hundred pounds, although even that is a bit much for me.
here's another beach ball belly
eh, not the way i like them, but i try to use the logic part of my brain to tell me not to be attracted to the ones who are so skinny they arr near death. it doesnt really work
See it's like I know she's not conventionally attractive but I see her and all I can think is how cute she is.
I know that feel man but with like mobility/personal grooming/and dying
>Only get one life
>End up with a fat fetish
Pls help
What are you 16? What kind of man is ashamed of his fetish?
It gets a bad rep that's all
Me too user, it sucks. I remember having dreams of getting smothered by landwhales when I was 6.
I think I got it from this one video of fatties in a hot tub.