Why is these relationships so fucking R A R E

Why is these relationships so fucking R A R E

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Why? Well let me tell you Why, whenever you go down the street what are you most likely to see? A muscular BLACK man or a """"muscular""""" Asian ""'man""'? Of course the BLACK man, who is most likely to have a 12+ inch penis? Your right again, the BLACK man. So now you know why. Little Asian boys will never be able to achieve what we have achieved.

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asian girls go for white guys though for the most part, not black. Explain that.

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Cringe relationships are at every corner buddy, take a walk, take a stroll

It's not if you visit the real world you will see Asians with. Whites all the time .

Yes you will see white men with asian women but never asian men with white women

Now the asian op is saying that """his""" women prefer white men. Well sorry about that chang. Your women LOVE us. You can't deny that, every morning when a Japanese salary man goes to work, the second he gets in his car. """His""" wife already has a BLACK man balls deep inside her. You know what's funny? Is that fact some Hapa "'""""men""'""'. Find enjoyment in "BLACKED" posting. They wish they were us. Sadly they never will. Not all of us are blessed.

t. Eurasian tiger

fucking subhuman hapa

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This is exactly what I mean. HAHAHAHA fix yo shits Asians bois HAHAHAHAHA

>gets cucked by asian chad

You spelt Tyrone wrong


Being black is a fucking curse in this world.

>ugliest race, second only to aboriginals
>dumbest race
>everywhere blacks congregate turns into a shithole
>every race hates you or looks at you with distrust

No one in their right mind would want to be black.

>Not even trying to hide your racism
Always knew we was gonna have haters.

If you live close to an area where there's a lot of Asians, like NYC (especially near Flushing), you see Asian dudes with White girls all the time. It's pretty damn common.

Can you imagine actually making a cringeworthy video like this? Like what the fuck are they thinking?

Triggering white betas, it works.

Attached: ironically_funny.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Now do one with a BLACK guy and Asian/White girl :)

>forgetting he's half WH*TE

When the asian inferiority complex kicks in and you live vicariously through AMWF couples because thats the only thing that gets you through the day in your basement
Also RICED.com u made wh*Teboi we be stealin yo women


Keep coping nigger. No one likes blacks not even blacks.

Why are niggers always okay with racism against other races (and even engage in it) but start hooting and hollering when it's directed towards them?

i prefer blacks over some stanky chanky chan!