I am 5'2 tall 20 year old dude

i am 5'2 tall 20 year old dude

is my life over? fembots, what you think?

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Just do ill equipped like a boss nigga.

your male life is over, but your female life can begin whenever you want it to :)

It's not over provided:
1. You are at least average facially.
2. You haven't been socially crippled by your peers.
3. You have a decent career and make good money.

date a midget

maybe as last resort

i would consider myself ugly
surprisingly i am not socially awkward
i don't make a lot of money since i am a kindergarten teacher.

Well then the odds are stacked against you. You can try to find a partner but you'd be better off right now if you just enjoy being alone.

who really likes being alone though. like not alone for a while but forever

always knew my height will fuck me up sooner or later

still having an hard time realising there is no such thing as fembot haha

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It is over. Neck yourself if you can reach the rope.

maybe we got some trans nibbas here

>tfw no 5'2 boyfriend who tries to be manly and protective but only ends up looking adorable
I'm 5'3 by the way. Pic related is 5'2 and has tons of fangirls. All you need to do is become two dimensional user, it's easy. You'll be drowning in 3D fujo pussy.

oregano original origami otaku

Attached: chuuya-nakahara-101594.jpg (300x415, 36K)

I feel like you meant to post bruno mars.

Hey be my gf even though Im taller than that

well i was wrong
nice trips tho

sounds like i gotta join the..flat earth ppl then


someone just shoot me please

Who? Go to bed grandpa.
Are you cuter than that, though?
Dubs satan trips get. Posting more sexy 2d manlets.

Attached: Nakahara.Chuuya.full.2078051.jpg (1000x1152, 828K)

The only guy I have ever loved was 5'3". Height isn't as important as you think.

>i would consider myself ugly
>surprisingly i am not socially awkward
>i don't make a lot of money since i am a kindergarten teacher.

1' almost everybody thinks of themselves as ugly, hands in the air chads
2' can talk to people, catch the news more and more local bs news just to be informed and can keep up the convo
3' employed, and not a neet. You are on a wrong subreddit

Do you have a nice face? If you have a Chad face or you are well off financially you'll be fine. It will be a bit of a challenge for you; I don't envy your situation.

Maybe, idk. Im not ugly

Why are you on this board roastlefag

ouch dawg, you got fuuuucked by the long dick of genetics, 5'2 for a guy is basically a death sentence

If live in country average begin lower that 5'5 or if play sports like soccer(and dont begin the goalkeeper) play guitar.

Guys way short that my gets a lot girls only begin musics or sportsman.

Did you have a stroke user...
Im very worried for you

Get relatively fit, groom yourself, and don't walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Also, maybe develop yellow fever? Unless you want to climb a beanpole.

Asian girls self advertising on r9k huh

If you have a high enough social status (no pun intended), you can get any chick. You just have to be charismatic as fuck. So OP, how fucked are you?