What do you guys do aside from lifting?

what do you guys do aside from lifting?

I need some hobbies - all I do is lift come home and sit on youtube

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Pick up basketball. Find a good park in your town where the nigs play and git gud

You could learn to play an instrument. I've been playing pic related for about a year and half (started with guitar). I don't care if you say it's a meme or a fad, I've worked out my own way of playing it that I really like. When you get to a certain level of competence, playing can be really soothing and relaxing. But drilling yourself in the fundamentals and practicing consistently still requires discipline.

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I'm an /o/ fag and a Jow Forums fag.
I'm currently building a brigdeported rx7
>tfw don't buy engine crane because I can remove it myself because of Jow Forums

I like going to flea markets and antiquing. Collecting, buying, selling items of interest. Also an orchestral clarinetist.

youtube is a massive time waster most of the time. (aside from educational/tutorial videos) get in the habit of reading when you feel bored. its not nearly as stimulating is yt but its much more fulfilling

I've been getting more serious about photography. Got a nice entry-mid level nikon, a lightroom subscription, a few good lenses. I've been pretty well versed on how photography works, the fundamentals, etc, I just never bit the bullet and got any good gear. It's a good time and it get's me out of the house. Only thing I would say is that getting started was a bit pricey.

Pic related is one of my more recent pictures

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>build gundam models
>watch gundam cartoons
>play gundam video games
>masturbate to gundam girls

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Playing bass and fencing are my two main hobbies

I picked up photography as well and I also enjoy it. I gotta agree that it is kinda pricey. Great pic tho.

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Tabletop roleplaygames.

Vin Diesel plays it DnD so I guess you can be fit and also a basement-dwelling DnD freak. Oh I also like to meditate everyday, you should try in case you didn't.

>all I do is lift come home and sit on youtube
same but only the latter half
haha killing myself tonight

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Guns and drawing mainly. I'm still potato tier on the latter since I can't exactly juggle lifting and drawing practice without having a spergtastic meltdown.

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Try learning another language, it's a lot of fun and you can learn to communicate with people in other countries. I'm learning Norwegian

Been into comics since being a kid. Started lifting to look like pic related ayy lmao not even close

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I like road cycling and mountain biking. showing off my quads in my lycra shorts at a stoplight is fun

Thanks. It's a relaxing hobby plus it makes me pretty popular with my friends and at social events; everyone wants good instagram material.

Hey I started playing uke about 5 months ago, no guitar experience. What should I be learning/drilling? I mostly just look up songs and learn any new chords if I have to and just practice the song. I know basic music theory

I'm getting into technology: 3D printing, and AI.

I just drew and print my first little sword. I had a bunch of trouble getting it off the base because I didn't put tape underneath.

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Gardening and fly fishing. Both are great ways to relax, and you can meet some cool people.

My favorite hobby is drumming. I've been playing for about two years and it is, for me at least, the most stress relieving thing I've ever done, even moreso than lifting. I also read a lot.


Hey fellow drummerbro. welcome to the club

I enjoy learning languages (french), firearms, cooking, reading (finishing Meditations now, Beowulf is next), craft beer, and going out with my gf.

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You sir are a gentleman and a scholar

And you never will be without steroids.

There are a lot of strumming techniques you can pick up to take you're playing to another level. One of my favorite ukulele players is Lil Rev, who teaches clawhammer style (basically an old-timey banjo picking style) and a lot of other techniques. You could also work on the split stroke, popularized by George Formby. It looks and sounds really cool, but I've never been able to get the hang of it. And, of course, you could always work on your fingerpicking. Fred Sokolow teaches a lot of nice arrangements.





Tennis my friend.

Nothing better than smashing down fury on your opponent and making him feel pathetic.

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new albums

art films


hello will

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Thanks user!

I play tennis 3-4x a week. Been serious about it since 3 years ago, its fun and the high of winning is great specially if you beat someone strong.
I also run and swim atleast once a week.

>relaxing around blacks
Not living long enough to make it

>what do you guys do aside from lifting?
I’m a decent Center Back, reading (non-fiction mostly), DIY stuff around the house and for friends.

RC aviation is really fulfilling. If you don't know to fly or don't know where to start check out flite test on YouTube.

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I really liked beowolf is meditations worth a read or is it a meme?

drawing + swimming + mountaineering


Skating is based and gets you outside a lot and you meet some great people

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I draw (mostly sketching)
Running is a good way to think through shit
I just recently got a saxophone so I'm doing that now.
There's always reading. History and Sci fi are some of my go-to genres.
Board/card games with friends, and finally vidya on the rare occasions that I have an hour or two to kill

I play hockey and lift, but thats about it. They say you should have a physical hobby and an intellectual hobby, I just have two physical ones.

I'm thinking of getting into something where I can meet or connect with people, ideas?

>orchestral clarinetist
good job user

not wrong user

A choir group if you have a good voice. You could join a book or go to the food bank/shelter and volunteer your time to help feed the needy

I got fit because of my career in SWAT, so I like to do the tactical stuff like go shooting, but since I was a small boy I was always interested in radiology so my main "hobby" is doing experiments and collecting radioactive elements

I am hoping I can scrape together the money to make a deuterium fusor at some point or make a neutron gun

Same for me but Warhammer.
And now I spend time shitposting on /tg/ as well as Jow Forums

How is SWAT? Was always interested in it, but didn't like the fact of having to be beat cop first for a bit. I'm prior infantry, so I was wondering if it's any better than that.

SWAT is a lot of fun. You really get to know your buddies and it's kinda like a brotherhood almost. Kinda like the military, except you don't have to sleep together in barracks so you don't get fucked with as often. Usually the guys are older too so it's a bit more professional. It reminds me of SOF sometimes because you go out, do your thing, and pull out. The only time we're there for longer than a few hours is when there's a barricaded suspect or something and CNT is slow (CNT is always slow).

SWAT guys also get promoted fast as fuck. My dad was the first ever team leader on our team and he's a captain now.

Being a beat cop isn't terrible either, but it's nothing like SWAT

I'm about 2/3rds into it, I'm enjoying it but it's definitely more of a starting point than an ending point. I'd recommend if you have a passing interest in philosophy.

Hiking and backpacking, board games, occasionally vidya.

My hobby is feeling pain from those feels that won't stop.

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There's a bunch of stuff that I want to try out now that I'm finished with college:

New Language (Japanese) -- I'm interested in trying to find the optimal way to learn one of the hardest languages out there. Anki and DJT Kana websites have been extremely helpful, but I'm still looking for a good deck to learn conversational japanese with.

Cooking -- For the first time in my life I'm going to be preparing food for myself. If I can figure out five or six delicious, low-cost meals the quality of my life will drastically improve.

App Development -- I have ideas for apps, but I'm not versed enough with Android/iOS/React to make them real just yet.

Pick Up Artistry -- This looks like a good way to at least pick up some conversational skills and become a more grounded person. I'll be treating it as a kind of improv comedy that could potentially land me a qt gf that I had no business landing otherwise.

Sound Editing -- Making my own songs sounds like fun, I just don't have the software/experience.

Ultimate Frisbee -- Had a lot of fun doing this with my friends, but I might not be able to take this to the next level because I can't jump any more.

Wish I could do all of this stuff, but there isn't enough time in the day, especially once I have a job.

Have you considered starting/growing an instagram page?

write music, dance, programming, design, philosophy, board games

You sound like you did all this shit last week and want to try and impress people here.

Gardening, cooking, crafting, playing video games and drawing.
I'd like to pick up other hobbies, but I won't go into it.

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guitar, cello, ukulele, anime, and i used to play tennis.

How do you make cooking a social hobby?

talk while the stove is on

I cook with my gf alot, we listen to music and talk about how we're going to season things and what would go well with what, and make sure things don't burn, etc. It's a team effort.

I'd like to pick up gardening. I live in coastal Texas so I'm not entirely sure what all grows best here, but I've grown garlic before. Depending on my fiances job situation l, I may start after this month,since I have the space out back.

I have just made a rip of a set of Pimsleur Japanese lessons (conversational) and I have a zip file with the .ogg's saved on Mega because I shared them with a friend. Not sure if I can post the link here though because piracy but I've done lesson 1 and it's pretty good. Would I get banned for posting the link here on Jow Forums?

I do amateur photography, and play a lot of kendo, it's helped me a lot with lifting in terms of mentality and discipline, and at a certain level it gets more philosophical so a lot to think about and improve brain gains.

Also it's killer cardio

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Something wrong with it?

The only person I know that does Kendo is an obese weeaboo Jew.

Those typically tend to drop out once they're required to put in effort lol

Playing electric guitar. I'm considering american football, as it might work with my workout. Also since I have quit martial art classes I don't have where to channel my frustration