R9k and inceldom/social life survey

Calling all incels, wizards, forever alone NEETs and what-not (but anyone is welcome to answer, this is r9k-wide).
Survey time.

So, I was looking for the most incel discussion forum out there. Somewhere where incels could speak out their minds (however radical that may be),
without fear of repercussions. So, I decided to have a look at incels.me

They had these really interesting survey where some answers surprised me. First off, at incels.me, being female is a bannable offense,
but even under these circumstances, there is a tiny percentage of the population that answered that are actually female (even though they hide their gender).
Are they there to laugh at incels or because they are bored or do they genuinely identify as incels? I'm not sure.
Another surprising fact is that 16.6% of the incel population that answered had actually had sex with a non-escort/hooker,
and 36.5% have kissed a non-escort/hooker. That is NOT bad for the incel population, and not what I'd expect.
Thus, I decided to adapt the survey for r9k and see what you think.

Personally, I'm a 26 year old and the only time I had sex was a couple of times 5 years ago.
I wouldn't identify myself as an incel because if 1 girl has seen something attractive in me, then there must be something there.
I realize that the problem lies with me and my mentality and I am not inherently unattractive.
I think of myself as an average looking guy.
It's my social retardation, lack of social circles, mental illness and the negative vibes I give out
which makes people react negatively to me in return (the whole self-fullfilling prohecy).
I think females can be incels, although being a very tiny percentage of the incel population.

>Inb4 fembot who hasn't had sex in a month comes and identifies as an incel.

Other than that, everyone is welcome to answer. Speak your mind. Try to be honest.
The answers might surprise you.

Attached: incel_survey.png (6122x2986, 1.93M)

Fell free to discuss the questions and recommend shit here

Nice Doxxing.

Even incels aren't real incels.

>t. over 30 yo kissless,dateless,jobless,virgin without friends, even 2 years ago I become fit and get girls flirt on me but because possessive mom, she worry I start become too hot.

Did the survey. youre welcome m8

My story is supposedly at least moderately unusual.
Currently 18 and heading to a Public Ivy uni with an associates degree while interning at another uni. Fit and going into the Marine NROTC program + crew. Decent looking facially and 6 feet tall, plus I have hobbies that I think women traditionally consider attractive (sports, music (specifically cello and bass), reading, etc etc). Plenty of friends.

Still a total virgin though. Never so much as seen a vagina in my entire life. I dont entire know why this is. People online tend to say incels are woman-hating, racist, etc. but Im none of those things. I was told I have serious confidence issues, obviously I lack experience, and I havent had many opportunities nor have I strongly seeked many out, but beyond that I dont know why this is the case since I dont know what I did wrong.

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oh man, you seem to be on the right path for self improvement though. I lack the motivation to start exercising

thanks man, really appreciated

While I don't know you personally, 18 is still really young to be honest.
Do you think you will never have sex?

There are more underage kids than 30+ year olds here...feels old man

>only two genders


>all these people with friends
I envy you.

I dont really expect it, dont know if I want it anymore either. I dont think I will bother if im still a virgin at 20

20 is still rather young
Many people lose their virginity after 25 and go on to have good sex lives after they get their shit together

sometimes it takes time

this is odd... more people have fucked a hooker than kissed a hooker?

I feel you
I was friendless for a long time
Many of you are really interesting and I'd like to chat or play vidya with you

you don't usually kiss hookers because STDs and most hookers don't want to be kissed or offer it (or maybe as a premium service)

and of course, you always fuck with protection

Can this be used to view dox on people who vote?

No, you can answer competely anonymous
I can't even view IP
Use TOR if you'd like

very interesting.
my entries were:

femanon, dont see myself as an incel because i literally dont qualify as i have a boyfriend. i am however a diagnosed acoustic and ad(h)d but have spend ~10 years of my life fucking learning from people how to not sperg out. still have a feeling of not being able to connect, so i do feel like r9k is my place (also because i started out here when i was still more acoustic and extra virgine). it affects my daily in basically every aspect of my life

if i had spend those 10 years just sperging out instead of improving myself i would be literally too autistic to notice anything, so i would say i had the potential to be an incel once, because love would be the most complex social thing to figure out.
as i said, i dont qualify as incel and have it pretty good at the moment

however, i still get fucking confused and lost in the world and the relationship too because you cant fucking cure the shit, only get better at hiding.

i liked the survey, very much interesting stuff
for the mental diagnosed faggots here, i can only recommend reading everything there is on psychology and watch people like a creep, copy them. it kinda works for me

>that guy who kissed a hooker

Do you think fembots have an easier time finding partnership?
Did your boyfriend approach you first?

As a guy, it feels like I have to do all the social work, and that's the main problem.
Also, tried dating sites, but there's male inflation everywhere (lots of males that show interest in almost any female while females have so many options that they become picky and only show interest for the more attractive males, thus it's kinda futile if you are an average heterosexual male and don't even know how to start a conversation, but that's just my opinion)

pls go away normie girl

nope. i approached him. actually now that i think of it i was the one to approach a guy everytime. most guys i tend to get attracted to are fucking pussies, or i am just the first one because i sperg out and lose impulse control. got some cringy stuff from when i was younger when i fucked up social boundaries and that the guy would rage over me being a weird ass stalker and that he didnt care about me.
most guys gtfo as soon as they notice me sperging, but the ones that stuck were kind of socially inept as well. i like those guys, i have a feeling we understand each other better and better, they think its cute instead of fucking weird when i act retarded because of aforementioned problems.

i also approached first boyfriend, but fucked that relationship up out of fear. this guy im with now has been on off (he was the one breaking it off every time, also fucked me over big time) for a good time, but now weve been going steady for 1.5 year-2 year without him breaking it off.

id say it is easier for fembots in some cases. if youre only looking for sex, id think its easier for a fembot. if youre however talking about a genuine equal relationship, it would be equally hard (that from my point of view of a good relationship), maybe even harder for the female because guys dont open up emotionally and thats really fucking awful for a relationship (that i would see as ideal)

>thinks ----she's---- a robot
>has boyfriend and long relationship history
pls fuck off normie girl

i think it'd have been neat if we could've seen the sex questions asked separately by gender.

(same femanon here)
actually your second paragraph was/is exactly how it has felt all these years for me. for the average person im childish, idiotic, moderatly attractive but definitely not someone to consider dating. it seemed that they wouldnt even see me as a sexual / romantic being.

on r9k i would be the perfect description; i give off more cute cuddly vibes, am pretty smol, relatively intelligent (university count for something r-right?) and nerdy. that doesnt work in the real world though, so my game is mostly fellow nerdy boys who are socially inept and also fuck up. and i dont mind, because i think its cute when they say "honk honk" as a first encouter with my breasts (current bf, total extra virgine back then, just like me). so that has been working out for me so far

read better idiot. i specifically says i dont qualify as an incel.

you think you're a fembot though, you're just some normie here to gawk

try to quote me on that idiot. only said that i felt that r9k is the place that i most fit in because of aforementioned shit, and because when i started out here i didnt have any romantic/sexual potential at all.
stop projecting sadfag and learn how to read

Interesting survey, thanks OP.
I also wish there was a reliable way to determine the gender ratio of Jow Forums (i.e. not with surveys where larpers will put female)

>id say it is easier for fembots
there's your quote bitch now fuck off normie cunt.

You dont belong here. Go have more sex with your bf you slut

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A white 18 year old guy from South America. I have sympthoms of mental illness, currently trying on antidepressants. I qualify myself as an incel since I am a virgin who never kissed a girl and it's more likely to be avoided in social situations for no specific reason. I feel like there is no hope for me soon and the idea of trying with a hooker in the future doesn't seem too bad. As well as most other people in the survey I think most attractive attribute is the face, everything else seems irrelevant for a person with a beautiful face. As for disadvantages, I have a couple of minor things that actually have a lot of repercussion in my day-to-day life, like a leg a little longer than the other which causes me to be a little clumsy, and poor reflexes/response speed to stimuli. I think an incel can only be considered as an incel if it is sustained for the space of a lifetime. And no, women can't be incels. They may have horrible problems and starve from sex, but they still have plenty of opportunities and help that incels don't receive for the mere fact of being males.

I guess.
I just feel like I would just be too ashamed and not want anything to with it at that point, among other things. Like 90% of people around here lose their virginities by 17; 25 is virtually unheard of.

26 year old incel here. I join a fuck ton of clubs just to have people to talk to and shit to do through the month.
I am a member of
Young Republicans
College Republicans
Young Democrats
Sierra Club
Knights of Columbus
Young Farmers and Ranchers
College Bible study
California Native plant society
meetup.com group about movies and trivia
Tea Party
Minor league hockey booster club
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

I used to play a fuck ton of vidya when I was in college but it got boring and I started to join more clubs to find shit to kill the time. IDK if I have friends just a ton of acquaintances

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femcels exist and we deserve death just the same as everyone else