You're depressed - but it's not your fault, right?

You're depressed - but it's not your fault, right?

>chooses not to leave the house
>chooses not to exercise
>chooses not to socialise and take the initiative
>chooses to not break his addiction to toxic imageboards that rot his brain
>chooses to play video games all day instead of working to build up success in real life
>chooses not to break bad habits
>he chooses to watch japanese cartoons of sexualized children because watching anything "popular' is for "normies"
>chooses not to take """normies"""advice, because of course, only asking other depressed losers what to do would be smarter

You all deserve your fate, your sadness, your depression. If you were a real man, you would work hard and better your life no matter how much the world shits on you. Man the fuck up and go outside.

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You can choose all that but you can't choose to make the normie assholes disappear.

>wanting to interact with vapid, fake, normies

Become one, if you want true happiness. There is no reason to hate normies if you are one. You're not better than them.

I only fall into the toxic image board category. I do everything else. I'm still unhappy and consider myself a failure.

Depression is gay and at least for me, I think is caused by a negative thought loop I cant seem to get a hold of. Quitting this board would help, but due to his long I've been using forums I'd probably need something else to replace this place with.

Anyone know a less toxic version of Jow Forums? Or at the very least a place populated with interesting and open minded people?

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>lol! How are robots even real?!?!

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I was going to say reddit before the last line

social media in general is shitty though

Unironically based op, I started to realize this myself recently after years of isolation and detachment. Now I do all this and feel a lot more happy, fulfilled, and look forward to the day

>exercises, socialization and work will cure depression

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t. sub 90iq normie

Tell me, how does it feel to be dumb?

It really is. I used to use it when I needed an answer I couldn't find elsewhere, but slowly it became a habit, then an escapism fueled addiction.

Can't run forever. I need to find something productive to kill my time with, but my interests wane too quickly.

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>being a real man
spooky shit mate

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shut the fuck up
Originally original

Jow Forums is social media. We're socializing right now. Isn't this great?

I've tried and failed enough times with people to know that it's mostly disappointing out there. All the positivity that people claim is out there is a fantasy. It only applies if you are willing to stay in the box that others place you in.

op, you have been blessed with a healthy brain chemistry, enjoy it and dont be a cunt. you can use your powers for good. god, you have no idea. i have bettered myself in every aspect of my life, im getting regularily laid, im exercising, im dieting better, im working, and guess what, those are not magical cures for depression. not for me. not for some people. it can go deeper than that. sometimes your brain hates you and wants to take everything away from you. im fighting it. trying not to let it. but its just so damn hard sometimes.


nice meme

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>have dopamine deficiency
Just choose to have more dopamine bro

Oh look another boomer thread who shits on robots to feel better about himself

I like entertainment too much. My brain is wired to like entertainment. How do you choose when entertainment always seems like the best choice?

>have a dopamine deficiency
Just choose to shitpost on a toxic imageboard that fucks up your brain and reinforces all of your insecurities and bad habits bro

oh wait, that's what you're doing!

Atleast I'm not a malicious faggot who gets off on making others suffer.

>chooses not to leave the house
I actually try to go out often, but constantly seeing happy couples etc maked me feel worthless.

>chooses not to exercise
I'm too ashamed to ever go to a gym or whatever. I try to avoid eating unhealthy shit, but it's difficult when it's pretty much the only pleasure I have.

>chooses not to socialise and take the initative
Actually been trying to do that, but constantly feeling inferior to them, alienated and being afraid that they're just talking to me out of politeness doesn't really help. Not to mention that people very rarely seem to ask anything about myself and convos are often onesided.

>choosed not to break his addiction to imageboards
I actually visit Jow Forums far less often than I used to.

>chooses to play video games all day
Except I don't and I often feel guilty (for not being able to do anything better) while playing anything at all. I try to do semiproductive things like read etc though.

>chooses not to break bad habits

I have avoidant personality disorder. I try to challenge myself though, but it's not exactly fucking easy to change thinking patterns that you've used for years.

>chooses to watch japanese cartoons
I don't.

>watching anything popular is for normies

>chooses not to take normies' advice

I've been trying.

I'm not going to read the shitty list of excuses you tell yourself so you don't have to escape your comfort zone. You will not improve if you don't leave it. Getiing better isn't easy or comfortable

But keep telling yourself all those reasons are worthy. Keep telling yourself how hard life is - and watch as that becomes reality as you believe it more and more.

Your worthlessness is your choice

>lmao just get out of your comfort zone
If I ever worked up that level of courage I'd use it to kill myself instead

Stfu already you fucking boomer cuck, you are just bragging about ''how superior you are because you don't have depression'' no one fucking cares reard

>already follow op's advice
>still depressed

Gee whizz, what a pisser

who's to say that I wasn't depressed and I'm sharing the cure? Or LARPing to make myself feel better?

I'm not saying it's not my fault.

>Getting better isn't easy or comfortable
Ofcourse, but there's a pretty noticeable difference on wheter you do or don't have a support system and/or other good things in your life to balance out the hardship.

Thanks for the reply, though.

>On Jow Forums all day


Yes, because Anthony Bourdain was a total incel. So was Ernest Hemingway. Those guys never went out or dropped their WII controllers.
And then, of course, there was Robin Williams who never interacted with people and watched nothing but anime.
Did you know that Kurt Cobain LOVED toxic image boards like Jow Forums?

>leave the house and socialize
Where, what do i do? I have no interests

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Fuck. I could have written that. Btw. I do push ups and sit ups and etc. I just don't like seeing Chad at the gym. It makes me feel insecure. It's hard for me to socialize with stranger. How do I even make Friends? If I join a group people will ask why I'm there alone and don't know anybody. And I can't keep a conversation going.

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>Hearing voices and being alone and depressed

>just don't think you are depressed. Believe in yourself

Grade A advice here

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>chooses not to socialise and take the initiative
You say that like it's not incredibly painful for me to do

I can't offer any lifechanging advice, but I'd really advise to see a psychologist. I'm sure you've considered it, but I'd really recommend to try it out. From what I've read, it's the best solution for people like us.

You're not a lost cause.

>I do push ups and sit ups

Huge plus already, imo (as I struggle with finding motivation and willpower for it myself); keep it up, mate.

Great image, by the way.

It's like 90% of the bots here. No big deal

If this somehow isn't bait, you really don't understand how depression works

I'm depressed cause any time I do something that makes me even slightly happy or proud of myself my mom says something to completely devalue it and take it away
I'm depressed cause I've realized that I'm good enough to be a friend but not good enough to be a boyfriend
I'm depressed cause I've got such bad anxiety that I'm convinced all of my friends simply put up with me cause they'd feel guilty for probably contributing to my list of reasons to kill myself