Tfw i see an unironic 9/10 6' tall qt in the gym

>tfw i see an unironic 9/10 6' tall qt in the gym
>tfw no idea how i could possibly even begin to fathom how i could ever strike a conversation with someone like that
It feels completely alien to me. How do people do it?

Anyway, what's your least favorite exercise? Mine are barbell rows. I don't know why, but for the life of me i cannot seem to hit my back with them, and all i end up with are biceps doms

Attached: 1507547693167.png (1063x1063, 245K)

come on Jow Forums tell me which one's your least favorite

final bump

Sumo deadlift

skater squats

I dont really like deadlifts, but i have yet to try most exercises

Barbell rows for the same reasons. I tried changing grip which for now helps.

Attached: 1529082774531.jpg (765x1024, 174K)


I've literally never felt my chest and I've been at it for 6 months

I knew this chick in HS...did you go to the same school as her or did you just find her semi-notable facebook page?

Does your chest get sore the next day?