How is this fair? Men can lose on 2000 calories a day and my maintenance is like 1800. I'm tired of this. To lose fast...

How is this fair? Men can lose on 2000 calories a day and my maintenance is like 1800. I'm tired of this. To lose fast, I need to eat like 800 a day.

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Give me a name, son.

Also, Are you familiar with lighting, poses and phitishop? Fuckin firstgrade shit....

>tfw I can lose on 3200 calories a day

fucking faggot

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So we can lose bodyfat easier but you can have 500 matches on tinder in 1 week and we get maybe 5 every month if we’re super lucky.

you need to git gud

I could still lose weight if I ate 10k calories, it's called DNP

Lol when I was over 300 lbs I was able to get more than that, that's just you dude

498 of those matches are ugly

>FitBit says I lost 4,500 just from walking around school and shit

>implying biological difference between body with benis and body with bagene
reported for hate speech nigga

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>tfw that was the best movie ever made


Everybody watching this thread knows (I hope) that you’re heathiest the more calories you need to eat to maintain your weight.

Lifting + cardio everyday ups your TDEE so as long as you eat, you’ll feel better, look better and stop whining on this Albanian self-bathing support forum

To lose fast you need to eat like 0 a day and do some prolonged fasting you fucking moron

>How is this fair? Men can lose on 2000 calories a day and my maintenance is like 1800
You mean how is it fair that you don't have to spend as much money on food simply to maintain sufficient energy intake, or are you an Amerifat who eats emotionally?

are there any porn stars with hip to waist ratios like this?

Yeah man powerlifters who are required to intake 10000 kcalories per day for maintenance are so healthy.

zienna eve sonne williams

to lose fast you fast

Isn't this slut married to a nigger?

>can lose weight eating 3200 calories
the power of the bloat

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>in a monogamous relationship
k y s

>5 a month
During my first month I got like 150. Step your game up nigga

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Wait. This chart is opposite of the gigachad meme thing all the online daters seem to whine about. Dudes seem to reach out to hotter girls out of their leagues WAY more than girls do. I was told the opposite was true; that girls regardless of their rank will only go for guys in the uppper quintile.

I'm 5'11" and my maintenance is 1750, I've been cutting at 1250 for just over 50 days now, get over yourself sweetie...

girls are bad at rating
look at that distribution, bro
and it's not the opposite, you're bad at reading graphs
>upper 20% of males gets 45% of the attention
numbers are rough because I don't care
it's not opposite, though

this, tbqhwyfam
I eat 1500 and hit the gym

>how can someone almost twice my size and with a chemical makeup/metabolism designed to process calories different than me eat more than me
Fuck off roastie or post tits

My maintenance is 3000 kcal , and i am Dyel 6.1 feet , 175 lbs with 8 months of training. Go fuck yourself

The only difference is that they dont message the most atractive males. But if they get a message of course they go for it.

>another BMWF bait thread

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men are not twice my size

be me
like 140 pounds, 5'6"
1800 tdee

be man
5'10" but tdee is like 2500+

it's not fair

shut the fuck up you cunt and post tits.
it was a mistake allowing you people to fucking vote

underrated comment

that's not the only difference
look at that fucking skew in perceived attractiveness, bro
girls have high standards, and guys only talk to the most attractive
if anything the end result of the prior claim, that gigachad is the only one who gets to talk to girls, applies to both sexes

Maintenance is mostly about weight, which goes pretty well with height. It's nobody's fault that you're a dwarf numale.

Also "lose fast"? Fuck you. You're fat, so just lose it at any speed, whatever. And anyone can actually FAST if they're in a hurry.

literally built for bbc

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Fanon here and losing fat sucks, I was borderline anorexic at 500 cals/day with 10hrs cardio a week and barely saw any results. Now I'm eating roughly 2000 cals with lifting 5 times a week and 20 mins of HIT and my weight isn't changing a whole lot but I'm looking significantly better. Exercise is essential to getting a good bod.

All those matches are boring though. They just want to fuck. If you narrow it down just to people you have chemistry with whose personality you like then there's nothing. Guys are pretty much satisfied with just looks. An ugly guy can pull if he's funny. An ugly girl gets ignored (for relationship which is what women are actually after) because even ugly guys think they deserve a hot chick.

I feel you. Eating the tiny amount to lose weight can't be done without skipping meals. When I skip meals I can't focus at work. So to lose weight I have to sacrifice my quality of work. What do...

Tinder is a hook-up app. Everybody there just wants to fuck. If you're trying to get anything else there, the fault lies with you.

> borderline anorexic
> still fat
Pick one

The funny part of this is how ugly women think men are. LOL most of the men they rated are below a 2. Women just dont find men attractive period.

Lesbos for the win.

same here, also femanon. i was killing myself during college at 300 cals/day (the logic of an ED) but my work has me lifting heavy (50+ lbs) on the regular and doing that with lifting is forcing me to eat at 1000 cals/day. calculators have me at 800/day to lose weight as well, i'm barely losing but i'm 100% losing inches and that's what counts

Well the charto off messaging from the women to a man is almost the inverse of the men to a women. Women having high standards doesnt change the reality that they got acces to an average man (female to male messaging). There is anoter study about lower rank females messaging higher rank males and the success of their messaging, guess how it looks like compared to a male to female success rate. Of course women doing so is beyond the average population mostly because the womens nature.

>An ugly girl gets ignored (for relationship
Who wants to be in a relationship with an uggo? Neither sex.
Also, I'd be using tinder to find a relationship if it wasn't known for being ratchet as fuck.
>why don't all of these guys, with probably normal standards, who are using a hookup app look for a relationship with uggos who, according to the graph above, probably have high standards?

not found
look at his jeans

lol try being 5'3 120 lbs. my tdee is around 1600 so i cut at 1200 and then do cardio/HIIT. you'll get used to it, its not that hard.
>"not fair"

>Well the charto off messaging from the women to a man is almost the inverse of the men to a women.
It's literally not, the male's is just more pronounced. I've already explained how it's not even close to being the inverse, but if you want an explanation about the pronouncement I can lay that out for you, too. They have access, but only 34% message what is perceived to be the bottom 57%. Their perception is what defines their worth, not the actual distribution, by the numbers. I feel like I'm explaining economics to you. The top 40 or so get 65 percent of the attention from women. The top 40 of women get 70% of the attention from men.
please post the other graph you're referencing
I like arguing about graphs and shit

The article this is from.


>300 cals/day

Christ user, you aiming for Auschwitz mode?

>Who wants to be in a relationship with an uggo? Neither sex.

Actually women are okay with being in a relationship with ugly guys and report more happiness when their partner is less attractive than them.

And I know plenty of people who have found significant others on tinder. Just because it has a bad reputation doesn't mean its all bad. You just have to use it to your goals.

>accoding to the graph have high standards.

They don't. Thats what the graph is saying. Women percieve most men as ugly so dont mind hooking up with an ugly guy if they have good chemistry. If someone isn't getting dates its probably because they're boring and their personality sucks, not just their looks.

>How is this fair?
Because being a woman is easy mode. I'd kill for easy mode, even if it meant my TDEE was 200 kcal lower.

Nigger, my maintanence is 4000. Do you even fucking lift?

>Actually women are okay with being in a relationship with ugly guys and report more happiness when their partner is less attractive than them.
post data
>Just because it has a bad reputation doesn't mean its all bad.
I plan on using it for that purpose, eventually. I will one day wade through the ocean of piss for a qt.
>They don't. Thats what the graph is saying.
by a margin of ~5%
you're correct
>Women percieve most men as ugly so dont mind hooking up with an ugly guy if they have good chemistry.
this is not demonstrated by the graph
post data on success rates
also you're probably right about that last part

i dont think being top 20% on OKCUPID is chad status. before tinder online dating was basically for desperate people. both men and women. i remember it was pretty embarrassing for people to just to admit they are using a site like this. it was like a last resort.
tinder changed this because the majority of people dont take it seriously so being on it means nothing

this is a good post

So can i but it makes gaining weight a bitch

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what a faggot
eating is the easiest thing to do

Imagining wanting to become a housecat. Sure it’s easy as hell and you get good food and get petted whenever you want. But would want to throw away your self-awareness, intelligence, potential, freedom etc. just for an easy life? I would think not, the same reasoning applies to wanting to be a women, same concept but the difference is less extreme.

messaging =/= getting laid

plenty of girls will message a guy and not meet up with them when they are bored/drunk

i would imagine if you could honestly track the meeting the female graph would shift closer to the male graph and the male graph would shift down

>girls talking about fairness ever

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oh god it almost killed me, but it was the perils of being fat and wanting to not be as fast as possible lol

>no original content btw

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stop eating so much you damn cow

What a waste of prime genetics. I hope her daughter grows up to look like Nathanie Emmanuel at least it won't be a shitshow.

To lose weight fast, you need to eat 0 calories a day aka fasting, you dumb thot

Kill yourself nigger mutt

I am eating zero calories today. And tomorrow.