If humans were meant to be vegans then why do vegans have to supplement with different kinds of vitamins etc?

If humans were meant to be vegans then why do vegans have to supplement with different kinds of vitamins etc?

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why do you think we crave meat? and its not like we didnt not have meat often, rats and chickens are easy prey

>when meat was the majority of our diets humans were retarded cavemen
>when plants was the majority of our diet humans were developing civilizations and stopped being retarded cavemen

uhh explain this then sweetie

If women were not meant to be raped, why are they physically weaker, attractive and with 3 holes where I can put my dick in?
If humans were meant to live to 80 on average, why do they have to vaccinate with artificial vaccines made from dangerous kemikuls?
>Omg dumb vegan comparing animals to humans
No, I'm using your dumb logic of doing what you were "meant to" do in other scenarios to show you how dumb that logic is
You were meant to be a blowjob, yet here you are shitposting on my board

You still didn't answer my question that if you are so super healthy and what ever then why are you forced to eat supplements preventing you from dying/feeling ill from your superior diet?

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humans aren't meant to be vegan. We have spikey teeth for a reason.

>refuses to reply to legitimate answers

made the post just to argue buddy?

You still didn't answer my question that if you are so super healthy and what ever then why are you forced to inject dangerous kemikuls in the form of a vaccine preventing you from dying/feeling ill from your superior lifestyle?

pic related

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>meant to be vegans

Veganism is the sad result of morally corupt mind. Good day sir!

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>vegans are missing 57 different nootrients including vitamin F, Vitamin G, Vitamin L2, Vitamin Q7

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If humans were meant to be carnivores then why do carnivores have to supplement with different kinds of triple bypasses etc?

We only supplement B12, its supposed to be made by a bacteria in the water and dirt but because we filter our water now it is no longer there. The animals you eat also take a supplement or eat fortified food except cows which make it in their gut

>vegan strawman
only a handful of crazy people promote carnivorous diets, and even they define carnivorous diet as *mostly* animal products
Normal people are omnivorous and eat plenty of plant based foods

Supplement what? B12? It comes from bacteria. We don't eat that bacteria anymore since we instituted basic hygiene. No animal makes it naturally

t. leonardo retardo

Why do you eat vegetables if you're not vegan/vegetarian?

>what is an omnivore?

But if you like vegetables you might as well become a vegan or vegetarian. I don't understand why you want to kill animals and eat meat.

We don’t have too but I live In England where the sun is shit so I take a tablet, I’m also evolved and civilised so I don’t eat dirty food and I sanatise my water so I take a b12

There, your shit question is answered


troll or retard. i'm going with the latter.

No haha I'm not a retard. I was just kidding.. that's all..

>strawman fallacy as a defense of someone calling out the strawman fallacy
There must be a name for this?

Why don't you become a vegan if you like vegetables

Because I also love meat and kind of enjoy pissing off vegans.

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First response best response

Citation needed

udder way round

You could apply the same in reverse
>I need vegetables, look at my massive molars
It's almost as if human teeth consist of a combination of incissor teeth, canines and molars because the human diet is intended to be varied or something!

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They don't
B12 used to be in the soil

Humans weren't meant to be vegan but neolithic humans (the only real civilized and evolved race on Earth) were


If we're meant to eat meat, then why does it have to be cooked to a certain point, have certain parts cut out and be limited to a certain amount per day to ensure our health?