>find an escort i want to fuck
>send her a text message
>they never respond
what do?
I've tried engaging two different escorts now and I got the cold shoulder from both
Find an escort i want to fuck
Most are really annoying. Gotta keep trying.
Escorts don't reply to texts. You gotta call my dude.
but they specifically say text only in their adverts
tell the whores where you found their information tell them you arent a policewoman
Yeah that makes sense actually.
I will try that and see if they respond
Calling is best.
reee still no response
escorts only see like 5-6 johns on average a day, if that.
your text is one of literally thousands
Escorts are picky, they can choose which potential client they take or not.
Mabye go to a brothel?
what do you know about escorts, virgin?
I don't want to go to vegas
Nothing, just speculation based on common sense :^)
Damn how do they have the stamina to do it 5x a day?
>Escorts are picky, they can choose which potential client they take or not.
Not even escorts will reply to betas/incels in 2018. Forget about online dating.
where do you even go to find escorts now that backpages is down?
If you text them that you, "Want to fuck," then you won't get an answer. That can get them in legal trouble. You have to arrange meeting them without saying that your purpose is to fuck.If you did what suggested, or originally just outright stated you were interested in fucking or paying for sex, then they won't respond to you.
The latest they will decline you once they see you in person.
When I was Thailand you went to certain "bars" that had sex workers. You go in order a drink and a women and a young girl or women/"woemn" comes over and rubs your inner legs and you go with her to the back to fuck.
It was in Montreal last summer and it was same their aswell.
i think they were just a bit slow. one finally responded to me
>The latest they will decline you once they see you in person.
When I entertain the idea of escorts, I imagine I'd have to pick one on my looks level or below to get decent sex. The rest would feel be starfish clock watchers or straight up getting rejected and/or mugged. The idea of paying $300+ to have sex with someone around my looks level seems a tad bit ridiculous, unless they cater to odd/extreme fetishes.
Whores are used to ugly and very old men, if you are going to pay for sex make it worth, find an hot one with the body type you like (and with good reviews about sex), for the rest be clear, wear deodorant if you need to, wash at their place if they offer it and usually escorts prefer their clients to have shaven pubes, don't worry about the rest.
g-guess you've outgrown us, huh andy?
just b safe out there okay user?
Any advice desu?
We're still working out a time, but it looks like I'm going to visit her sometime this week
[ hh | h ] at [insert hotel here]