Anons who have a dakki, does it make you feel better?

I am wondering if having a dakki has made you feel better at all?
I want to get one myself, i want to cuddle with it while I sleep.

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Other urls found in this thread:!TD5TVY7S!pLRe7M_vbDDc75UGDYT87Q

I have one and its super comfortable to sleep with but it hasnt made me feel any better about myself or anything like that

I have one, it is really comfy for sleeping with, you can sleep on your side without your knees and ankles touching and the bone poking. It is pretty hot at first, I humped and jizzed on mine a few times, but after a while you just use it as a comfy sleeping tool.

I have them to decorate my bed but I don't sleep with them I don't want them to get dirty from my greasy face from sleeping.
I have some pictures of me with them but I shouldn't self post on this board

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Dont post yourself but post them on bed I would like to see.

I dont wnat to jizz on mine just cuddle and have it near me when I am on pc

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I have a plushie mouse that I've had since I was six years old. His name's Jerry and I cuddle him ever night.

my dog fucking eat it and yet pee on it
>cuck by our own dog

I would like to get a plushie, I know my mum will think its weird getting a dakki and plushie but I dont care

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Here is all the merch I have of my wife near her on my couch

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I love this thanks so much man.

I would love to have that stuff near me make me smile

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>I am wondering if having a dakki has made you feel better at all?
no, not really
trying to cuddle with it is weird and uncomfortable
though, im autistic so I may just be doing it wrong
hasnt made me feel better or less lonely
I guess if you have a waifu and you get a daki of her it'd be great but, I don't have a waifu
honestly it's more of an annoyance really, it takes up like half my bed.

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No but I heard sex dolls are better and the sex is better.

>that fucking image

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I have like 2 others but they are deemed loli so I cant post em :(

I hope you have luck with reverse image search.


Add me on dickord and I will post them to you

I have Waifu

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>I have Waifu
oh then you'll be fine. get a daki then

Thanks user :)
2D love is very pure, and feels same as 3D love.

no problem user
yeah i get that but i cant really feel love in general, so it's moot

I don't use discord, but I found it after a bit of search.
Artists name is ohisashiburi and he's a fucking champ.

good to hear user.

SOme art is just so good and you can really appreciate the detail, 3D is bleh

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what site do you use to get these beauties?

>humans wear low-cut tops to a glimpse of their boobs (cleavage)
>elves wear low-cut tops and bottoms to expose a glimpse of their nipples and vulva
Truly the lewdest.

Nah I keep mine in storage because a pile of blankets shaped into a person-like mass feels way way better than a stiff long form
Was okay the first couple nights but for the most part it's all the inconvenience of a real person (heavy, not easy to move, takes up a fuckton of space) with none of the benefits
Maybe it's because I have a generic print of someone besides mai waifu, but I doubt that would help their case when I'm not just looking at my bed to see her face in it
That's just my experience, maybe if I had one of her it would be different but I assume this would be the experience for anyone without a waifu interacting with a daki

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heres a megaNZ of a bunch I saved.!TD5TVY7S!pLRe7M_vbDDc75UGDYT87Q

saving stuff from /e is bnest, this link is just mass download, a lot of folders are filled with great stuff.

15K hentai pics :)

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I cuddle a pillow for comfy sleeping as is already.

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yes. I've got a couple, and being able to rest your head on your waifu is pretty relaxing. I'd recomend getting 2-way tricot if you have the budget

one thing I worry about is im australian and I want a Megumin Daki.

I want a LEwd Megu one, and my dumb ass cops will charge me for child porn if I get caught with a "child" dakki...fuck me

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i live in nz, i've got a lewd shiro, and papi. you'll be fine. the only ones who'll know what it looks like are you and the place you buy it from

I don't have one. But some nights I sleep hugging my (regular) pillow and feels nice.

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thats very nice, thank you user

Ok I may do it, before I get it I would make sure to make any loli I have vanish for a while, im paranoid they will raid my house.

ANd then they find some cute anime girl lewds and I go court and for some drawings.

Oh user, thats cool man, I need to make a new folder with all my new shit :)

its really nice man hugging something, must be what normies do with their GF...fuck me.

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you know the parcel will just say pillow, right?
its not going to say what the pillow looks like or anything

I used to order stuff online and had the feds and customs check it multiple times.

I ordered some chemical in vials, elemicin like 7 years ago.

also cactus powder and other stuff and had feds open up all of them.

Im hoping they dont fuck me... I really want a cute anime girl Dakki :)

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obviously they're going to investigate chemicals
if you don't want to buy one online, just go to armageddon. if its anything like the one here, you'll be able to pick one up for around $70nz

Yeah it's pretty comfy to hug at night, also much more comfortable than sleeping without one resting with it at an angle is way easier to fall asleep than normally, it also absorbs tears pretty nicely and dries quickly

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thanks user for helping a fellow weeb boi, decide to get one

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Where are you at? If you're in the US there's nothing to worry about loli isn't really illegal in every single case of someone being charged with it they've been charged with actual CP and loli was tacked on as a way to up the sentence since it's not really prosecutable on it's own since it'll be waved off as art, also these days fully legit registered companies like fakku and VN publishers openly sell and advertise loli and no one cares

no problem. Also the best choice for fabric is 2-way tricot, feels great honestly, costs a lil extra but its worth it
oh and either have 2 pillows ready or be prepared to pay extra for one

its same in australia where I look into teh law and they never charge people with just loli its because they actual cheese pizza.

oh thanks for the
tip, does the pillow get old and die?

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aslong as you take care of her, she'll last as long as you do. might fade a little but thats natural