ITT: Sperg moments

ITT: Sperg moments

>Be me
>2 years ago
>6' skeletor, average looks
>Meet big tiddy goth girl
>Short hair
>Hourglass figure
>Solid 9/10
>Muster up all my courage
>She starts talking to me
>get her snap
>Talk for 2 weeks
>Goth girl becomes goth gf
>Or so I thought
>First date
>Both ends keep the conversation going
>Kinda rocky but ends well
>Food was good, pay for her meal
>"Aw thanks user"
>Walk out to parking lot
>She stands by her car, looking at me patiently, as if waiting for me to do something
>Robot activated
>Start panicking, overthink
>"What if she wants me to kiss her or something"
>Forgot to brush my teeth before hand
>Turn around
>Walk away without saying a word, get in my car and drive home
>Cant think of a way to explain what happened without sounding like an aspie
>Block her snap and never talk to her again

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They're called plugs you fucking shitbag. The gauge is the size. Every piercing has a gauge, not just plugs. Calling plugs gauges is equally as stupid as pointing at a door and calling it "inches." Yes the door is measured in inches but it is a fucking door.

>being this assblasted about someone not knowing about some shitty earrings

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>abiding commonplace ignorance as normal
You are the problem.

If it's commonplace as you say, wouldn't that, by definition, make the mistake normal? Retard

>allowing mistakes to become normal makes them correct
>it is correct to be incorrect
>there is no such thing as being incorrect

Know how I know you're a millenial?

>talk to 9/10
>has snapchat and gets HER snapchat
>goes on a Fucking date
>drives a car

Did you just come here to gloat while simultanieosly trying to get us to pity you ?
Because fuck you, fuck her and fuck off.

if you're here, you're either
1) a Millennial yourself
2) a gen Z tween
3) a creepy gen X old fart

Which is it?

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>Guy steals a bike
>Someone comments, "you must be a nigger!"
>Idiot you chimes in: "You're a nigger yourself! Or white. Or Asian. Or any of the other options."

Yes, you have listed all of the options. This is intended to constitute an argument of some kind?

it was a question, not an argument. Dare you answer it?

Here, I've revised my post to omit the word millenial so that you will be forced to respond to its content:

>>allowing mistakes to become normal makes them correct
>>it is correct to be incorrect
>>there is no such thing as being incorrect

Ya. When talking about words and the evolution of language, there's literally an entire field dedicated to explaining what you just said. Its called Etymology, retard

>he dares not
I'm not the same guy so I don't give a fuck about whatever you 2 shitbirds were arguing about. But I do very much want to know the answer to my question.

Were you asking me, OP, or the fedora tipper?

They're called plugs and you asshats have no defensible position to pretend it's okay to call them by the wrong word.

I'm asking this cockthirsty Milliennial/Gen X/Gen Z faggot

If you type in "gauges" on google its the second result. Regional dialects exist you know, I've literally never heard them called plugs before today, by anyone

>type in "gauges" on google its the second result
wat is argumentum ad populum

>never heard them called plugs before today, by anyone
Which is why it's important to explain to you how you are all wrong.

The study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.

>thread about sperg moments
>thread is literally one big sperg-out

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So you're the kind of dipshit who believes it is correct to say literally when you literally mean not literally.