Why do you lift?

I lift so that girls will approach me and then I can reject them

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I didn't know originally, but 5+ years later (now)....

I continue lifting and watching my diet in the hopes that the 40+ year old cute attractive thin woman neighbor across the street wants to enter in sexual relations with me.

Posts a male

Based. I now have a new goal, thank you.

Me too but not by choice

>I lift so that girls will approach me

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I lift to inspire self conscious thoughts in those around me. I want people to look at me and feel bad about themselves.

Even Chad still has to do everything.

Same, also because I want to be able to choose among hot girls.

This i started lifting because i myself felt bad and now I got a few people to lift too. Feelsgoodman

Do u live in chateauguay because thats my nrighbor and my other neighbor lifts and noticeably mires her. Lmao

Yeah I am near Chateauguay

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>so I can be better than others
>chicks love jacked dudes
>feel more confident/energetic/better sex drive from natural increased test
>genuinely enjoy lifting heavy shit

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>not wanting to fuck him like a girl

>not wanting to get fucked by him like a girl

Because i have a desk job, lifting makes the back pain go away.

it makes me not cry at night



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same here

still waiting for that approach

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i lift because one day i looked in the mirror and didnt like anything that i saw.
my beer belly and love handles are almost gone, my arms are lookin ok, and now when i look in the mirror the only thing i hate is my face.
i think i might make it idk

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same reason minus the face part

Im 6'1 and I used to be 250lbs, didn't even know how much I weighed for several years and as soon as I stepped on a scale I decided its enough. I am now around 185, much better, not as lean as I want to be but Im making a lot of progress

Well, as one user put it:
>better be angsty faggot than depressed faggot

>I lift because everyone called me small
>and ugly

I will see these people again some day, mog the fuck out of them, turn down all the girls, and be loyal to the only one who saw my potential from the start.

So I can look somewhat decent compared to 80% of the human population

Absolutely. I want to make fat bitches cry and roasties question their lives

the struggle is good
and at the end of the workout when you go home, it feels amazing

because my shrink told me its going to help me through depression, 3 years lifting and it aint helping much

Should I think blue eyes are pretty? Because I don’t

i lift because when i look in the mirror x years from now i dont want to feel like ive wasted my time and that i could have pushed myself further

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>Saves and posts anime pictures that aren't even interesting in any way
Son, you're still wasting your fuckin' time

Me neither. Seems instinctively untrustworthy. People shit on brown eyes, but studies have shown they appear more trustworthy. I just think brown eyes are so much cuter and more endearing.

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all I want right now is a qt gf

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There are a lot of incredibly niche and attractive body types
I want to improve my odds of the few instances of those I meet to find me attractive

You can paste links to images in the file name box without saving anything.

I lift to fill the cold, empty void inside my chest that’s eventually going to drive me to blow my brains out in a creatine and alcohol induced low

Holy fuck that is a guy. She is hotter than any woman I've met in real life. How can men be better at being woman than woman??

Good reasons
>training for strength and good health
>to get higher social status
>to command authority in others
>for self-defense

Pleb reasons
>for whores

>nigger eyes are trustworthy
Where did this study take place? USA?
In Finland brown eyes look foreign and foreigners are not considered trustworthy here. You'll get scammed if you're not careful in southern countries where brown eyes are very prominent.

I looked and felt like shit and didn't get as much attention from girls as I used to.

>show up to your high school reunion
>"how do you like me now, bitches?"
>"who is this guy?"
>"i-i'm the guy you all b-bullied and now I'm buff"
>"i don't think I know you..."
>move towards the girls
>"h-hey babes you want some of t-this? because you can't ha..."
>"no, you're weird. who the hell are you anyway?"
>spend the rest of the night sitting in the corner while everyone keeps pointing fingers at you and chuckling

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>see someone litter
>go tell them to pick it up
>"go fuck yourself"
>he litters again 5 minutes later
>a fit muscular guy with a good posture goes to tell them to pick it up
>he does it and says "sorry" and even picks up his previous trash

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only girls
im just trying to fulfill my biological needs and make babies / mate desu

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Ew. Freckles with brown eyes literally looks alien.

Girls very rarely approach men in real life. It can happen but don't count on it.

But you could reject them and/or troll them on tinder and video chats (like omegle or chatroulette). It's what I do, it's good fun.

You wont be able to reject them when that happens. Trust me, you’ll get sucked into their bullshit. Weak ass bitch nigger basedboy

how could that possibly be a biological male? I need proof, "she" looks better than 95% of girls you see on the street

>Why do you lift?
THis is like the 4th thread on this subject
Why the fuck do any of you faggots even care

>I lift so that girls will approach me and then I can reject them

In reality
>"Hey user, how are you?"
>"You too thanks"

Lifting doesn't cure autism

>Why do you lift?
You little faggots of Jow Forums want to know the real reason why? I'll fucking tell you:

I'm FIFTY THREE YEARS OLD. About 20 years ago now I was over 300 pounds, ruined knees, no job, hated life, wanted to fucking DIE. Getting fat was a game; how fat can I get before it kills me?

Got tired of that shit and pulled my fat ass back from the edge of the abyss. Took the next 10 years trying to figure out how to fix the damage. Ran. Lifted. Dieted. At one point I was only eating actual food 1 time a day, the rest was liquid shit from a mix. Lost fucktons of weight.

Then I started riding bikes again. Lost more weight. Did fucktons of research, learned more shit about exercise and training and nutrition. Tracked everything I ate. Lost more weight.

Then I got interested in racing bikes. Started training for it. Lost more weight. Got laser-precise with diet and supplements, got more discipline than I'd ever had.

Now I'm under 200, legs like tree trunks, on a team, out-climb shorter lighter guys because they're pussies and don't train anywhere NEAR as hard as I do. Might even win a goddamned race one of these days.

So why do I train? Because I'd rather EAT A GODDAMNED BULLET than go back to being fat, weak, slow, depressed, and ruined. Fuck that shit, been there, done that, FUCK THAT SHIT, I'd rather ride off mountainside cliff and DIE than ever go back to being what I was.

Oh and by the way I owe NONE OF IT to Jow Forums, and fuck you guys if you don't like me being here, don't like what I do, or don't like anything else about me. I DID THIS MYSELF WITH NO ONE'S HELP, AND I DID IT FOR ***ME*** AND NO ONE ELSE. So fucking GET OVER YOURSELVES and just FUCKING DO IT and DON'T STOP.


You don't have to lift to be gay user. They accept anyone.

Fucking shit piss fuck damn asshole fuck!


She's not a man. Ryan can be a girl's name, too.

out of pure sheer hate, also a big tiddi pure gf

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for my future wife

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Aussie shitposting once again proves itself superior

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So I can blowjobs by cute white women.

I'm Asian.

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I'm Pinoy

>big tiddi pure gf
Had one of those. She won't let you fuck her and they all have cult levels of dedication to Jesus.

She looks like a bad person. Makeup was a mistake.

Is that a spic or what?


this, if the girl is cute without make up is a total win, sluts who abuse of their make up are a scam

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Makeup is a godsend. A lot of anons would kill for a socially acceptable way to make themselves 10/10 face-wise.

>She looks like a bad person

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>doesnt know how to spot a slut

>women getting fake beauty is a godsend
Hang yourself, roastie. The key to being attractive is having a clean diet and being skinny. Fuck fakeup.

>doesn't know all young girls look like this now

Get some sun.

>not lifting underground

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>The key to being attractive is having a clean diet and being skinny.

Do all skinny vegans attract you user??? LMAOing @ your spite. Did a roastie hurt your feelings?

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450 rep it

That would require you to go outside

get a load of this normie fag

Chad friend of mine gets a lot of punani. But he told me no pretty girl had ever aproached him. Pretty girl wait for you to make the first move (even with Chads)

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vegan girls are unironically the hottest pleb

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lmao you met 2 vegans or what?

vegans doesnt mean they eat healthy, i met some that only eat shit foods all day

Brown eyes blonde hair is repulsive. Shes probably an insecure dyed blonde too

I agree, you're gonna make it.

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Girls don’t even care about guys with muscles. I feel sorry for you if you’re lifting for them

This. Idc if its petty or w/e. I was the underdog now I'm Chad Thunderschlong to these bitches. I bet they fap to me still after i reject them, given that's how women logic works

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You CAPS lock like an oldhead. Watch out, pressing hard on the keyboard can give yer old ass an MI.

I lift so I can FINALLY take my shirt off without being embarrassed by my fat. Jesus christ today I've been at the lowest weight since I've been 15 years old or something, so it gave me confidence.

She looks like an ayylmao, m8. You're hurting your argument

to protect his smile

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To get stronger
To get fucked by jacked guys

chill oldster

>vegan girls are unironically the hottest pleb

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Don't have a picture of her but I lift so one day I can get a gf like ashley. Also to really make America great again

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Not sure I could reject this fine prime piece of hunny

why r u so angery

we like u

no need to project and assume were part of the world out 2 get u

I lift to get down to a low bf% and to be the biggest guy in the gym. Fuck lifting for females

is that alice