What is delaying your suicide?
Why Haven't You Killed Yourself?
who will stop the gook posters if i die?
I have made a vow to stay alive until 25. If nothing has changed my mind by then, I will end it.
my mother. i sleep with a 9mm next to my bed, and when i get up in the mornings i check up on her to see if she's still okay. when the day comes that shes not okay, and shes passed from this life, I'll blow my brains out right then and there.
We all die user, just wait it will happen. Get high and chill.
Cuz of hentai.
if you had 2 bullets you could skip the waiting part
im not a mentalcel. i strongly believe that all problems( exclucing severe mental disorders)
will resolve themself.
>No its ok doctor I don't want chemo
>My cancer will cure itself
No. Orignigals
My mum being alive.
TFW she doesnt get you are depressed.
I dont want to. Its that simple. Whats your reason?
Does it mean you arent serious about it if you would only do it in a way you feel comfortable doing it? I could not ever stab myself of jump off anything. Flipside of that though is doing something that wouldnt fail.
How would you guys do it?
I want to leave behind as little as possible, which means sorting through my house and getting rid of anything I don't want left behind. It's going to take a while because I'm not making progress right now, but I've set a deadline.
even with aids/cancer/whatever you could live a somewhat lucky life if you have your mind set right
>all these newfags posting in a Love thread
Missed you Love.
My depression has evaporated over the years. The answer isn't drugs or suicide, it's waiting it out.
im giving life one chance
The real Love left, this is just some poser
Cowardice, comfort zone, sister hasn't finished university yet
You can't stop us.
I kinda like my life so I don't really see a reason to end it
Fucking normalfags. You can't be a robot if you aren't suicidal.
I'm a pussy. Also, I'm not suicidal.
my own ineptitude and I dont want the wrong person finding my body.
I'd OD on LSD.
>tfw sad music that accentuates my feelings of depression and self-loathing is the only thing keeping me alive
Easy fix
Step 1: Get a gun
Step 2: Walk up to the person you want to discover your body
Step 3: Shoot yourself (hard to mess this up with ineptitude)
Step 4: Profit
I've never felt suicidal. I mean I'm a former hikiNEET working a min wage job who's been lonely for 10+ years, seriously I can't remember what it's like to be close to anyone, I've had a lot of shitty experiences but never wanted to kill myself, like I just don't see any point in it, might as well live and watch a lot of anime.
just natural instinct of survival. I fucking hate it, but I don't have the strength of will necessary to overcome it.
cant get a gun here
I've got a comfortable life.
If I didn't have this, I'd be out.
I haven't found a surefire way yet
Because god loves me
My dog. Unironically. He would literally die of heartbreak if I was gone.
I don't even know, survival instincts? Maybe a part of me still clings to the hope that things will change one day.
Are you retarded or just ignorant ?
love, did you delete your discord because snixal said 'wassup bich'? the world needs to know
I make lots of money
also, is it true you enjoy shota?
cause after theres nothing but darkness also i got ppl who somehow still care about me and my dog
the problem with this type of hentai is it can create for a nice fap, but realistically it creates a lustful longing that will never be fulfilled. This fantasy literally cannot ever be real. This can really fuck you up mentally, so I would highly recommend to not enjoy such pictures for so long, it is more harmful than other pornography.
Shotgun mouthwash while ODing on Percocet and Xanax. Would have done it earlier but am bong/burger mix and cant access gun and drugs simultaneously- drug connect is in bongland and guns are in Amerika.
I honestly don't understand suicide.
>implying this is actually Love
How do you know it's not. Who are you. WHAT DO YOU KNOW
Masturbation is still enjoyable.
That Love deleted her account and fucked off? This is common knowledge.
Everything after Youthv2 is just people playing with a ghost
Love deleting her account doesn't mean she isn't active on Jow Forums or is on discord under an alt dumbass
my grammar was bad but my message was important
celtic music
it instills the hope that one day, I will find myself a gaelic wife to whiten my guidoshit genes up.
Ill wait till 35 before considering revenge on the world.
Last I checked in on this shit show it was pretty much accepted that Love was
>Just a genuine fucking weirdo (it happens)
>Fritz/not Fritz/cake (account now inactive)
>Royal Dungeon Guard (account now inactive)
This is the weirdest piece of Jow Forums lore to possibly obsess over
Fritz only recently left all servers and deleted all friends but he didn't delete his account.
RDG and Love deleted their accounts the same day on the other hand.
You don't know the full lore though, it goes much deeper than just some discord server spawned from r9k.
If Prince Royal = Royal Dungeon Guard from the server called "New Youth" then they never shut the fuck up about Love and how great they were.
Who are Fritz, Emma, Meppz, and Snixal? I need to get caught up on this
>don't want to hurt my family
>continue to tell myself things will get better when I do x
>even though doing multiple x's hasn't improved anything
i get closer every day
>New Youth
Wait, can you post an invite? Prince Royal is known to be RDG, yes. If not, what is your discord tag i'll add you.
>Who are Fritz, Emma, Meppz, and Snixal
How do you know those names? Are they talked about in that server often too?
New Youth has a really strict invite quota, from what I can tell none of the mods can invite anyone, just Royal.
They aren't talked about often, I've just seen them in this thread/others/mentioned once or twice.
>Post your tag
because killing yourself is for fucking losers and my sense of survival is way too strong.
gas the kikes, race war now
Why won't you post your tag?
> I've just seen them in this thread/others/mentioned once or twice.
>Why won't you bore yourself to death discussing literal nobodies on your discord account for games and friends?
Fair enough I suppose. Though you were the one asking about who all of those people are. How did you get into that discord server then?
Deadchat in BayStation with Royal
Would you add me and join a private chat (not server) about Love/RDG then?
No? That's pretty fucking lame.
Just post it here.
I met a nice robot from here and I want to stay alive for him. At least for now.
I meant post what you had to say here you retard
idk honestly.
There's too much to ask, that's why it'd be better over discord idiot
I dont know, probably just my motive is too low
>There's too much to ask in this literal forum for communication anonymously
Shut the fuck up kid