What's the point in college degrees? I'm about to graduate but I didn't learn shit
What's the point in college degrees? I'm about to graduate but I didn't learn shit
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to get you into japan
leaving your country requires a bachelor's degree in all cases, and marriage is the only way to skip
Let's say I did go to Japan thanks to a ba, what the fuck am I supposed to do there? Be homeless with my crazy skill set?
You must be retarded if you didn't learn anything
they dont have a point, colleges dont teach anything, they only exist to form academic communities whose actual work is unrelated to education
What degree? I'm in the same boat as you.
Fuck you
Communications my nigga
I did a media degree, I wish I knew that building my portifolio was more important than getting my grade and degree when I started.
If you finished that study with nothing to show, then you are pretty much fucked.
Maybe try a real career next time
Gonna kys see you on the next episode
>leaving your country requires a bachelor's degree in all cases
Europe didn't get that memo
I'm also in last year of college op, and I can't remember anything from any subject
Feels like I am only in college to have something to do
Communications is one of the few non-STEM, non-business degrees that has actual career prospects outside of academia.
>to get you into japan
this is the correct answer
college is what you make of it.
depending where you go, but most 4 year universities, espeically research universities have so many opportunities to learn skills and about your field. if you just went with the idea of "cs get degrees" your degree is pretty useless.
>Communications my nigga
you can't go to japan on a communications major
you are eternally fucked
>Europe didn't get that memo
Doesn't europe have 3 year degrees? You can't leave Europe on that shit unless you go to canada
Why are you so focused on Japan? It's not animeland
You do not end up in the same cage with "dudes" in prison
>he wants to stay in his home country
where's your sense of adventure?
It's to show you have money and can do stressful, tedious work for years on end.
That's literally it. You can easily learn anything you want outside college. It's not that difficult. People just go to college because it gives them a capitalist advantage.
The concept of education has been turned on its head.
>It's not animeland
>you are supposed to put and eat ramen from this
No, just the UK as far as I know. We don't have general education modules though so it can be condensed a lot.
Nonexistent, I have everything I need here at home
so don't shit on people who love adventure.
>to get you into japan
the real redpill
I'm not, I'm just wondering why you are so fixated on it, specifically japan
I've been to Japan many times before and once you get burned out on all the novel otaku stuff and gimmicks etc. it starts to get predictable and boring. Also it's a pretty lonely place especially as a foreigner, you'll always be an outsider and Japanese people will never approach you, and the whole thing about being white in Japan gets you easy chicks is wrong, they don't give a fuck out there (must be the sexless epidemic or something).
it's a weird artifact of our modern society
it's literally just to sort out the brainlets from the non-brainlets and the money-lets from the non-money-lets
brainlets = people who dont go to college, dont start their own amazing businesses, dont get STEM or law or medicine or consulting work afterward
moneylets = people who take out an insane amount of debt to go to a shitty school and get a shitty degree, whose parents have zero connections, who cant hang out with the rich and well connected kids while they're there because they have no money
>What's the point in college degrees?
To show that you are "capable" of learning something, I guess.
Honestly don't give a fuck anymore about it myself, just want a the damn piece of paper to show that I did something so that people could think I'm worthy of being hired at a decent job and what not.
Same. Am gonna have a poli sci degree by the end of the year. Very much regret waisting all this time.
To make you a debt slave and forever burden your shitty life with debt until you die or pay it off
Just go into law faggot. It's not that hard.
It seems extremely hard. I'm not motivated. I just want fucking school to be over for christ sake.
America, since the 50's, has steadily been transitioning from labor producing products (i.e. factories, mines, etc.) to labor producing services. This has been achieved by giving more power to international corporations to have factories in countries with laxer labor laws and weaker unions and then ship the products back to America. For example, many American cars produce their parts in America but contruct the cars in Mexico.
This has had the effect of American jobs requiring more education and a stagnation in wages. Because more Americans needed to go to college, the demand for higher education went up and Universities could charge more. This makes it so that lower and lower middle class Americans must take out loans to go to college. Thus, these students are in large debt and applying for jobs which pay less than they did 30 years ago. In short, the middle class and lower class lose capital and the upper class gains capital.
The solution to this (in the sense of giving the poor more capital) is to male colleges an extension of public high schools, free as a right, and all past student debt must be forgiven. As well, the minimum wage must be significantly raised to boost wages for the poor and middle class while lowering the wages of the upper class. Too, international American companies must be forced to gove protections to workers as well as to employee a certain amount of American employees for uneducated labor to prevent mass firings (tho this may be too late).
To say you have one, and you learn as much as is.
Bryan Caplan says it's all signalling.
Proves you are adhering to social norms and stuff