Is there any hope?

Just found out that mouth breathing fucks you up really bad.

I have athsma, and have needed braces in the past so I was shook. I got this picture, and I have a common deformity associated with mouth breathing (recessed chin)

I've been losing weight for a year now, but this discourages me from improving myself so fucking much.

Is there any way to reverse shit like this?

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Average chin, nobody will give a fuck outside of lookism retards, don't fall for their stupid memes.

Look up Mike Mew on YT. You still have a chance to unfuck your shit.

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How bout me

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Yikes bro

Deformed ape.
Get surgery or at least maxilla expansion


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thats a sick looking jaw

Why is he so unpopular then? Jewish plastic surgeons?

is mewing just jaw posture and tongue placement or is there more?

Ape mode


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how can I speed up the process of mewing?

you don't retard, persistence is key

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Keep your teeth shut, and tongue on the top of your mouth. And breathe through your nose.

Are you hispanic

Hispanics usually have really shitty side profiles for some reason. Get jaw surgery and forehad surgery

He could use expansion devices

We eat a lot of beans and white bread

10/10 would hunt gazelles with
>no homo erectus

at what bf% does the jawline really start to show?

trying to get down to 180lb

Orthodontics thrives on treating syntoms. Thats why they can cash a child through most of his teenage years.

Orthotropics (mew) and miotherapy treat causes (a lot faster if it is a child/teen) and cost surely less.

So yeah, jew lobby

>tfw söy chin


This. Thought I was fucked for life, then I got a gf and realized most people dont notice/give a fuck.

Nah I’m a frog

Here’s a less fucked angle

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jawline of the gods

If you chew with your mouth open also please stop that. My roommate does it and you can hear him eating anywhere it's nasty

oonga doonga brother

we hunt boar at dawn

am i retarded?

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Jay z lookin ass

We WUZ Australopithecus n shiet