This is an 11/10 body to women

>this is an 11/10 body to women
Explain this.

Attached: DEF1058A-6830-490C-A042-72FB6333F390.jpg (634x867, 73K)

ignore what women want
become Jow Forums and enjoy life

>implying women know what they want


face, hair, tattoo, skinny, necklace, white

if he achieved ottermode he'd be neck deep in pussy

Jordan doesnt have a good body
women find his body attractive because hes an attractive guy

He already is. (Or was, he got kind of chunky)

Attached: 39850D75-D3EA-44DB-90C8-F8E766083B15.jpg (1125x1125, 394K)

It's not. You're an idiot.

no it's not

left pic is so badly shopped his right eye is bigger than his left eye why do you think there is a "nostalgic" filter added to it

again this thread? op, you really need to go outside and besides that who the fuck is this autistic looking kid anyway?
>2/10 body
>7/10, on some pics even lower
>hair that looks it belongs to a homeless faggot
am i missing something?

meant to say
>7/10 face and on some pics even lower

he has a nice face and looks fairly tall so he's still getting laid more than 90% of the gymbros here

but his body is more like a 7/10

This is why we all turned gay

You must hang out with 12 year old girls

>he doesn’t know

for a 16yo girl sure

Well those are the best ones.



Whats to explain?


Tall with mediocre calves, nothing else. His body must be shrouded in money.

Have you seen his face? Dude can also pull off any outfit.

Sadly this. The age where women are interested in skinny non masculine feminine boys with low t are in the age range where they are the most attractive, speaking of 15-19 years old.

I don't even know why, I always thought that a muscular/strong body is always better than some skinny body that can get outlifted by everybody.

Who knew klinefelterscels could grow such robust skulls

imagine being this pussy whipped

Klinefelters look like fat pear shaped women.

Are you retarded? 99% of do not have an entirely symetric face. Your eyes are probably uneven too


Bitches don't care about cocks, or muscles, or functional strength.
They only see a man as what he represents: His status, his presence, his reputation. These are the things that will affect her life once she's with him, and she wants to ensure that it will affect her life for the better instead of the worse. It's why women require taller men: A shorter man would make her constantly think about how much bigger she looks in comparison and how everyone else must think it's weird.

For better or worse, women are social creatures. To them, a man's social presence is top priority. He can be a pale, sickly, skinnyfat numale, but if he has lots of social media presence, high-society friends and social circles, and the physical presence and confidence to get attention (for better or worse) when he walks into a room, then he's extremely desirable, because he is almost guaranteed to raise her social status by association.

>175 cm


No idiot. They only care about how much money you have

lookism pls

Not him but 175 is below average

I know. However, Jordan’s like 187. Lookism has some weird memebabout him being 5’9 and 25.


Women want what you tell them they want.

is this the new gandy? There used to be 3 threads about gandy up at any moment. Now its this dude?

because it looks good overall and it fits him well. all of you collectivist faggots want everyone to like the same thing and look the same.
some braphog with 50 inch ass would look worse if she was heavily underweight and a super model would look worse if she started bulking. stop looking for blueprints for everything in life and see what you respond to, what fits you, what you like the best.
fucking autists

You should not believe Jake Barrett's lies

No it's not. His face and height are attractive enough to the point that having a physique like that (not out of shape) makes it better.

7/10 face with a 5/10 body.

He looks great, like those surf dudes with long hair who swim in pussy. Focus on your own thing instead of trying to make a gymrat out of everyone. He still looks young so his current body fits him well. Gandy looks great with muscles because he is an entire different character and he is older. Even that brazilian twink started lifting now that he is getting older

Why are you guys obsessed with this guy? He’s okay but I’ve seen better looking men

It seems like you’re more in love with him than girls are

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