Anyone else really like big areolas? i feel like its the most underrated part of womens bodies

anyone else really like big areolas? i feel like its the most underrated part of womens bodies

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Only if the nipples are good sized also.

In all honesty i love everything about womens bodies i can't even say i just like this i just like that, it's all good

sauce my nigga? new message

sorry man i found it on my hard drive. if you find sauce let me know though

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Nah cuz i rather now fuck over my potential future son if we have kids
I saw the pain in the big aerola kids eyes when they would undress in highschool, getting bullied about their ugly pepperoni tits, rightfully so, but not my son

are big areolas hereditary like that? I thought they only appeared on titty monsters

Yeah, it really bothers me when women have large breasts and tiny nipple and areolas. Mainly because it just screams implants and it just looks so unnatural. I hate how that's a trend and the ideal breast type in most hentai. I think that since I drew a lot of nude models as a kid I got used to more natural looking breasts so that's what I prefer. I gotta say that I prefer larger nipples with larger areolas though.

ive never taken my bra off for any bf because im very insecure about mine

how big are they? did he comment on it before in a negative way?

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yeah idk why most guys idealize the dime sized pink little things, i love big brown ones.

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be my insecure pancake areola gf pls

No, the most underrated part is pussy lips. Totally invisible to most when they are appealing enough, but stick out like a sore thumb and ruin the whole package when not to your taste.

I love big fat areolas and big fat nips. My gf has decent ares and her nipples are like two fat clits and I love sucking on em

>when she gets preggers and her areolae expand in all directions

honestly one of the major reasons i want to impregnate a woman, too bad i'm a gfless luser.

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i just never showed them ever. im scared of take my shirt off and a guy doing pic related

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can you elaborate? what are they like?

A lot of guys have been conditioned to like tiny pink nipples by porn but it's not like there aren't a lot of guys who either don't care or actively like/prefer large areolae a well.

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>tfw no giant nippled gf

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Yep, ive seen skinny dudes with big baseball sized nipples
Its fucked up

tfw no perfect pic related gf

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i know each guy is different and has different tastes but i figured the general appeal was for the areola to be the size of quarters or smaller. i feel like it would be silly to get surgery for it but i'm still considering it

mfw my aussie bf asked me why I have brown nips

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I Like em big too im pretty sure you get more pleasure having big ones and big nips.
Those asians with the big nips are hawt like really long lol.

I only like big areolas if they're light coloured. In cases like they just look diseased.

diseased? idk, they look pretty normal to me against the skintones that most nonwhite women have. Though honestly ultradark nipples on pale breasts look good too. I also like veiny tits.

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>there are giant nippled fembots that are busy being insecure about their giant teats instead of embracing them and letting lonely robots suckle from them

shameful shit senpai

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those are not very big considering the size of her boobs

You need to find god op

idk they just add more he overall form when they are big and dark like that for me

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I can't imagine yours are that big compared to some other women.

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what did you say? and how big are your areolas?

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I really love them but only when they're pink on pale big tits.

god those are as big as my face, i'd love to knock her up and squeeze her tit against my face for a milk facial.

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Those are fucking awesome.

How do we feel about puffy nips in this thread?

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they can be great. don't derail though user

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I find them creepy, especially when they're dark

Nipples are the main tott here.

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Its like a boob on a boob. fucking nice!
How can small nip areola woman even compete.

Nobody knows, user, probably something to do with a Jewish conspiracy to promote less motherly nipples and teats among the goyim.

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we good with veins right?

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and are darkies okay?

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piercings good too?

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i've always wanted to squeeze those little bumps around a girls nipples and pop them.

piercings seem like theyd make it harder to suck, anyone have experience with this?

They don't pop any more than the bumps on the underside of your dick and around the bottom of your glans will.

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No, any large areola'd pierced nippled fembots want to help me out with this? We can make it purely scientific, take one out leave one in and I compare.

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>underside of your dick
i have a few that i've popped, a bit of white stuff comes out from clogged hair follicles.

this. this. all this. i agree. nice sized nipples + big areolas = instant turn on

Aww, thanks user, the color is really scary since pink is so popular

idk i think it's that way because when a woman gets pregnant her nipples often darken up and society fetishizes youth/chastity, so pretty little pink nipples set of the RITTUR GIRR triggers. Explains why Japanese girls bleach theirs.

Most of the people I know who like large areolae also tend to like more mature women with more developed features if you catch me.

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So do we like defined outlines or irregular outlines? I can go both ways. The definition is nice on the former but the latter feel more natural for some reason.

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>when the nipple so pale it almost completely blends in to the flesh around it

also good shit

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i love old granny titties

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Artificially enhanced areolae?

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>i love old granny titties
that's actually disgusting.
granny pancake tits are hideous.

I like when there are bralines imprinted on the breast, just a reminder of how hard of a time the poor titcow has getting clothes that fit her :(

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goth/emo areolae?

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>you will never take a tongue trip across her round rocky roads

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I actually like this and think it's tastefully done if that's even possible.
All women are still hypergamous whores though.

all of these are excellent user


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>tfw tittymonster gf
>keep getting her pregnant
>each time her tits get even bigger
>now pregnant again
>big brown nipples
>boobs everywhere
>my boner never ceases

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Are you the Irish dadbernd?

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Anyone else think that big areolae are best when wet?

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mine after not that big these are about the closest to my size

On about the same size of breast? For me it's all about proportion, you can have big areolae on giant tits and they look average sized. I like disproportionately big ones.

Also really dig on ripply and bumpy textures.

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>tfw you'll never have a gf with areolae as big as your face

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so wait, your depriving your bf from seeing that? Well can I see so I can worship them?

Just get your girl pregnant and enjoy

lactation and Asians are love too

i like big bobs

I too am a man of fine taste.

Ladies should never be ashamed of their pepperonis

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Areola grande

Can you hanbdle big bobs?

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user please I NEED this whole fuckin set.
