Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums
Post this on /b but no one cares so

>Be me, 9th grade
>Sister is in 7th
>Sister starts saying odd sexual things to me
>Asks me about my morning boners
>"My friend David says he gets them all the time, do you too user?"
>I shrug it off as her trying to be funny, or probably just making fun of me somehow
>Keep catching her staring at me and trying to make awkward silent eye contact
>FF to 10th grade, she sends me a text
>user come here I have something funny to show you
>She's laying on her back fucking naked, her knees up, feet on the bed and I can see her pussy
>I want to leave the room but at this point I'm a virgin and haven't ever seen this much of a girl before
>My heart is pounding, and my stomach has butterflies
>Just typing this is making me shake, remembering this day
>I always thought she was pretty and have had a few fucked up thoughts about fucking her that I was ashamed of
>I'm still just standing in her fucking doorway, just staring at her silently
>She tilts her head and looks over at me, smiling
>She says she was scared of how I was going to react but can tell I think shes sexy

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Other urls found in this thread:


pics related is her btw

>Says she always thought I was attracted, she likes my long hair
>I'm still silent at this point
>Start to get really fucking hard, I know whats about to happen
>I walk over to her bed and tell her I always thought she was attractive
>Told her I've thought about doing "stuff" with her
>She smiles and says how cute
>I start to kiss her
>She is really into it, moaning and shit
>Starts grappling with my belt
>I help her cause shes having trouble
>Finally get my dick out, she grabs it in her hand and just inspects it
>Says its the nicest dick shes ever seen
>Starts sucking my dick, shit feels amazing and i just let go
>After about 5 mins i bust in her mouth without telling her cause it felt so good
>She swallows my fucking load
>She giggles at the way I looked at her when she did it
>After we're done she asks me
>Aren't I good?
>Tells me shes been fucking her middle school friends
>Already has fucked like 10 guys
>I feel ashamed as fuck, I call her a whore and leave the room

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Also I'm in my 20s now

pics related is her btw

>We develop a sexual relationship after this, no one knows about us
>We a few times a week for a few years, even through all her boyfriends, we fuck
>Know she will always be truly mine, feel no jealousy about her boyfriends
>She is on birth control, so after I point I just start busting my loads inside her
>FF a few years later
>She gets fucking pregnant
>She has a boyfriend and I know everyone wont ask questions, but fuck I have a bad feeling its mine
>Her and her boyfriend break up while she is still pregnant, she says he cheated on her apparently
>He doesn't want anything to do with the kid
>Neither do I
>FF to when the kid is born
>He is born without a fucking kidney
>Other various health problems
>I know its because of our inbreeding
>Kid looks just like me
>Sister's boyfriend gets a paternity test, its negative
>Whole family is mad at my sister and thinks shes a whore
>She starts talking to me in secret, asking me to claim ownership
>I tell her no, fuck that, Ill deny anything you say to anyone
>Tell her I know theyll believe me over her
>Shes starts crying and says she hates me
>Starts confessing how she did meth and heroin to try and kill the baby, because mom wouldn't let her abort it
>Currently a single mom taking care of a kid with a bunch of health problems, she can't even hold a job

Fuck her desu, Im not ruining my legacy because shes a fucking retarded slut
pic related is "my" kid

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will be bumping with her pics
i still jack off to her every now and then

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any after preg pics?
and holy shit that's the least robot story i've red

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Inbreeding won't cause serious health problems unless it continues for a few generations.

Most of these pics are after preg
I wish i still had the videos but i deleted them all when she tried to get me to take responsibility
must've been the drugs then

What should I do anons, should I keep on denying it, I think she might start telling people the truth soon

It still raises chance of pregnancy complications, and u don't know how his parents were made

Shit how do i delete an image

That's not how the internet works

How can I delete an image in this thread I doxxed her fuck tell me

Amanda Murphy?
Not too smart user

Nah man this is probably some shitty reverse psychology bait so we harass this woman

Fuck off, not your personal army

im not too worried its a pretty common name

It was likely the heavy drugs.

but we know
>how she looks
>she has a child and a brother
>the child is "special"
>we literally have a post from her facebook to check if our findings are alright
u either fucked up or u want ur own personal army we are most certainly not.

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hey fuck you man, Im telling the truth
this is the only place I can really do that
also i realize you guys arent going to find her anyway just tried a search for myself, didnt bring her up

It's really not

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I feel bad for the baby man. What's gonna happen to this poor kid. His mom's a brotherfucking druggie whore and his dad is gone. He didn't deserve any of this.

Now I'm sad.

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>implying that u have same dox skils as rest of the board
top kek

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Found OP, his names Dylan

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dont do this r9k ive been here for years please

worst episode of umaru desu senpai

still wondering if OP is just being a troll though

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reported u faggot have fun getting banned

No need to raid the bitch or whatever, just sb give her a ink to this thread.

Can confirm, you beat me to it by a couple minutes.

doubt that's OP, probably some guy who OP hates and wants to fuck over. no one is dumb enough to not crop out their incest babymamas facebook name. Dylan is most likely innocent and just bullied some robot faggot a little

please dont user i just wanted to get shit off my chest

No-one cares you utter jew. We aren't just /b/'s retarded cousin who you can post shit on because the normie board dont care. Fuck off and sage

Yeah I agree, he can't be that stupid. But sometimes you gotta wonder

Is that why she says the kid looks like you in that pic? Sounds like shes hinting at something

33 replies, 11 posters
HI OP! Nice damage control

no you guys are just being retarded and taking obvious personal army bait

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Hey OP, once again, nice damage control

this thread smells funny. why would a girl be THIS slutty plus...why would he show her face PLUS town name if its his own sister

Remember when we just ruined people's lives without thinking about whether or not they were baiting us into ruining them? Good times.

hmm you are going to great lengths to prove that this is not OP sir..

yeah this is a troll thread. op said in a post she can't get a job yet her facebook says she has a job. op has a crush on this girl

If it is real he must have 2 digit IQ, so probably typing the greentext would be a struggle.
Or a """""happy""""" coincidence.

if OP has a crush on this girl, and is using personal army bait, he might have gotten rejected and went mega incel

This proves literary nothing.
It is obvious that gt's aren't 1:1 picture of reality, i mean she works at target, he just generalized the fact that she has a shite job

Why is the link to fagbook

>What should I do anons, should I keep on denying it, I think she might start telling people the truth soon

Do it like a real nigger, wait for kid to be 18

She accepted my friend request and it says "former" employee

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Oof its almost like newfags dont know that this exists.

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This thread is a low effort ruse attempt

wtf it says i cant delete a post this old

if this greentext is actually real then good luck with King Joffery

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your parenting skills are a low effort ruse attempt

To get past the spam filter

everything OP said in his greentext is actually checking out

can someone just message the bitch to see if OP is baiting or if he actually has a one digit iq?

do it urself, brave cowboy
No one is willing to do the dirty work

Not this
She wouldn't care if she wanted to just kill the baby.
Doesn't prove anything, but still.

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idk man if I fucked my sister and did all that shit "its all highly unlikely" I wouldn't post her face plus name and shit its a troll

i think he just watches from afar and after she had a kid with chad well..yeah

he said she couldn't find a job and she had one i mean minimum wage isn't the worst if you have a partner making money too. its usually enough and im betting her parents support her.

yeah it says left in 2018 so she must of recently quit/got fired. still idk seems iffy she looks like a typical hot chick shouldn't be hard to find a job