>pulled the pay your receptionist 35 bucks for a bj trick
>it worked
>have her 80 bucks for a creampie fuck too
Thanks to that user for the tip last week.
Pulled the pay your receptionist 35 bucks for a bj trick
What's the trick, exactly? Just ask if she'd blow you for 35 bucks?
Eh I do that with our maid.
Be careful with who you ask. I tried with this one girl who I worked with for a few months. Turned out she wasn't as desperate for money as I thought and she complained to management. By some miracle they didn't believe her because a month before I asked her, she wrote a note with a bunch of sexual writing on it about her. She tried to blame the note on someone she didn't like working with but they caught her on camera writing the note. So when she accused me they didn't believe her.
Whatever happened to that user? I was eagerly awaiting his updates. I wish I had a job so i could try this out.
>tries to lowball her as per some user's suggestion
>she just accepts the $20 offer
>when she sees the $70 he has in his wallet she offers to go all the way
>he cums in under a minute and awkwardly rushes out
Said he's worried about having an STD and getting her pregnant too lol
you forgot to mention that she was literal trailer trash as well
yeah I knew that part of the story, I was wondering if there was ever a follow up thread after that one.
Op here this is the user I'm thanking
well give us more details of your encounter asshole. Go through the whole thing from step one. What was your previous work relationship like? How attractive was she? How did you proposition her? Did you just spring it on her out of the blue or did you work it into conversation somehow? Did you go to her place or yours?
give us the details dude.
So whats the trick you double nigga
You're welcome. It all worked out I have been fucking her daily for 50 bucks now.
> paying for a bj
why not just ask that works like every time
No, I am really the guy fucking the trailer park receptionist. The OP here was thanking me.
Here maybe this will help.
pretty devilish, user. that liar thot got what she deserved.
I didn't do an update because I have literally been cumming inside her daily for 50 bucks now and haven't been on here at all.
You live at the trailer park user?
More details please how you ask her.
Do you blow your load in her every time?
I don't live in the trailer park she does.
Basically this is what happened when I showed up.
>Find her in the morning.
>Awkward as fuck.
>Asks me why I left.
>Told her I scared and embarrassed,
>Looked at me with confusion.
>Awkwardly explained it not really remembering what I said.
>Offered her more money for fucking saying I wanted to do it again.
>End up taking her home to her trailer every day at work now and fuck her for 50 bucks.
>Won't let me use a condom for some reason.
>Find out she has no stds.
>On her period right now so we do anal.
>Cum in about 20-30 minutes now and cuddle afterward.
Still kissless though.
Yes although lately, it has been in her ass due to period.
god damn I'm jealous. Just be careful for the baby trap.
>work at a factory
>receptionist is late twenties single mom
>super hot for her age
>she's into emo and metal shit so we have lots to talk about
>always makes holes about how broke we are
>I live with mum so not as broke
>receptionist talks about how she can't pay her car payment this month because of daycare
>I say maybe I can help
>ask her what she'll do for twenty (went for the lowball to look alpha)
>she tells me that's not enough for gas
>ask her if I can to her place after work to discuss further
>we go to her place
>her kid is at the sitter still
>say I'll give her 100 bucks to blow me
>she says 250 to fuck
>start getting naked
>she blows me and I finger her ass hole while she does
>about to nut in her mouth
>so tell her let's fuck
>no condoms in sight fuck it
>stick dick in her missionary style
>her d cup tits set me off
>just nutted in her with no fucks given
>maybe lasted 3 minutes in her pussy
>she says I'm a real minute man but she has to go get her kid
>says call her again for same arrangement
>fucking left with my cum dripping out
Might be a new dad but oh well.
Ever get shit on your dick? If not awesome.
thats the saddest thing ive ever read
and you shouldn't be
No, she actually has decent hygiene for trailer trash. She always bathes when we get to her trailer and makes sure something like that won't ever happen. I am trying to buy her new clothes so she doesn't have to keep buying them second hand. For some reason, she won't accept.
I know I am a normalfag now. This is why I stopped coming here. Feel guilty as fuck being here.
Hope you get paid decent because those 250 buck fucks will add up quick.
Good stuff. You've got yourself some future prospects it seems.
That's a lot more money than you claimed in the OP. For that much money you could get a pretty good professional whore.
Whores are tricky to work with and also harder to find these days now that Backpage is down.
They're not that expensive if you have a lot of disposable income.
you are already giving her 50 bucks a day, she can get her own clothes
lmao 250 bucks. fucking retard
Look user sounds like you got a good thing going you might as well make her your GF.
Seems like your getting good sex to.
How much money did you already spend on her? Doesn't sound like a great deal if you aren't a physical freak, you could've get her in a normal way. It was more risky to offer money for sex than asking her out.
I have no idea where to find whores and I only make like 1000 a month. Doesn't matter had sex and will again. She hasn't had a bf in like a year and the snatch looked straight. I think I'm good as far as std go. But I might have knocked her up. Will just get an abortion though
If she was cool with being cummed inside then she's probably on the pill or something.
>says call her again for same arrangement
HAHAHAHA there won't be one you moron
act like you're all alpha and shit
that bitch totally played you
>be single mom
>have to work, can make ends meet get alimony, but still
>haven't enough money to buy expensive clothes and shit
>whine about not having enough money to loser work colleague who makes a fair amount of money
>tells me he'd pay 250 to fuck me
>say i have no condoms despite having some
>he cums in me after a minute
>let his cum in my pussy as to increase the chances of getting preggo
guess i know who's paying for my clothes in 9 month :)
250 bucks to lose my virginity is a sweet deal. I'm a 4 at best and she's at least a 7.
I want her to own something nice she has been good to me and I barely spend anything on myself.
Too scared to ask her. I would do it in a heartbeat now though. I feel like she would reject me and then it would just get awkward if we kept having sex.
If she gets pregnant than he has passed his genes on and fulfilled his biological function. What's not to like?
kek. op fell for it and got played like a fiddle
There was a brief moment in my life where I was a drugie and I would give blow jobs for cash and stuff.
She doesn't get alimony bro she had a kid with some dude at 16.
Are you a dude, that's hot
did you really fall in love with a trailer park whore user?
No, I am not a dude and honestly, it was the most carefree my life had ever been.
Share some stories please!
I don't know but I am definitely infatuated. Of course, I grew in poverty rotating between living in a van and apartments as a kid.
user if your cuddling after it means she actually likes having you around. You should try to make small talk about life n shit when you cuddle. Most woman if you fuck em good and make em cum they will want you around. Plus shes trailer park girl so your a step up user.
Would you blow me for some drug money?
implying he knows how to fuck
That's horrendous. I get paid $300-400 per fuck. Then again there's a reason she's a receptionist and I'm not.
Top kek, satan had your back on that one.
I'm not a drug anymore, but back then probably. Hell, I probably would have blown you for a burger. The ironic part is that I didn't really need the money. When I was 17 my grandparents died and left me money and their RV. I ended up running away from home and living in this trailer park by the beach.
>Then again there's a reason she's a receptionist and I'm not.
lol that's right you're a whore
What's the sluttiest thing you've ever done? Since you are a pro whore
This is capitalism at its core bro
Let a stranger (female) finger me in front of a live band at a gig (not a concert...so in other words, right in front of the band in full view.) Someone also filmed it. I don't know what happened to the film.
I've fucked a past boyfriend on webcam (for free, stupidly. Apparently you can make $3500 a week ******* doing that now.) Over 1000 people saw it.
Multiple threesomes.
Total number is around 30, lost track.
You don't want to do webcam shit anymore?
Do you ever regret acting like such a degenerate?
Only for pay. I've been meaning to start doing chaturbate but haven't gotten around to it.
On the contrary, I regret not starting sooner. Nihilism broski-doski, nothing fucking matters so get that money and ponos before you get hit by a car and die. Life is great, no worries.
>On the contrary, I regret not starting sooner.
I'd call you a slut but I'm sure you've lived a troubled enough life to lead you on a path of such degeneracy, you have my pity.
>Nihilism broski-doski, nothing fucking matters so get that money and ponos before you get hit by a car and die.
Is that an attempt to justify your degeneracy?
>Life is great, no worries.
Is that what you consider a great life?
>great life
My money accumulates so fast I can't allocate it to investments quickly enough. I get regular good penis and get paid to do so. I make the hourly of a senior lawyer to have fun. Everyone compliments me and calls me hot/pretty. I could go superwhore and start fucking saudi oil princes for tens of thousands. Meanwhile I still have a real job, so by the time I quit thotting I'll still be making six figures anyway. What part of this isn't good?
The other week I was taken to the best bar in the city and he paid the tab. And if I stop being lazy and do camwhoring on top of it I'll get paid to do something I already do, from the comfort of my own home. Also, the guys I fuck enjoy getting me off, so they're paying me to allow them to service me. At least for part of it, of course I get them off too, and they go, "that was amazing!" all covered in sweat. It's the best feeling ever.
Is that you jlh?
No? seven hundred and eighty original posts
Just leave this board you Roastie whore no one fucking cares about your roast beef. This is why r9k is going to shit we have to many attention whores shitting up the place.
>What part of this isn't good?
So you think being a whore is good? Really? I mean sure "money"; dirty or not, but if lack of self respect, dignity, and morals constitutes a good life for you then again, I pity you.
Though I must ask are you proud of what you do? Would you be proud to tell your children, friends and family? Will you die happier knowing you lived such a life?
What's the biggest dick you've ever taken? Ever been dpd
would ever consider giving a charity fuck to a 25+ virgin?
good shit man. Keep doing what makes you happy. And I feel you with the camming for free bit. Couple years back I was doing that for a bit for the attention and to get off. Only afterwords did I realize the money I coulda made. But you live and learn.
wtf user why do you do fuck per meet and not sugaring? Good sugars can earn several thousand a month for like once a week meet. Get your finesse skills up and rinse these suckers
damn, so i guess all girls really are whores
>this guy gives me money
>trap him with child
Lmao good luck dumbass
hold on, whats the trick here? jsut offer some girl u with money for some ass? is this all there is to it?
apparently, it's worked for two anons in the past week so far.
i mean, is there a certain way t do this or just casually bring it u with someone ur comfortable with
Good that things are working out. It can work but you have to have a pretty precise plan. The good times will last for a couple of years so you should be saving and investing that money. If you blow it on shoes and handbags it is not going to end well. If you are going for a six figure career you have a high probability of meeting your clients in your work life. That usually ruins your reputation, everyone will know and not tell you and you won't make it. So think it through and good luck.
You have to be smart about it. It can't be just some random person
yeah its gonna be someone that i know and can hold an carry a conversation with
a six figure salary is barely upper middle class these days. She'll be fine.
Only 6.5 actually. I don't fuck niggers, only whites and asians, and the occasional latino.
By a dildo and a dick, but there just isn't much room up there man.
Eh... I would like some more V-cards to collect. Maybe?
>friends, family, and children
>on the board of social loners
>But you live and learn.
I feel it.
I have one regular who pays per visit and one who pays sugar stipend.
I have a Jow Forums degree. I can quit full time wageslaving after a few years if I like, but if I were going to continue I would move to another city anyway. Hate being in one place too long. Good advice. I'm incredibly financially savvy though.
All depends what you make of it. My expenses are unbelievably low. Rest can go to investment accounts to make me even more money.
>on the board of social loners
>on a board of self pitying social loners.
You're dodging my questions but fine. If YOU yourself can get laid, then you can make friends and have a family, clearly you're more than capable so if you end up a loner you really have yourself to blame.
Only thing worse than whores is retards who give them attention
You know what user you're right, I should've known better in hindsight.
Where to find whores?
that is bad ass. I have an engineering job and run an online foot fetish video store but i've hardly made 50$ yet
Nothing in the rules forbid being awesome
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